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Thread: Lower Cardio?

  1. #1

    Question Lower Cardio?

    I was at the gym tonight doing my chest and tris heavy. One of my friends who is a litte older than I am, told me not to do so much Carido(30-45 mins) or I am going to ruin my gains from my weight lifting. Is this true or should I do 30-45mins of cardio 5 days a week to lower my BF% or will it really make me grow slower?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Hi Jay-

    This forum is for anabolic steroid discussion only.Post this question in the"Workout Forum"



  3. #3
    what now?
    1. when are you doing cardio?
    2. are you cutting or bulking?
    3. I dont see a question involving steroids.

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