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Thread: 2nd cycle help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    2nd cycle help

    So I in the fall I did my first cycle...

    wks 1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    wks 1-12 test e 500mg/wk

    I gained about 20lbs, and kept 12 or so.

    Now I'm looking into my second. I was thinking of throwing deca into the mix this time...

    wks 1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    wks 1-10 deca 400mg/wk
    wks1-12 test e 400mg/wk

    And I've got the nolvadex/l-dex throughout and standard PCT.

    So does anyone have any comments or suggestions about this dbol, deca, test e cycle.

    btw I'm 6'1", 192lbs, 24 yo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    shit... i made a typo... i meant to say 500mg/wk of testosterone. so here it is again...

    wks 1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    wks 1-10 deca 400mg/wk
    wks 1-12 test e 500mg/wk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I would just up the Dbol to 40mg & make it 5wks you will be happy with the results more than 30mg & 4wks

    1-5 Dbol 40mg ed

    1-12 test 500mg ew

    1-10 Deca 400mg ew

    1-12 Vit B6 200mg ed<---for deca prgesterone gyno

    1-12 HCG 500I.U ew<--to keep your boys alive

    1-12 Nolva 20mg ed<-- for gyno
    PCT clomid & Nolva

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    so do I continue the HCG throughout PCT?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    No stop the HCG 2wks before the PCT HCG is for on cycle only.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    also... i've heard some gusy talk about using low dose deca for a long periods, like 4 or 5 months. Could I continue deca after stopping the test, or would that be horrible? Also any opinions on tapering the deca on or off would be helpful... I'm leaning toward no, but have heard some talk of people tapering on and off deca (and even test).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dark Side of the Moon
    Quote Originally Posted by bingo
    also... i've heard some gusy talk about using low dose deca for a long periods, like 4 or 5 months. Could I continue deca after stopping the test, or would that be horrible? Also any opinions on tapering the deca on or off would be helpful... I'm leaning toward no, but have heard some talk of people tapering on and off deca (and even test).
    Don't listen to that crap. Deca is one the most HPTA suppressive steroids around. If you don't like or don't plan on having sex during that 4 or 5 month period (and beyond) then it would not matter. Get the picture?
    More like stop the Deca a couple of weeks before the Test.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bingo
    also... i've heard some gusy talk about using low dose deca for a long periods, like 4 or 5 months. Could I continue deca after stopping the test, or would that be horrible? Also any opinions on tapering the deca on or off would be helpful... I'm leaning toward no, but have heard some talk of people tapering on and off deca (and even test).
    No ofcourse not Deca is so hard when it shut you down you will find a very hard time recovering from it thats why you stop it at week 10 & about the tapering off no its not good its better to keep your blood levels stable with your same dosages because stable blood levels= less sides & easy to recover.

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  9. #9
    Abuse reported
    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 01:33 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    ok that makes since. the reason I'm trying to see about a longer cycle is becasue on my first cycle of test only (except for the dbol front-load) I was gaining like crazy when I stopped taking it at week 12. I feel like I could've gained another 10 pound had I stayed on in for a few more weeks. Is there any way to tweak the cycle so that it would last longer? maybe do the deca for ten weeks and the test for 15 weeks....or do the deca for 13 and the test for 15. You get my point... any ideas or input?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    No bro the longer you go the harder you recover with "No Gains" because most of people stop gaining at week 10 some few stop at week 12 so its better to stick to your original time to finish the cycle so you save yourself money & gear.

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