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Thread: Is there still hope?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Is there still hope?

    I have been running 600 mgs of test and 500 mgs of eq...I was 190 I'm 193 now I have not gainned much consdering im going into week 6... I have noticed my strength going up but my weight isn't I thought I would gain about 10-15 lbs and I only have 6 weeks left think it's possible to gain 10 lbs in the last 6 weeks? I got the test flu in week 4 so that whole week i lost weight and didn't go to the gym. I'm 6'2 193 I'm looking to be 200 atleast! any hope?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    obviousouly if you're taking that and not growing only one thing can be wrong and that is your diet; not enough calories is what it sounds like to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    yes mate as long as your diet,rest and trainin is up to par,i myself do not see any significant gains on test e till around week 7!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by PLAYA4LIFE
    obviousouly if you're taking that and not growing only one thing can be wrong and that is your diet; not enough calories is what it sounds like to me.
    not necessarilly mate,it could be his diet but like i explained abouv,i and others when usin test e do not see much till around week 7.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    r u sure that uve got the reall deal or they may be fake or underdosed & what about ur diet is it ok

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by PapaPump8
    I have been running 600 mgs of test and 500 mgs of eq...I was 190 I'm 193 now I have not gainned much consdering im going into week 6... I have noticed my strength going up but my weight isn't I thought I would gain about 10-15 lbs and I only have 6 weeks left think it's possible to gain 10 lbs in the last 6 weeks? I got the test flu in week 4 so that whole week i lost weight and didn't go to the gym. I'm 6'2 193 I'm looking to be 200 atleast! any hope?

    Gear's bunk, or your on the kenya distance running team diet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    why is the gear fake,i and others do not see gains on the longer actin tests till week 7!!he may be one of them!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    im almost postive the gear isn't fake because i was pushing 275 3 times and now im pushing it 8 so that alone shows my strenght is up. Plus i got the test flu or maybe it was just the flu but im pretty sure it was the test. I don't ever react great to gear I'm a hard gainner. I feel like i have eatten well enough to gain more then 3 lbs.

    I mean I eat 4 meals and 2 shakes my shake alone is 1000 cal with milk so that's 2,000 in shakes alone, plus add in the steak,chicken,pasta im near 3000 -4000 cal a day which isn't bad.

  9. #9
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    why is the gear fake,i and others do not see gains on the longer actin tests till week 7!!he may be one of them!!

    With his stats at 6 weeks on he should be heavier then 3 lbs.
    For bigger ppl I can understand it taking 6 weeks for gains to start, but not for beginers or other smaller juicers like him.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    your calories need to be at 4500-6000 at least per day when your on cycle bulking also with you upping your calories and carbs that can be why you gained strength. Also, if this is your first cycle I would say your stuff is counterfeit because you should gain a lot more weight then 3 pounds no matter what taking what your taking.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2005
    it has been 41 days so that's 6 weeks...Fellas this has been my problem the last 2 cycles I never gain or feel like im on anything. I use to think my gear was always fake but this is the 3rd diffrent person i have got gear from i highly dout all 3 times i got fake shit plus i got acne on my back and i never get acne there...

    I still have 6 weeks im going to start eatting more if it's possible ima try to take in 3 shakes and 4 meals that should get me to about 5000 cal. is there still hope to gain in the last 6 weeks?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    sure if your stuff is legit. If not then no and you will still see sides.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    no this isn't my first cycle i gainned like crazy my first cycle and since i have done 2 cycles and didn't gain much! this is an on going thing with me. I know ima get flamed for not eatting enough but i feel like i eat a lot my friend and co-workers think im a fat ass cause i always have food ion my or im eatting.

    Yesterday I had a Chciken burrito in the morning, a shake then off to the gym came home had a chciken sandwich and went to work at work had a Sirlion with mash potatos and a cheese cake. I had a loaf of bread and some chciken fingers. I had another shake then had a peanut butter sandwich! I guess looking at that it's not much! It's just hard for me to eat 5,000 cal i feel like ima throw up but i guess it's not easy and it shouldn't be!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    If your 6'2 193lbs on your 3rd cycle and still not growing something is wrong. If it's not the gear it's either your diet/training/rest thats fvcked up. If those are good then your genetics REALLY suck when it comes to gaining size and I don't know what to tell you.

  15. #15
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    Sep 2005
    I started out at 150 maybe less i was the skinnest kid you ever seen in your life i have came a long way don't get me wrong! But my rest is good i sleep in everyday i get more then 8 hours that's for sure. It's not traiining I been working out for some time I worked out with ghuys who were always older and had been working out for years so i have a good foundation. I worked out with a pro body builder for about a year so i know what im doing.

