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Thread: NEWB question

  1. #1

    NEWB question

    Don't worry I am not asking where I can get some juice from..... I tried anadrol about a year ago for a couple of months because my college roomate hooked me up. Now that he is out of the game and I have moved to another state I am not sure how to get hooked up. I found a site that british-dragon calls legit but obviously there are many many reason I don't wanna buy online. So basically how can I find an actual supplier, I mean I don't wanna go up to some dude at the gym and be like "yo can you get me some juice" you know? Anyway just thought that I would ask. Thanks, this forum has massive amounts of info, and I read the rules and don;t think this violates any.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    prepare for 1000000pms. they are all scammers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by cliffe5
    Don't worry I am not asking where I can get some juice from..... I tried anadrol about a year ago for a couple of months because my college roomate hooked me up. Now that he is out of the game and I have moved to another state I am not sure how to get hooked up. I found a site that british-dragon calls legit but obviously there are many many reason I don't wanna buy online. So basically how can I find an actual supplier, I mean I don't wanna go up to some dude at the gym and be like "yo can you get me some juice" you know? Anyway just thought that I would ask. Thanks, this forum has massive amounts of info, and I read the rules and don;t think this violates any.
    Yeah I think this breaks a major rule...... be prepared to get scammers coming at u from all ends....

  4. #4
    nah I am not asking for a site, because that is exactley what I don't want to do...... I just wanted to know do most people on here go to Mexico themselves, or have a friend, or buy online. My bad if it sounded otherwise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by cliffe5
    nah I am not asking for a site, because that is exactley what I don't want to do...... I just wanted to know do most people on here go to Mexico themselves, or have a friend, or buy online. My bad if it sounded otherwise.

    I have bought online a couple of times.... it is expensive, and there is always the chance your shit will be snagged by customs.... U just have to hang out here for awhile and get to know people and let them get to know u.... anyone that just offers out of the blue to " help u out" is probably not a good choice....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    yo bro, i am a fellow newbie and am in the same boat as you, i have just been reading around in the forums and just trying to gain a bunch of knowledge on the subject...from what i have learned is that u just need to be patient and try to just talk with people first and make friends before you can just ask for sources b/c due to the legality of the subject you need to build trust before you can get references... as for the .coms you are taking a risk b/c if u give them money and they dont send u stuff there is no legal argument to getting your money back, at least in the U.S. there isnt

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