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Thread: winny or primo?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    winny or primo?

    im thinkin about startin a cycle for football, should i use winny or primo. i cant really use neting else becuz of testing or whatever.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Well, Primo is much harder to come by than Winny and much more expensive as well. I've never done Primo, but I have a friend who has and he loved it. I'm on a Sust/EQ/Winny cycle right now and let me tell you, the strength gains from the Winny are unreal. I say you should go with the Winny. You get more bang for your buck IMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    If you are worried about being tested, you should consider fina/winny/tesprop...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    so how much winny do u think i should take?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Are you going to use injectible winny, or pill form. It needs to be injected pretty consistantly. Also, what are you trying to do for football, get big, or get cut. Getting cut up wont do much for you in football, youll look cool with your shirt off though. I personally have never really gotten any great strength gains off winny alone. Throw something in there with the winny, like Iron Fist said, TEST.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im tryin to get more cut with strenght gains. so i heard about winny, im would inject if i was gonna do it, and i need it out of my system fast. i heard it takes like 2 weeks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I heard that depending on which one you take oral or injectable the winny stays dectable in your system for up to a month. So at least give yourself a month to be clear for your test. I am sort of in the same situation as bigt w/ football and I heard a good cycle would be to combine primo and winny. Finally, doesn't testprop stay in you system for 3 months after you stop? If so it would not be a good idea for someone who has a drug test and if it is an NCAA test I'd be sure not to take it because you could end your career (they can test you the day you get on campus).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    2-3 months with the injectable winny..... look at detection times on the main page.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york
    Ask Ben Johnson if it is easy to get away with Winstrol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    You will keep more gains from the primo.Your liver would probably choose primo too

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    thanx im goin wit the winny and see what it does for me

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    new york
    primo=thermogenic and the 15 lbs you gain you keep
    winny results go in the toilet when you stop unless you cycle something elsa
    also primo every week whinny every other day! and you don't need to really load up on primo best anabolic The results occur from how long not how much. 1cc per week should be the most and use for 3-5 mos. This is directley from a sugeon who did my gyno surgery he was huge.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    really, do u have to use the primo for so long, i was looking for a six week cycle, i dont wanna just do winny and waist my money and time if my shit is gonna go down the toilet

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by williampowers
    primo=thermogenic and the 15 lbs you gain you keep
    winny results go in the toilet when you stop unless you cycle something elsa
    also primo every week whinny every other day! and you don't need to really load up on primo best anabolic The results occur from how long not how much. 1cc per week should be the most and use for 3-5 mos. This is directley from a sugeon who did my gyno surgery he was huge.
    Dude...this is fucked up!! I will only ask you once NOT to give advice. For two reasons.

    First of all, you have never juiced and have NO practical experience. If I was going to put a potentially dangerous drug in my body I sure as hell wouldn't want to be taking advice from somebody who has never done it themselves!!

    Second, your post is wrought with inaccuracy. 1) Primobolan IS NOT a thermogenic. No AAS increase metabloism directly leading to fat loss. 2) Primo is usually administered twice per week...not once per week. 3) You need 300mg/week (that's 3cc's) of primo to be effective and only 150-200mg of winstrol (and primo costs much more). 4) You should never recommend a beginner stay on gear for as much as 5 months....8-10 weeks is the max for a first timer. 5) The surgeon who did your gyno surgery does not know what he's talking about and I can GARAUNTEE thathe didn't get huge from 100mg/week of primobolan.

    I mean it!!! I really DO NOT want to see you giving advice on gear again unless it's prefaced by "I've read that...." or " I've heard that...." Are we clear?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Oh yeah...and that line about your gains from winny going down the toilet is HORSE SHIT!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ha.good one big pete!go down the toilet are u kidding me?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    new york
    Originally posted by Pete235

    Dude...this is fucked up!! I will only ask you once NOT to give advice. For two reasons.

    First of all, you have never juiced and have NO practical experience. If I was going to put a potentially dangerous drug in my body I sure as hell wouldn't want to be taking advice from somebody who has never done it themselves!!

    Second, your post is wrought with inaccuracy. 1) Primobolan IS NOT a thermogenic. No AAS increase metabloism directly leading to fat loss. 2) Primo is usually administered twice per week...not once per week. 3) You need 300mg/week (that's 3cc's) of primo to be effective and only 150-200mg of winstrol (and primo costs much more). 4) You should never recommend a beginner stay on gear for as much as 5 months....8-10 weeks is the max for a first timer. 5) The surgeon who did your gyno surgery does not know what he's talking about and I can GARAUNTEE thathe didn't get huge from 100mg/week of primobolan.

