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Thread: winstrol, I need to be sure!!!

  1. #1
    alevok Guest

    Question winstrol, I need to be sure!!!

    I'm almost 100% sure that my winstrols are ok, but I want to make sure and have your opinions anyway.
    My cutting cycle (12 weeks) as follows
    100mg winstrol eod (50mg for each Body part, bis, tris, delts)
    200mg deca/week
    200mg primo/week
    25mg proviron/day
    2 weeks on spiropent 2 weeks on ECA
    So far my body fat dropped down to 4% (body weight 210, height 6.3 )and got nice abs, my weins are popping out.
    What do you think of my cycle?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	winny1.jpg 
Views:	1686 
Size:	32.7 KB 
ID:	10107  

  2. #2
    alevok Guest
    another one
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	winny2.jpg 
Views:	1631 
Size:	28.8 KB 
ID:	10111  

  3. #3
    alevok Guest
    last one, closer look
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	winny3.jpg 
Views:	1517 
Size:	7.7 KB 
ID:	10112  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    Those amps are good bro.It's hard to tell but as long as the writing on the amps are brown, it's hard to tell cause of the color of the pics, but everything else looks good. Enjoy...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: winstrol, I need to be sure!!!

    Originally posted by alevok
    So far my body fat dropped down to 4% (body weight 210, height 6.3 )and got nice abs, my weins are popping out.
    4% BF?!?! That is contest shape and is not healthy. Are you 100% sure about that? If so, you sure as hell don't need spriopents...unless you're competing tomorrow...or looking to end up in the hospital!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ya you are 4% or you have dropped 4% already. 4% is going to be VERY VERY hard to maintain for very long and you don't need to diet anymore if that is where your at. If you want to be lean for summer do your cycle and eat clean but if your at 4% don't diet more

  7. #7
    alevok Guest
    I will be off diet at the end of this month,(started Feb 1) I hope I wont lose my abs, cause I worked my ass off to get them.
    Shouldn't I continue spiropent for sometime to avoid catabolic phase?

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    That's a 100% real Winstrol Depot!! Goooooood Stuff.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Same as mine

    100% real bro
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	win1.jpg 
Views:	1370 
Size:	14.8 KB 
ID:	10275  

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	win2.jpg 
Views:	1372 
Size:	12.7 KB 
ID:	10276  

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Ny baby greatest
    Ready to go.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    How did you test yourself for 4%?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

  14. #14
    What is proviron?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    is a synthetic, orally effective androgen which does not have any anabolic characteristics. Proviron is used in school medi-cine to case or cure disturbances caused by a deficiency of male sex hormones. Many athletes, for this reason, often use Proviron at the end of a steroid treatment in order to increase the reduced testoster-one production. This, however, is not a good idea since Proviron has no effect on the body's own testosterone production but-as men-tioned in the beginning-only reduces or completely eliminates the dysfunctions caused by the testosterone deficiency. These are, in par-ticular, impotence which is mostly caused by an androgen deficiency that can occur after the discontinuance of steroids, and infertility which manifests itself in a reduced sperm count and a reduced sperm quality. Proviron is therefore taken during a steroid administration or after discontinuing the use of the steroids, to eliminate a possible impotency or a reduced sexual interest. This, however, does not con-tribute to the maintenance of strength and muscle mass after the treatment. There are other better suited compounds for this (see HCG, Clomid, and Teslac). For this reason Proviron is unfortunately considered by many to be a useless and unnecessary compound.

    You should be aware that Proviron is also an estrogen antagonist which prevents the aromatization of steroids. Unlike the antiestrogen Nolvadex which only blocks the estrogen receptors (see Nolvadex) Proviron already prevents the aromatizing of steroids. Therefore gynecomastia and increased water retention are successfully blocked. Since Proviron strongly suppresses the forming of estrogens no re-bound effect occurs after discontinuation of use of the compound as is the case with, for example, Nolvadex where an aromatization of the steroids is not prevented. One can say that Nolvadex cures the problem of aromatization at its root while Nolvadex simply cures the symptoms. For this reason male athletes should prefer Proviron to Nolvadex. With Proviron the athlete obtains more muscle hard-ness since the androgen level is increased and the estrogen concen-tration remains low. This, in particular, is noted positively during the preparation for a competition when used in combination with a diet. Female athletes who naturally have a higher estrogen level of-ten supplement their steroid intake with Proviron resulting in increased muscle hardness. In the past it was common for body-builders to take a daily dose of one 25 mg tablet over several weeks, sometimes even months, in order to appear hard all year round. This was especially important for athletes' appearances at guest performances, seminars and photo sessions. Today Clenbuterol is usually taken over the entire year since possible virilization symp-toms cannot occur which is not yet the case with Proviron. Since Proviron is very effective male athletes usually need only 50-mg/ day which means that the athlete usually takes one 25 mg tablet in the morning and another 25 mg tablet in the evening. In some cases one 25 mg tablet per day is sufficient. When combining Proviron with Nolvadex (50 mg Proviron/day and 20 mg Nolvadex/day) this will lead to an almost complete suppression of estrogen. Even better results are achieved with 50 mg Proviron/ day and 500 - 1000 mg Teslac/day. Since Teslac is a very expensive compound (see Teslac) most athletes do not consider this com-bination.

    The side effects of Proviron in men are low at a dosage of 24 tab--lets/day so that Proviron, taken for example in combination with a steroid cycle, can be used comparatively without risk over several weeks. Since Proviron is well-tolerated by the liver, liver dysfunc-tions do not occur in the given dosages. For athletes who are used to acting under the motto "more is better" the intake of Proviron could have a paradoxical effect. The most common side effect of Proviron is a distinct sexual overstimulation and in some cases continuous penis erection. Since this condition can be painful and lead to possible damages, a lower dosage or discontinu-ing the compound are the only sensible solutions. Female athletes should use Proviron with caution since possible androgenic side ef-fects cannot be excluded. Women who want to give Proviron a try should not take more than one 25 mg tablet per day. Higher dosages and periods of intake of more than four weeks considerably increase the risk of virilization symptoms. Female athletes who have no dif-ficulties with Proviron obtain good results with 25 mg Proviron/ day and 20 mg Nolvadex/day and, in combination with a diet, re-port an accelerated fat breakdown and continuously harder muscles.

    Proviron is one of the very few steroid hormones which is still suf-ficiently available. The usual price is about $1 per tablet on the black market. All Proviron tablets have one thing in com-mon: they are all indented and on the back have the stamp AX, surrounded by a hexagon.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Send some Zambon my way!!!!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

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