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Thread: Steroid Drug Test...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Steroid Drug Test...

    My friend has recently been caught with steroids on campus and he told them that he was on them from Nov. to Jan. and the vial they found in his room was someone elses and he helped them with their shot. Well the Dean of Students ordered a drug test for him to take on Monday, and it only cost 200 dollars, I thought test were more expensive??
    So my question is this 200 Dollar test going to be able to catch every steroid or probably just the most popular ones???
    He was on Tren and D-bol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    bad cycle..but anyways..

    depends on what they order.

    to my knowledge when they order a steroid test (200 is cheap i think depends though..if its the dean he has hook ups) they have to test for a specific panel of steroids. I dont know if tren and dbol are on the same panel.

    maybe someone else can help further assist you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    bad cycle..but anyways..

    depends on what they order.

    to my knowledge when they order a steroid test (200 is cheap i think depends though..if its the dean he has hook ups) they have to test for a specific panel of steroids. I dont know if tren and dbol are on the same panel.

    maybe someone else can help further assist you.

    stupid double post LOL

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