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Thread: My girlfriend is driving me ****ing nuts.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York

    My girlfriend is driving me ****ing nuts.

    Ok bros.

    Typical shit right? Drama in a relationship, yeah, we've all heard it, we are all sick of it. We hate it so much. But it still happens in a lot of our lives, so we have to accept it right?


    I'm about on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend.

    Here is the situation:

    Girlfriend wants me to go to NYC with her for a few days and stay in the city, I tell her I can't afford it right now, I'm in the middle of making a large investment/business venture.

    I go out to dinner with my guy friends every wednesday, there is a restaurant here that has a great fillet mignon special, can't beat it. So, costs about $15 bucks. (This has been the only activity I have really allowed myself for the past month and a half due to money constraints and to training requirements).

    Past three weeks have gone by... and EVERY ****ING WEDNESDAY - there has been an "issue" of some sort involved with going to dinner. Whether it's I don't spend enough time with her... or I don't do this... or blah blah.

    Her argument is "I'm not mad that you go out with your friends, I'm mad that you spend money every week and yet some how don't have money for us to go to NYC?"


    So here is the deal - I told her that every wednesday I spend $15 bucks, she says I shouldn't tell her I don't have the cash to spend on a 3 day trip to NYC... and then spend "all this money" every wednesday.

    My girlfriend has slowly developed some sort of insecurities about us, and it is becoming an obsessive problem of hers. She is starting to call me NON-STOP - I can't even get a full workout in without having a problem, and she continues to bug me about stupid shit such as going to dinner tonight.

    I could ****ing go on forever.

    Point blank - it won't last long if this shit continues.

    Sorry I had to write this immature non-sense. I needed to vent somewhere.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    gettin lucky in kentucky
    drama is in every woman bro. just a matter of time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Yeah girls suck. I've said it in every thread about a relationship.....punch her in the mouth j/k. But for real you need to sit her down and really talk about how far she is pushing the envelope. Tell her exactly how you feel and that you guys better come to some sort of a compromise or else the relationship will come to an end. Obviously nobody likes breaking up (except me) but her obsessiveness is putting a ton of strain on the relationship. Just calmly tell her that. Dont make it seem like your gonna give her the heave ho, just see what she says and if things work out. Then give her the heave ho....with a busted mouth.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Yeah girls suck. I've said it in every thread about a relationship.....punch her in the mouth j/k. But for real you need to sit her down and really talk about how far she is pushing the envelope. Tell her exactly how you feel and that you guys better come to some sort of a compromise or else the relationship will come to an end. Obviously nobody likes breaking up (except me) but her obsessiveness is putting a ton of strain on the relationship. Just calmly tell her that. Dont make it seem like your gonna give her the heave ho, just see what she says and if things work out. Then give her the heave ho....with a busted mouth.


    But right now, I like it. (ha)

  5. #5
    Maybe she thinks you will be leavin her soon, specially if your changing your apperence via working out, so this is her way of defense. But thier is only so much you can take of that which it sounds like your at that point. I would say write on paper the benifits of breaking up and non-benifits of breaking up and look over them and make your decision based on that.

    my .00002mcgs


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Good point, it was worth more than .00002mcgs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    We've been dating for almost 1 and 1/2 years.

    I know, not as long as some of you bros out there, but it's quite some time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    bri they all give you drama you just gotta fnd one's drama that you can handle,

    it's kinda hard to compare a $15 dinner, to a trip to NYC, a fuggin beer in NYC is like 6$ alone so you whould easly blow through a quick 200 in 3 days

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lake of Fire
    i was with a girl like that need to give her the boot bro, for real
    you caught a crazy one, look out for number one and give yourself a happier life

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    bri they all give you drama you just gotta fnd one's drama that you can handle,

    it's kinda hard to compare a $15 dinner, to a trip to NYC, a fuggin beer in NYC is like 6$ alone so you whould easly blow through a quick 200 in 3 days

    Thank you. My point exactly.

    I said exactly that to her; "How can you compare $15 at dinner once a week to a trip to NYC? Would you prefer I don't go out with my guy friends for 6 months so we can go to NYC for 3 days?"

    She was silent for a minute, then continued her arguing.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
    i was with a girl like that need to give her the boot bro, for real
    you caught a crazy one, look out for number one and give yourself a happier life
    One of the most important things ever.

    It's still difficult to come to the break up conclusion. We both go to the same college, similar schedules... for 1.5 years. Quite a shocker.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    dude just say " you want me to go? " then you pay for it, i mean whos buying the plane ticket ???? and paying for the hotel ???