    I mean it!!! I really DO NOT want to see you giving advice on gear again unless it's prefaced by "I've read that...." or " I've heard that...." Are we clear?
    Let me start off by saying that the wealth of information found on this board is great. Second Pete I thought that other peoples opinion are never trashed and to answer you,
    I heard from my surgeon that primobloban depot results are better with less dosage and more time..
    Pete tell me I was wrong in saying that Primobloban depot is the best and safest anabolic ?
    Pete tell me I was wrong that primo has shown to reduce body fat while putting on or retaining muscle.
    The fact is kids such me you and this kidd in football should never do juice it's very dangerous but I geuss loading a kidd up on 300 mg is safer then 100mg right that is suc.
    The sugeon that recommended the dosage said it is dangerous when people over do it like taking 300mg in a short period of time. He answered me when I told him I was interested in AS. That was 3 years ago and I am much smarter now naf find results stay with hard work not cheating.
    To the kidd that asked the question eat right train hard and get your rest and don't thiunk about it unless you one day want to compete other then that it's not worth it man stay healthy.......
    Last edited by williampowers; 05-27-2002 at 06:59 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    You have no idea what the hell your talking about(or your surgeon)100mg primo/week won't do DICK.Your body almost produces that much per week 70mg about.So all you will be doing is wasting alotof money.So listen to pete and do some more reading and less advising!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by williampowers

    Let me start off by saying that the wealth of information found on this board is great. Second Pete I thought that other peoples opinion are never trashed and to answer you,
    I heard from my surgeon that primobloban depot results are better with less dosage and more time..
    Pete tell me I was wrong in saying that Primobloban depot is the best and safest anabolic ?
    Pete tell me I was wrong that primo has shown to reduce body fat while putting on or retaining muscle.
    The fact is kids such me you and this kidd in football should never do juice it's very dangerous but I geuss loading a kidd up on 300 mg is safer then 100mg right that is suc.
    The sugeon that recommended the dosage said it is dangerous when people over do it like taking 300mg in a short period of time. He answered me when I told him I was interested in AS. That was 3 years ago and I am much smarter now naf find results stay with hard work not cheating.
    To the kidd that asked the question eat right train hard and get your rest and don't thiunk about it unless you one day want to compete other then that it's not worth it man stay healthy.......
    Dude two things...first of all the only time anybody gets trashed is when they give out potentially dangerous advice about administering AAS. That is EXACTLY what you did!! I will say this again, DON'T give out advice on AAS because you don't know about them. If you think you have an answer say "I've read that...." or "I've heard that...." that is the only time you should ever post in this foum. Second, I trashed you on this thread but the next day helped you out in the Fitness forums regarding diet...remember? This should tell you that this is not personal. I get very angry when people with little or no knowledge try to offer advice on a potentially dangerous topic.

    As far as primobolan being one of the better drugs out there, show me where I disputed that fact. I merely stated that winstrol was cheaper and required a smaller dosage. I'll stand by that and I'm sure everybody here will back me up.

    Your doctor or surgeon or "whatever" knows SHIT about AAS. Just because somebody has a medical dgree does not mean they are an expert on gear. Quite the contrary actually. I would say that 9 out of 10 doctors know less about AAS then the people on this board. Just ask you GP what trenbolone accetate is and what it's effects are...positive and negative. Then ask the same question on this forum.

    Last but not least, show me the documentation that proves that using gear is very dangerous (I mean clinical data..not propoganda drudged up by some fat ass reporter who functions on twinkies and Marlboros). Oh yeah, and if you feel that using anabolics/androgenics is cheating then I would suggest you might want to start looking for another board to call home. Just so we're clear the name of this board is "Anabolic Review" and 90% of our members are using, have used or are looking to use. This board is in place to make sure people who decide to use stay safe and healthy. If you want to bang the natural drum fine, more power to you. But if you start putting down the decisions made by 90% of our members you are not goingto be well liked. Food for thought bro.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by williampowers
    The fact is kids such me you and this kidd in football should never do juice it's very dangerous
    One last thing, I'm 35 years old...that hardly qualifies me as a kid. And just so you know, I never touched juice until I was 34 years old. I trained naturally for 16+ are you telling me I'm cheating now?

