I Think I do all types of dead lifts but the Sumo.
Can anyone tell me if in power lifting comps, if there's a choice in conventoinal or sumo.
I Think I do all types of dead lifts but the Sumo.
Can anyone tell me if in power lifting comps, if there's a choice in conventoinal or sumo.
I train sumo style as of now because my legs and hips are very strong but i do conventional training sometimes just sumo in the meets... your conventional max and sumo should be somewhat similar though
you canuse either form, i used to be conventional and switched to the sumo, for th elongest time ionly trained sumo, recently i started traing conv and sumo , and my dead has been making great gains once againOriginally Posted by mmaximus25
I've never been coached for power lifting but I've found when I want to get lean, really lean I tax the Fuk outta my legs with heavy squats and deads. I know some people think I'm wack but I will even super set them with heavy leg press or hacks. The focus is on deads though.Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
Not being much of a dead lifter at one point is hard for me to imagine now. When I started dead lifting it was the Romanian style and then on to conventional.... But man did my squat jump. I hadn't squatted 405 before and I had always pushed it a little past 315lbs right at parallel for 6-8.
After I started dead lifting it was night and day. I'd say with in a 3-4mo period my squat when up to 405 for 8-10 reps. It blew me away. I will always keep them in my training and imagine that it’s my little secret.
Not sure if this belongs here but the reason I made the poll is because power lifters in most observations are strong lifters and Bodybuilders are not. I know now days the bodybuilder is becoming more comparable to a power lifer when it comes to strength. So I wanted to get a consensus of what power lifters use in their training routines compared to BBer's.
Due to the research material concluding the muscle groups being worked with the various styles. (Inner thigh or medialis= sumo, outer or latimus= conventional) I was curious how powerlifters train with deads.
I would be amazed if my conventional will be as strong as my attempt at sumo. Warrior I know probably has a sumo regimen to get me started and I'll maybe do a little less reps and go a little heavier for awhile on the Romanian and SLDL's to see how it works. thx
I like pulling sumo but its harder on my body (hip area mostly)I pull more weight with the a more conv style ..AC
I like to train both... but I always pull conventional in a meet.
Train both. Prefer, and can move a little more weight, sumo. But heh, my DL sux either way. lmao. Mainly training as bench specialist lately, although squat has always been good for me too.
Got another question for you blokes
I can SLDL 405 with a greater bend at the knee but at say the 3 rep my back says stop unless I drop into a Conv DL stance. I see my bigger and much stronger gym mates lift weight I obviously can't at this point but my question is...
I see some guys have more bend in their knees when doing stright leg deads, its almost like they are doing an inbetween conventional dead lift and a straight leg lift . Me I keep mine barely bent basiclly you can't tell at 225-315 but at 405 I do have a greater bend (its more out of caution for me)
I tryed to imulate the more of a bent knee when SLDLing 405 but after a 2-3 reps I found myself bending lower into a conventional DL (hips low, shoulders up). I could not sucessfully SLDL lift over 405 without squatting down lower into more pf a DL stance. I felt sh^t loads more pressure on my back (could just be too much weight also, I may not be meant to SLDL over 405).
although when I tryed what I'm calling the half SLDL half DL (w/knees bent more than a SLDL but body not squatted low enough to be a DL) with light weight 225 I felt a great white burn into my glutes and hams after the set about 1min into my resting time.
I'm not the most expienced DLer but heres my take and you guys tell me if I more or less good to go.
I view all lifts where your hips @ starting position if higher than your shoulders as more of a SLDL. There might be different variation of bent knee but if your starting position is ass up and your shoulders are lower its still a SLDL.... right
Conventional and Sumo deads all start with your hips/ass lower and your shoulders higher...
Last edited by mmaximus25; 03-20-2006 at 10:55 AM.
i look at it the same way you do, i dont worry about knee bend so much a lttle is okOriginally Posted by mmaximus25
i have just started these puppies....so i have used the conventional way so far....works well
Does anyone have that clip of ronnie DLing 800lbs a couple weeks out from the Olympia?
Some bloke just told me Ronnie Coleman doesn't do conventional DL's any more he stays in a near SLDL stance with a heavy bend... shoulders parallel with his hips/ass... I wanna see that
[QUOTE=mmaximus25]Does anyone have that clip of ronnie DLing 800lbs a couple weeks out from the Olympia?
Some bloke just told me Ronnie Coleman doesn't do conventional DL's any more he stays in a near SLDL stance with a heavy bend... shoulders parallel with his hips/ass... I wanna see that[/QUOTE
Just type in 800lb deadlift in your search bar, the videos are all over.
Can I ask what the difference is between the two?
the difference is the starting position stance:Originally Posted by Redalert
Sumo style is a refernce term to describe the starting position of that dead lift.
So Sumo style is- starting position body and feet is what or how a Sumo Wrestler's stance is in a match. Basic wide stance feet inline with thighs (width can vary per person), back arched- chin up-stomach tight- feet are typically wider than shoulder width
I've seen guys have their feet at a different angle more strainght forward, which I dont recommend
Conventional is a basic shoulder width stance (also can vary) feet forward and inline with your thighs
I'm curious, did you start out doing conventional then build your strength up in order to do sumo... I never do Sumo and I'm thinking it may be the missing link for me for more strength... I've add exersices to my routine each year going back maybe four yrs now...Originally Posted by Squatman51
I think I'm getting stronger and closer to getting parallel even deeper with 405(after coming back from a minor ham and high groin pull.... but consistanly reinjuring is how I screwed it up worse)
I found a few years ago that dead liftes were key in increasing my squat...
I train only conventional now. I did sumo when I was powerlifting but have changed back over.
Ok Doc got another cuz you got more experience on me...Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
I'm starting to think not only should I add Sumo style but if I train sumo for 8-12w then pull the old switcha-roo, then back to sumo I'll jack up my strength even more, yeah...
My diet is getting right on for growth
Its there a reason... Are you switching back and forth... Did you have any strength gain when you switched back to conventional... How about your squat? did it go up?Originally Posted by chest6
it isnt a bad idea at all. or you can dothis, 12 wks of sumo,than 8 to 12 wks of sldl traing using percents from 35% to70%working up to a 5 rep max, than switch back to sumo. either way it is importamtif you choose tolift sumo to still do work that focuses more on the lower back.Originally Posted by mmaximus25
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