  13. #13
    lol their was a day when i thought my old lady was the only one that could bitch that much, and that she was some sort of different species cause she was constantly nagging about some useless shit that i didn't even ****ing care about. I've come to learn though that their all this way or atleast a good 90%. So whether you stick with her or find someone new IMO their will always be drama, and chances are it will be about the stupidest ****ing things imaginable.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Hey man we have all been there. SO far the other bro's have given you great advice, I mean yes you could skip out on ur weekly friend night for a while and save up but I for one am someone who really enjoys "rituals" so to speak, and if she cant understand the importance of going out with ur friends each wednesday when its something you look forward to and something you have been doing for a while then she does not know or respect your enough. I mean there will always be issues, but you have been together for over a year now, and your wednesday night outing should be something she is used to. I for one would NEVER hassle my gf about something she looks forward to doing each week. It would be like asking me to take time off the gym, I would just tell her its not gonna happen. I mean I wouldnt break up with her, but just tell her you wont give up something you enjoy, if she cant cope with it well then thats her decision.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Hey man we have all been there. SO far the other bro's have given you great advice, I mean yes you could skip out on ur weekly friend night for a while and save up but I for one am someone who really enjoys "rituals" so to speak, and if she cant understand the importance of going out with ur friends each wednesday when its something you look forward to and something you have been doing for a while then she does not know or respect your enough. I mean there will always be issues, but you have been together for over a year now, and your wednesday night outing should be something she is used to. I for one would NEVER hassle my gf about something she looks forward to doing each week. It would be like asking me to take time off the gym, I would just tell her its not gonna happen. I mean I wouldnt break up with her, but just tell her you wont give up something you enjoy, if she cant cope with it well then thats her decision.


    Exactly. And I would never harass her about anything she does either. I give her more respect than she has displayed towards me lately.

    Everyone is giving great advice - it will all help me sleep tonight for sure bros.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Alright bros...thanks a ton.

    I'm going to go sleep on it.

    We will see where we stand tomorrow. After I do some intense cardio at 6AM

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    you cant get a full workout without her calling? Just dont bring the cell in the gym

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Ok bros.

    Typical shit right? Drama in a relationship, yeah, we've all heard it, we are all sick of it. We hate it so much. But it still happens in a lot of our lives, so we have to accept it right?


    I'm about on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend.

    Join the farking club.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    BigRob - Yeah, it's been happening more and more lately, and it's tough not to bring the cell - owning a business; customers call, can't ignore that - and when I ignore her - just makes you feel guilty I guess.

    muriloninja - Eh.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Bitches are all the same, just slap her, bend her over, and give her one up the pooper. That should show he who's boss !!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Bitches are all the same, just slap her, bend her over, and give her one up the pooper. That should show he who's boss !!!!

    Is that a standard procedure in asia?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    i thought i was crazy... till i met every single girl ive ever dated

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    West Palm Beach
    All women have drama, some are just worse then others....

    When you find a good one you'll know...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York

    You know that thing they call a "break" ... well, she suggested that today. She said she felt like she was de****g with a high schooler. I think she beat me to it, which is ok. I was having the same feeling that we should take some time from eachother and see if we "miss" it as much as we think we would.

    I agreed with her so I guess we could consider us at this time "on break."

    We will see where things go. I'm not really feeling one emotion, more like 15 or 20.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mid Atlantic
    A break is the best thing man. Gives you the ability to realize that she is trying to bend you to her liking. I'm so glad to hear that you didn't puss out and blow off your friends. That would have been the start of you sliding down that slippery slope.

    This is the perfect op for you to NOT cantact her all all. Show her who the MAN is and don't even talk to her now, no phone calls, no booty call, NADA. Go out this weekend and meet a new one.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    in a hole
    mail order bride neone?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D

    (its Tai for Chunk her like a bad fire ball)

    of course its always easier said than done.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Richmond, Virgina
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Thank you. My point exactly.

    I said exactly that to her; "How can you compare $15 at dinner once a week to a trip to NYC? Would you prefer I don't go out with my guy friends for 6 months so we can go to NYC for 3 days?"

    She was silent for a minute, then continued her arguing.
    Tell her to grow up, and if she wants you to come so badly you'll be happy to go if she buys the plain ticket, and hotel fare.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle

    You know that thing they call a "break" ... well, she suggested that today. She said she felt like she was de****g with a high schooler. I think she beat me to it, which is ok. I was having the same feeling that we should take some time from eachother and see if we "miss" it as much as we think we would.

    I agreed with her so I guess we could consider us at this time "on break."

    We will see where things go. I'm not really feeling one emotion, more like 15 or 20.