    I'm 6'2 193 but i look really good i think. My body fat is about 6 percent so i got pretty cut and 193 isn't small i still psuh 275 for 8 and shoulder press 225 for 10..Still I'm not 200lbs like i want to be

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    try taking in more bread, pasta, rice, potatoes for carbs and make sure you're getting your protein. I take in large quantities up to 6000calories a day just from those four foods which are quality and also pack on the calories.

  17. #17
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by PapaPump8
    I started out at 150 maybe less i was the skinnest kid you ever seen in your life i have came a long way don't get me wrong! But my rest is good i sleep in everyday i get more then 8 hours that's for sure. It's not traiining I been working out for some time I worked out with ghuys who were always older and had been working out for years so i have a good foundation. I worked out with a pro body builder for about a year so i know what im doing.

    I'm 6'2 193 but i look really good i think. My body fat is about 6 percent so i got pretty cut and 193 isn't small i still psuh 275 for 8 and shoulder press 225 for 10..Still I'm not 200lbs like i want to be
    Bench 275lbs 8x and shoulder press 225 10x thats odd.. must be weak in the chest compared to your shoulders or somethen.

    You said you were 150lbs when you started and now you say you have a good foundation,Man I hope so after 2 cycles. Thats your problem , you started cycleing way to small and you've gained 43lbs which is good for a cycle but you should have been at that naturally then cycled. Your body needs to take a rest from AAS and needs to grow naturally.

  18. #18
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    Sep 2005
    I was thinking the same thing maybe my body just wont grow because i have done 4 cycles so close together maybe i need a good amount of time off i normally take about 2-3 month off then im right back on. I have came a far way 40lbs + since i started. Now i'm stuck I can get into the 200lb club. maybe it's because i never did pct...I know pretty freken retared on my part!

    I think i was 150 then did a cycle got to 175 then came off fell to about 170 never did a pct then 2 month later got on again got to about 180 then drop to 175 or so then came off got on again got to 185 then came off and i did one more got to 195 then fell to 190 and so i got on this time again so i have done about 4 cycles i never did pct ever cause i never had any side effect my sex drive was alway there now i realize i was a COMPLETE IDIOT even though it hasn't effect me it effect the size i should have kept. I'm 23 now.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by PapaPump8
    I was thinking the same thing maybe my body just wont grow because i have done 4 cycles so close together maybe i need a good amount of time off i normally take about 2-3 month off then im right back on. I have came a far way 40lbs + since i started. Now i'm stuck I can get into the 200lb club. maybe it's because i never did pct...I know pretty freken retared on my part!

    I think i was 150 then did a cycle got to 175 then came off fell to about 170 never did a pct then 2 month later got on again got to about 180 then drop to 175 or so then came off got on again got to 185 then came off and i did one more got to 195 then fell to 190 and so i got on this time again so i have done about 4 cycles i never did pct ever cause i never had any side effect my sex drive was alway there now i realize i was a COMPLETE IDIOT even though it hasn't effect me it effect the size i should have kept. I'm 23 now.

    Take off atleast 6 months to recover your natural test. Do pct this time.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by PLAYA4LIFE
    your calories need to be at 4500-6000 at least per day when your on cycle bulking also with you upping your calories and carbs that can be why you gained strength. Also, if this is your first cycle I would say your stuff is counterfeit because you should gain a lot more weight then 3 pounds no matter what taking what your taking.
    great point....Remember individuals who are already muscular may need 3,000-4,000 calories or more just to maintain their weight even on a non workout day.

    I know i need about 3,500 on average to maintain my weight where i am now- many more than most people....that is with working out in the gym 4 times per week, but most people would get fat off that many calories. The crucial aspect is that ONE POUND OF MUSCLE burns 30 calories. So if you gain 10 pounds of muscle after a cycle, you will need 300 more calories to maintain your weight per day than you did before the cycle!

    Back to this guy's question it is definetely your diet. Not enough calories! Try getting more than 1,000 to 2,000 calories from food. That is not a lot! You need to eat, and eat for real. If cost is an issue go to the grocery store and buy cheap chicken breasts, and rice pilaf, maybe you can buy some cheap cookies or desserts just have to EAT for real to take advantage of the AAS and TRAIN as HARD AS YOU CAN.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    okay im hoping in the next 6 weeks if i just up my cal big time i can manage to gain 10lbs i went and got some prtein and some chicken breast with pasta and rice so i just got to eat till i can't eat and hopefully i will gain weight!

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