Hello Everyone,
Here are some of my personal pictures that I took with a disposable camera. They have become one of my most prized possessions.
Most people that were not there cannot understand that my work at the WTC is perhaps the most positive thing that has ever happened to me.
New Yorkers are woven of high moral fiber and I happened to have worked with the best.
In the first 72 hours their was no chain of command. It was organized chaos at it's best. Within 10 minutes of being in the thick of things you were covered in gray ash, and even worse you had it in your mouth, nose, eyes, ears and everywhere.
When I was there all I could think about was being there. When I wasn't there all I could thing about was getting back.
Within the first ten minutes that I was there, I arrived at 12 noon on 9/11/01 I met a female welder, she gave me a marker and told me to write my SS # on my arms. I asked what for and she said that way they can Identify my body if something should happen........I kindly said "No Thanks"
That was the feeling of everyone there, we weren't worried about our own well being. We had a job as an American's, a human being's to search for any survivors.
My feelings were that this was my country, my city and this is personal.
Here are my pictures.
This one was the area that I had worked for the first week. This had become my office.