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Thread: D-Bol Liquid/Pills

  1. #1

    D-Bol Liquid/Pills

    Does it matter how you take D-Bol (for effectiveness/side effects)?
    I believed that D-Bol is more effective then D-Bol Pills because by injecting it you bypass the liver. By taking it orally you would have to up your dosage because some gets knocked out when it goes through your liver.

    Someone recently told me that is does not matter how you take d-bol because it passes through your liver twice regardless. Any thoughts or advice??

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hell bro DBOL pills are so cheap I couldnt imagine why you would want to shoot Reforvit daily...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    The liquid Dbol you see on lists,isn't injectable dbol,it's oral 99% of the time.
    And you are correct,injectable is more effective than oral.I recently saw a study on this with Winstrol.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    The liquid Dbol you see on lists,isn't injectable dbol,it's oral 99% of the time.
    And you are correct,injectable is more effective than oral.I recently saw a study on this with Winstrol.


    agreed but why go through the hassle of injecting when you can just orally consume them. i myself wouldn't like to do ed shots in the am and before training to make sure blood levels are stable. i'd rather take my 25mg before and 25mg after orally. that's just me i guess.

    if you want to inject something...inject test. that's all you need right there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Yeah bro all the UGL's that have Liquid DBOL on their list are reffering to an Oral solution....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by H-O-V-A
    agreed but why go through the hassle of injecting when you can just orally consume them.

    For the same reason some take Tren ED instead of EOD. For the same reason some will take a Test, 19 nor and a DHT derivitive all in one cycle. For the same reason some shoot GH twice a day. In Lamens terms it's just plain more effective as Pinn stated. We all take different measures to get gains. I totally see where you're coming from and can't argue much b/c your user name matches the last half of mine. But I can tell you that if there's a way to maximize my gains then count me 110% in...............

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    For the same reason some take Tren ED instead of EOD. For the same reason some will take a Test, 19 nor and a DHT derivitive all in one cycle. For the same reason some shoot GH twice a day. In Lamens terms it's just plain more effective as Pinn stated. We all take different measures to get gains. I totally see where you're coming from and can't argue much b/c your user name matches the last half of mine. But I can tell you that if there's a way to maximize my gains then count me 110% in...............

    agreed. i just personally wouldn't. you get me? at least not with dbol. masteron, tren, prop, winny...fine but dbol?? ehhhh i'll pass although i love it.

    btw, nice name.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by H-O-V-A
    agreed. i just personally wouldn't. you get me? at least not with dbol. masteron, tren, prop, winny...fine but dbol?? ehhhh i'll pass although i love it.

    btw, nice name.
    Hmmmmm.....Sounds like you are going to be an old man with a messed up liver. I would prob consider some health issues, i mean what the hell we are in a steroid forum. But there are ways to minimize those risks. If you have the opportunity to bypass that first pass through the liver, WHY NOT????

    Or maybe if you dont like injections, Try pills day EOD, Then Injectable EOD.
    But Like Jay said i want to also maximize the effectiveness, while also lowering the side. ie:liver.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    The liquid Dbol you see on lists,isn't injectable dbol,it's oral 99% of the time.
    And you are correct,injectable is more effective than oral.I recently saw a study on this with Winstrol.

    Pinn, not this time. This time its that 1%. Its injectable D-Bol. He also has the oral pills and oral liquid. Surprising though at the least.

    Has anyone tried D-Bol injectable from a UG lab? And this is a very respectable ug lab BTW.

  11. #11

    Also, Injectable D-Bol bypasses the initial pass through your liver. We should take advantage of this.

  12. #12
    I've never seen injectable d bol. I suppose maybe it is becoming more common with all of the UGL's.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by velvetlion
    I've never seen injectable d bol. I suppose maybe it is becoming more common with all of the UGL's.

    Injectable D-Bol is not common to find. All you use to could get was Reforvit-B 25mg (which is Methandrostenolone (d-bol) mixed with some b vitamins). You can still find this product in Mexico.

    Although, there are a few UG labs that do make injectable D-bol. Its def worth a try. More effective than oral!

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