    I feel you im in school right now... been with my gf for 3 years goes to the same college about a 2 min walk from my room. we have been starting to fight over everything lately...we even fight about how much we fight it was ridiculous. we have been "on break" for a week or 2 twice in the past 2 months. last week i had enough as we got into a fight about how she blew me off to go out with her friends and i explained to her she was using a double standard for me. so she flipped out and i told her we were done for good. blocked her and her friends on out of the cell gone... no more break shit for me i told her not to be surprised if we never get back together and she loses me forever...i know its messing her up now but maybe itll teach her a lesson on how to act the meantime im talkin to some bartender at the club i bounce at to pass the time until spring break...if it was meant to be well see what happens...

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by -DedicateD-
    I feel you im in school right now... been with my gf for 3 years goes to the same college about a 2 min walk from my room. we have been starting to fight over everything lately...we even fight about how much we fight it was ridiculous. we have been "on break" for a week or 2 twice in the past 2 months. last week i had enough as we got into a fight about how she blew me off to go out with her friends and i explained to her she was using a double standard for me. so she flipped out and i told her we were done for good. blocked her and her friends on out of the cell gone... no more break shit for me i told her not to be surprised if we never get back together and she loses me forever...i know its messing her up now but maybe itll teach her a lesson on how to act the meantime im talkin to some bartender at the club i bounce at to pass the time until spring break...if it was meant to be well see what happens...
    Hope everything works out the best for all of us.

    This shit is great reasoning to just be single, period.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Hope everything works out the best for all of us.

    This shit is great reasoning to just be single, period.
    yeah i can understand seeems like it would be easy to just turn everything off and forget about just not care BUT its impossible

  32. #32
    new pussy is better then old pussy

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    new pussy is better then old pussy
    i agree with that too, but there is still something about someone you were with for awhile although it can and does get boring after awhile....its tough to recreate the feeling of dipping into something fresh for the first time

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle

    You know that thing they call a "break" ... well, she suggested that today. She said she felt like she was de****g with a high schooler. I think she beat me to it, which is ok. I was having the same feeling that we should take some time from eachother and see if we "miss" it as much as we think we would.

    I agreed with her so I guess we could consider us at this time "on break."

    We will see where things go. I'm not really feeling one emotion, more like 15 or 20.

    careful with that break brutha... bad things happen on breaks, then the other finds out about it years down the road and things get ridiculously worse.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Ok bros.

    Typical shit right? Drama in a relationship, yeah, we've all heard it, we are all sick of it. We hate it so much. But it still happens in a lot of our lives, so we have to accept it right?


    I'm about on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend.

    Here is the situation:

    Girlfriend wants me to go to NYC with her for a few days and stay in the city, I tell her I can't afford it right now, I'm in the middle of making a large investment/business venture.

    I go out to dinner with my guy friends every wednesday, there is a restaurant here that has a great fillet mignon special, can't beat it. So, costs about $15 bucks. (This has been the only activity I have really allowed myself for the past month and a half due to money constraints and to training requirements).

    Past three weeks have gone by... and EVERY ****ING WEDNESDAY - there has been an "issue" of some sort involved with going to dinner. Whether it's I don't spend enough time with her... or I don't do this... or blah blah.

    Her argument is "I'm not mad that you go out with your friends, I'm mad that you spend money every week and yet some how don't have money for us to go to NYC?"


    So here is the deal - I told her that every wednesday I spend $15 bucks, she says I shouldn't tell her I don't have the cash to spend on a 3 day trip to NYC... and then spend "all this money" every wednesday.

    My girlfriend has slowly developed some sort of insecurities about us, and it is becoming an obsessive problem of hers. She is starting to call me NON-STOP - I can't even get a full workout in without having a problem, and she continues to bug me about stupid shit such as going to dinner tonight.

    I could ****ing go on forever.

    Point blank - it won't last long if this shit continues.

    Sorry I had to write this immature non-sense. I needed to vent somewhere.

    YUCK! i put up with that shit 1 time in my life man, with an old ex that was with for bout 2 1/2 years... lived with her and everything.... she was obsessive like that and literally bitched when my friends would call.... it wasn't bad in the beginning, but about a year or so in... all shit hit the fan... i tried to make it work, but there is only so much one can take... I'll never ever go back to living that crap again.... I suggest tellin your girl Goodnight and Goodluck..... Me i just turned around and walked away from her one day.. and never looked back. actually it was on new years 02/03 and i ran into an old ex... just said hi, and the girl got pisses.... F that... im out.
    Shit only evolves into more shit over time... get out while you can..... thats my .02..... Man there are MILLLLONS of girls.. why put up with shit you don't have to put up with? ditch her, get out there with your boys this weekend, throw it to some grimer, have a good laugh and focus on your business... forget that girlfriend drama... get your shit straight first, then let that part of your life fall into place....

