I am a newbie to AAS really, 34 years of age and I have done one stano (50mg EOD) only cycle previously with great results. Lots of fat lost with weight being the same and strength going up the roof (relatively of course compared to those with heavy cycles under their belt).
I am now thinking of doing 250-300mg/wk Sustanon cycle for 8 or 10 weeks. With so low doses what should my PCT look like? I don't think kickstarting my natural production should be difficult with so low doses. 50mg of Clomid ED for 2 weeks too much or too little?
I'm mainly after a little leaner look and increased energy, which happened with stano but also improved sex life which stano didn't help much. I think clomid PCT after the cycle (is that overkill for 50mg/EOD stano?) did more to improve my erection really. It's a bit too early for me to look into HGH but I think the next step would be HGH year around plus short cycles of sustanon (or other test) in low doses.