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Thread: Can't Wait till it kicks in

  1. #1

    Can't Wait till it kicks in

    I'm like a little kid. I can't wait until the test kicks in. I'm almost 2 1/2 weeks in on test E and it's driving me crazy waiting for the results. Anyone else feel this way?

  2. #2
    You will be waiting a while. Thats why god made dbol

  3. #3
    I hear ya spyder, I would have used Dbol but it makes my BP go through the roof.

  4. #4
    Yeah, strong stuff. My kidneys were sore from dbol.

  5. #5
    What is your opinion on Anavar? Have you done it? What were your results?

  6. #6
    Have not used it. Ive only done one cycle so far(dbol/test), i'm starting my second one(drol/test) in a few weeks. I like my heavy bulk cycles. Altough i hear good things about Anavar.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    I'm like a little kid. I can't wait until the test kicks in. I'm almost 2 1/2 weeks in on test E and it's driving me crazy waiting for the results. Anyone else feel this way?

    Obviously this isn't your first cycle b/c you stated that Dbol makes you BP go through the roof. So I dont see a need for a test only cycle. If you really wanted to stick with test only you could have jumpstarted with a little prop for 3 weeks. That way you could have seen results right off the bat.

    To answer your question about anavar I'd have to say that it's my favorite oral as far as no sides and quality gains. Strength, lean size can be seen by taking even a mediocre dose of 40-50mgs ED. My next run I'm bumping up to 80mgs ED but I have also ran it quite a few times. The reason some don't like it is b/c of price. It's a bit pricy but anything that allows me to keep the majority of my gains is worth it in my book.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The waiting time for long acting esters can be hard to deal with sometimes. I usally got a bit paranoid before, if my gear was legit or not, but now I kickstart. T-bol works good!

  9. #9
    I will be taking Anavar weeks 7 through 15 along side of the test. Just looking for some opinions? I'm going with 50mgs ED

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    hey bro, i currently just started a cycle with test e as my base and im 1.5 weeks into it. i too can not wait till it kicks in!! as for now im already feeling the fina i have in my cycle and so far thats great.

    also, what dose are you running the test e at?

  11. #11
    500mgs. per week. I know that's not that high of a dose, but I respond pretty well to test

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    yeah same for me too bro.. 500 mg does a good job for the gains i like to get.
    are you splitting the shots in 2 days?

  13. #13
    mon. morn and thurs. afternoon every 3.5 days

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    thats how im doin it bro.. keepin the levels nice and stable..
    well, good luck on your go. keep us posted on the gains you get when it does finally kick it fully.

    i will be updating the my thread every few days if you want to check on how its goin as well.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you guys should use some tumbleweed for the bp

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