I want this summer to be the one where i really look the dogs bollocks...
Iv arranged my cycle so that in 8 weeks, i do a short 6 weeker, then after PCT and time off it will bring me to arrouind mid june when it starts to get warm in the uk...After my next proposed cycle im wondering what to run in june...I want to obviously be ripped to shit but still want to put on as much mass as possible...Heres my next short cycle - hopefully i can get 14 keepable lbs...well that what im looking to get anyway...
My next cycle in 8 weeks is :
Dbol @ 50mg/Day Week 1-5
Tren A @ 56mg EOD Week 1-6
Prop @ 187.5 me EOD Week 1-6
What should i do after this in mid june ? I may stay on then from june till the end of august (when summer finishs)
Iv just thought now though when writing this that maybe i could run a long cycle in 8 weeks...say 10 weeks, and 10 weeks off...8 weeks would work better as it would bring me to the end of June then maybe cut up for the summer...What should i do ?
8 Week Bulker in 8 weeks time...then a cutting cycle in summer...what would be good to bulk with for 8 weeks (I CANNOT extend to 10 or it will not work out right for summer, and i need to start in 8 weeks )