    Oh yeah...primobolan DOES NOT burn fat!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by Pete235

    Dude two things...first of all the only time anybody gets trashed is when they give out potentially dangerous advice about administering AAS. That is EXACTLY what you did!! I will say this again, DON'T give out advice on AAS because you don't know about them. If you think you have an answer say "I've read that...." or "I've heard that...." that is the only time you should ever post in this foum. Second, I trashed you on this thread but the next day helped you out in the Fitness forums regarding diet...remember? This should tell you that this is not personal. I get very angry when people with little or no knowledge try to offer advice on a potentially dangerous topic.

    As far as primobolan being one of the better drugs out there, show me where I disputed that fact. I merely stated that winstrol was cheaper and required a smaller dosage. I'll stand by that and I'm sure everybody here will back me up.

    Your doctor or surgeon or "whatever" knows SHIT about AAS. Just because somebody has a medical dgree does not mean they are an expert on gear. Quite the contrary actually. I would say that 9 out of 10 doctors know less about AAS then the people on this board. Just ask you GP what trenbolone accetate is and what it's effects are...positive and negative. Then ask the same question on this forum.

    Last but not least, show me the documentation that proves that using gear is very dangerous (I mean clinical data..not propoganda drudged up by some fat ass reporter who functions on twinkies and Marlboros). Oh yeah, and if you feel that using anabolics/androgenics is cheating then I would suggest you might want to start looking for another board to call home. Just so we're clear the name of this board is "Anabolic Review" and 90% of our members are using, have used or are looking to use. This board is in place to make sure people who decide to use stay safe and healthy. If you want to bang the natural drum fine, more power to you. But if you start putting down the decisions made by 90% of our members you are not goingto be well liked. Food for thought bro.

    Just to let you know Pete....I've got your back on this one!!!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    new york

    Re: williampower

    Originally posted by JERSEY SHORE
    You have no idea what the hell your talking about(or your surgeon)100mg primo/week won't do DICK.Your body almost produces that much per week 70mg about.So all you will be doing is wasting alotof money.So listen to pete and do some more reading and less advising!!
    1st-Let me start by saying that the use of this shit is not worth it unless you compete and I am no expert.

    2nd- Just because you do a cycle of roids so you can get raedy for laTemps on Saturday night with the rest of the big and bloated by May and feeble and scrawny by Semptember doesnt make you a expert either

    I simply reiterated what a Plastic Surgeon who conducts a shit load of gyno surgeries because of idiots like you and ME in the past who think more is better.
    When I went to the doctor for the surgery I was sauced up on clen and later deca 400mg per week peak.. All my freinds at the time were juiced up out of their minds from kidds gaining 50lbs from just anadrol and dbol to kids cycling sust 250 and d-bol every year and gaining 30 lbs.
    I was so worried about the gyno coming back but still wanted to juice i suggested Primo and said the only thing that sucks is that it is expensive at the time 16-18 per 100mg and going to 3-4 cc's per week would just add to the expense. He said I shouldn't go that high and that results come with time.
    I will say it again this guy was HUUUGE from all sorts of shit and would travel to mexico just to pick it up...
    I would rather take his advice then your's or bigpete if I ever decided to touch that garbage (which I never will not worth it...) All I am saying is the steroid world as well as the fitness world is full of different views that worked for some and not for all.

    I am not at fault for putting another theory out there.

    Below is something I pulled from a website which is different then both of our views see my point????

    This is what I found on a website and it calls for ONCE a week for 12 weeks (3mos) and doesnt go higher then 2 cc's per week.
    An example of a stacked cycle for an novice user would go something like this.
    Primobolan Depot (100 mg/ml) --(pd)
    Deca (100 mg/ml) -- (de)
    Winstrol (50 mg/ml) -- (wi)
    HCG-- 5000 IU per injection

    Week Sunday Monday
    Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    1 100mg pd
    2 100mg pd 150mg de
    3 150mg pd 50mg wi 200mg de 50mg wi
    4 150mg pd 50mg wi 200mg de 50mg wi 50mg wi
    5 200mg pd 50mg wi 200mg de 50mg wi 50mg wi
    6 200mg pd 50mg wi 50mg wi 200mg de 50mg wi 50mg wi
    7 150mg pd 50mg wi 50mg wi 200mg de 50mg wi 50mg wi
    8 150mg pd 50mg wi 150mg de 50mg wi 50mg wi
    9 150mg pd 50mg wi 100mg de 50mg wi 50mg wi
    10 100mg pd 50mg wi 50mg de 50mg wi
    11 5000 IU HCG
    12 5000 IU HCG