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    New York
    bigbouncin -

    Yeah I'm going to be as careful as I can be... most likely it will result in breaking up permanently... I can't see it working right now.

    Shnouzed - Good points bro, I'll keep them in mind.

    I see myself single, traveling, making the money, living free, no worries... no one to answer to... at least for now. I need to get that all out of my system before a relationship comes into play.

    I just don't think I'll end up back with her; I don't know.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    sorry to hear that.. have u guys calmy sat down and talked about this? i think she needs to be a little more understanding..

    i know this sounds gay but i think if u actually sit her down and tell her how u feel in a calm matter, u mite get somewhere with that.

    Maybe u can suggest going there for the day with her?

    edit- nevermind. i just read ur last post b4 i sent this one. i hope everything works out for the best!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Ok bros.

    Typical shit right? Drama in a relationship, yeah, we've all heard it, we are all sick of it. We hate it so much. But it still happens in a lot of our lives, so we have to accept it right?


    I'm about on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend.

    Here is the situation:

    Girlfriend wants me to go to NYC with her for a few days and stay in the city, I tell her I can't afford it right now, I'm in the middle of making a large investment/business venture.

    I go out to dinner with my guy friends every wednesday, there is a restaurant here that has a great fillet mignon special, can't beat it. So, costs about $15 bucks. (This has been the only activity I have really allowed myself for the past month and a half due to money constraints and to training requirements).

    Past three weeks have gone by... and EVERY ****ING WEDNESDAY - there has been an "issue" of some sort involved with going to dinner. Whether it's I don't spend enough time with her... or I don't do this... or blah blah.

    Her argument is "I'm not mad that you go out with your friends, I'm mad that you spend money every week and yet some how don't have money for us to go to NYC?"


    So here is the deal - I told her that every wednesday I spend $15 bucks, she says I shouldn't tell her I don't have the cash to spend on a 3 day trip to NYC... and then spend "all this money" every wednesday.

    My girlfriend has slowly developed some sort of insecurities about us, and it is becoming an obsessive problem of hers. She is starting to call me NON-STOP - I can't even get a full workout in without having a problem, and she continues to bug me about stupid shit such as going to dinner tonight.

    I could ****ing go on forever.

    Point blank - it won't last long if this shit continues.

    Sorry I had to write this immature non-sense. I needed to vent somewhere.

    Explain to her if you skipped out on the last three weeks, you'd only have about $45 saved so far. Then make a list of things to buy to travel to NYC, hotel, food, and entertainment and give a ball park figure of how much that would cost. If you can get her to treat you to this whole trip... take it.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Ok bros.

    Typical shit right? Drama in a relationship, yeah, we've all heard it, we are all sick of it. We hate it so much. But it still happens in a lot of our lives, so we have to accept it right?


    I'm about on the verge of breaking up with my girlfriend.

    Here is the situation:

    Girlfriend wants me to go to NYC with her for a few days and stay in the city, I tell her I can't afford it right now, I'm in the middle of making a large investment/business venture.

    I go out to dinner with my guy friends every wednesday, there is a restaurant here that has a great fillet mignon special, can't beat it. So, costs about $15 bucks. (This has been the only activity I have really allowed myself for the past month and a half due to money constraints and to training requirements).

    Past three weeks have gone by... and EVERY ****ING WEDNESDAY - there has been an "issue" of some sort involved with going to dinner. Whether it's I don't spend enough time with her... or I don't do this... or blah blah.

    Her argument is "I'm not mad that you go out with your friends, I'm mad that you spend money every week and yet some how don't have money for us to go to NYC?"


    So here is the deal - I told her that every wednesday I spend $15 bucks, she says I shouldn't tell her I don't have the cash to spend on a 3 day trip to NYC... and then spend "all this money" every wednesday.

    My girlfriend has slowly developed some sort of insecurities about us, and it is becoming an obsessive problem of hers. She is starting to call me NON-STOP - I can't even get a full workout in without having a problem, and she continues to bug me about stupid shit such as going to dinner tonight.

    I could ****ing go on forever.

    Point blank - it won't last long if this shit continues.

    Sorry I had to write this immature non-sense. I needed to vent somewhere.

    yeah i know how u feel mate minez just the same the bitch bodybuilders just dont go well with the average chick they just dont understand our life the wankers ****em all dumb jerks!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    ive been with my gf for a little over 2 years now and i hear the same things you guys are going through i go to college work 5 hours a day and need to fit training into the mix too so i hear from her all the time of how i never spend any time with her and that im always too i put aside time for her too and plenty of it and its still not good enough as far as im concerned nothing is ever enough with women NEVER!!

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