    - Looking for an excellent resource on steroid cycles check outt Anabolics 2000

    | Resources | Li

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Re: williampower

    Originally posted by williampowers
    I simply reiterated what a Plastic Surgeon who conducts a shit load of gyno surgeries because of idiots like you and ME in the past who think more is better.
    I never said more was better. I give advice based on thorough research and practical experience. You give advice based on hersey. I'm a family man with a son and I don't show off by parading around in tank tops. Also, I've never claimed to be an expert, but I do know a hell of lot more than you or your surgeon. I'm currently on my 3rd cycle and have not lost anything from my previous two cycles so your comment "Just because you do a cycle of roids so you can get raedy for laTemps on Saturday night with the rest of the big and bloated by May and feeble and scrawny by Semptember doesnt make you a expert either" was as big a pile of shit as your comment about gains from winny going down the toilet.

    Opinions are fine and for the THIRD time I will tell the future preface all your posts in this forum with "Im no expert but I've heard" OR "I once read that...." at least that way people will know where the info is coming from.

    One last thing, I never called you names. I stated that you didn't know what you were talking about and proved it.....that is all. But, you crossed the line when you called me an idiot. I will give you a chance to take it back or I will ban you. I'm not asking you...I'm telling you!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2002
    new york
    Originally posted by Pete235

    One last thing, I'm 35 years old...that hardly qualifies me as a kid. And just so you know, I never touched juice until I was 34 years old. I trained naturally for 16+ are you telling me I'm cheating now?

    Oh yeah...primobolan DOES NOT burn fat!!!
    I read in a muscle media issue about 4 years ago when they would give centerfolds about gear and they did one on Primo. The article stated and praise all of the health benefits as well as showing a reduction in body fat thru thermogenics not as much as clen but some. Why do you think so many come off a test cycle with it.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Oh dear Oh dear..........

    Gyno on 400mg Deca.........

    Bye Bye

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    new york

    Re: Re: Re: williampower

    Originally posted by Pete235

    I never said more was better. I give advice based on thorough research and practical experience. You give advice based on hersey. I'm a family man with a son and I don't show off by parading around in tank tops. Also, I've never claimed to be an expert, but I do know a hell of lot more than you or your surgeon. I'm currently on my 3rd cycle and have not lost anything from my previous two cycles so your comment "Just because you do a cycle of roids so you can get raedy for laTemps on Saturday night with the rest of the big and bloated by May and feeble and scrawny by Semptember doesnt make you a expert either" was as big a pile of shit as your comment about gains from winny going down the toilet.

    Opinions are fine and for the THIRD time I will tell the future preface all your posts in this forum with "Im no expert but I've heard" OR "I once read that...." at least that way people will know where the info is coming from.

    One last thing, I never called you names. I stated that you didn't know what you were talking about and proved it.....that is all. But, you crossed the line when you called me an idiot. I will give you a chance to take it back or I will ban you. I'm not asking you...I'm telling you!!
    The temps post was directed towards JERSEY SHORE NOT YOU.
    You are not an idiot.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    new york
    Originally posted by Big Al
    Oh dear Oh dear..........

    Gyno on 400mg Deca.........

    Bye Bye
    In the 1996 anabolic review guide they said that at 400 milligrams of deca you increase the chances gyno and water retention. Less then that is good to avoid it...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I really can't be arsed with that.......

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    new york
    Originally posted by Big Al
    I really can't be arsed with that.......

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by williampowers
    I read in a muscle media issue about 4 years ago when they would give centerfolds about gear and they did one on Primo. The article stated and praise all of the health benefits as well as showing a reduction in body fat thru thermogenics not as much as clen but some. Why do you think so many come off a test cycle with it.
    Primobolan depot is an anabolic steroid which helps increase lean body mass. The addition of lean body mass speeds up the bodies ability to naturally burm body fat. Primobolan does not aromitize and cause little water retention. This is why people use for contest is not a fat burner!! BTW...your dosage recommendation of 100mg/week is what most women use. "100 mg Primobolan Depot/week, combined with 50 mg Winstrol Depot/week, is usually an effective stack for many women and is tolerated well so that virilization symptoms are rarely ob-served." And this is not referring to women who compete "For competing female athletes this stack, however, is too weak." here is what 100mg/week will do for men " Dosages as low as 100 mg Primobolan Depot/week or 50 mg Deca-Durabolin/week (also often used for bridging) are non-toxic and mostly have no side effects. However, the effectiveness of such an intake must be strongly doubted since both compounds in this dosage are much too weak in order to effectively counter affect the cata-bolic phase which begins in the steroid phases. "

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Give it up! Nobody is going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. You have already stated your disdain for people who use AAS so my advice would be, spend your time in the "fitness forums". That way there will be no problem.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Austinpowers, oops i mean williampowers. that still doesn't sound like an apology. I don't have many posts on this site, but have been lurking for awhile. I've read hundreds of threads from past and present and it seems to me that Pete really knows his shit. IMO your barking up the wrong tree. Just my 2 cents.

  33. #33
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    new york
    Originally posted by Havesome77
    Austinpowers, oops i mean williampowers. that still doesn't sound like an apology. I don't have many posts on this site, but have been lurking for awhile. I've read hundreds of threads from past and present and it seems to me that Pete really knows his shit. IMO your barking up the wrong tree. Just my 2 cents.

    oops I mean havesome 77 (sorry pete I had to bro) this was between me and pete235 I never doubted that he doesn't know his stuff he has to, to become a moderator (I think). It has been resolved and I know he has a job to do.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: williampower

    Originally posted by williampowers

    The temps post was directed towards JERSEY SHORE NOT YOU.
    You are not an idiot.
    You don't want to start with me MR.IGNORANT!!!Each reply you make the dumber you look!!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    new york

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: williampower

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by JERSEY SHORE

    You don't want to start with me MR.IGNORANT!!!Each reply you make the dumber you look!!
    I can not reply....

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro give it a rest common.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    new york
    Originally posted by big N
    bro give it a rest common.

    Okay I done.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Rest your fingers Pete. There is no hope. Anybody that can't be swayed by your argument so far is just not gonna come around.

    wp: you are far better off just observing and learning. Admitting that you can be wrong is the first step towards true wisdom.

    Pete's a fair guy and he will listen to reason--but if you want to win an argument here, you have to do better than "this doctor I know says." That is not proof, that's quoting an unreliable 3rd party source and nobody buys that as proof. It's at the bottom of the list of reliable sources--only one step above the infamous "this big guy at my gym told me!"

    Pete's also right about not giving advice if you don't know what you are talking about. That's downright dangerous.

    You are at the crossroads now. Wise up, shut up and learn--or you are going to get booted. (Sorry if I am beign too blunt, but that sums it up just the way I wanted it to!)

    If you hadn't noticed Pete235 is a Mod. That rhymes with God. He has the power to ban users for improper behavior at his discretion. He has given you more lattitude than most Mods would so far--so take advantage of his tolerant behavior and cool your jets before it's too late.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    new york
    Originally posted by Ajax
    Rest your fingers Pete. There is no hope. Anybody that can't be swayed by your argument so far is just not gonna come around.

    wp: you are far better off just observing and learning. Admitting that you can be wrong is the first step towards true wisdom.

    Pete's a fair guy and he will listen to reason--but if you want to win an argument here, you have to do better than "this doctor I know says." That is not proof, that's quoting an unreliable 3rd party source and nobody buys that as proof. It's at the bottom of the list of reliable sources--only one step above the infamous "this big guy at my gym told me!"

    Pete's also right about not giving advice if you don't know what you are talking about. That's downright dangerous.

    You are at the crossroads now. Wise up, shut up and learn--or you are going to get booted. (Sorry if I am beign too blunt, but that sums it up just the way I wanted it to

    If you hadn't noticed Pete235 is a Mod. That rhymes with God. He has the power to ban users for improper behavior at his discretion. He has given you more lattitude than most Mods would so far--so take advantage of his tolerant behavior and cool your jets before it's too late.
    I resolved it with pete it's okay

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Northern New Jersey
    can't we all just get along?.....hey williamspower... for 90%of my life i have been everything (im 22 now), NO BUILD, extremely fat, which inevitably brought on SEVERE depression; nearly suicidal... my hard work

    and use of gear have brought me a new page im my life and to be

    honest, gear saved my life... if your gonna talk shit on how were all





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