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Thread: Newbie Please Help !!!

  1. #1

    Newbie Please Help !!!

    Ok you might think I am crasy but I have tryed everything and this seems like a last resort for me!!! PLEASE NO NEGATIVE RESPONCES

    I am looking for a liquid oral form of steroids for my 10 year old son. Please do not stop reading and think I am a horrible parrent!! This is serious!!

    My son has some form of muscle weakness that started at 3 it is getting progressively worse over time and he can barley walk now. He is not retarded or anything but he has almoast no muscle mass.
    We have been to countless doctors and specialists but they cannot figure out whats wrong with him! He has signs of muscular distrophy but we have done a muscle biopsy and he tested negative. The doctors are baffled as are we. Joshua is completely normal aside from his weakness the latest doctor wants us to try Ephedra the baned weight loss drug, I dont know what he thinks this will do for him and I think he is just trying anything at this point.

    Any help would be apricated I feal if I let this go any longer he may never walk again and at this point we are willing to risk anything!

    What do you guys recomend in liquid oral form ??
    He is 10 and 50lbs what dose ??
    Where can I get it ??
    What signs of problems can I expect or signs to look for??
    Please help me with as much info as possible.
    Last edited by shaddowhunt; 03-25-2006 at 08:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by shaddowhunt
    Ok you might think I am crasy but I have tryed everything and this seems like a last resort for me!!! PLEASE NO NEGATIVE RESPONCES

    I am looking for a liquid form of steroids for my 10 year old son. Please do not stop reading and think I am a horrible parrent!! This is serious!!

    My son has some form of muscle weakness that started at 3 it is getting progressively worse over time and he can barley walk now. He is not retarded or anything but he has almoast no muscle mass.
    We have been to countless doctors and specialists but they cannot figure out whats wrong with him! He has signs of muscular distrophy but we have done a muscle biopsy and he tested negative. The doctors are baffled as are we. Joshua is completely normal aside from his weakness the latest doctor wants us to try Ephedra the baned weight loss drug, I dont know what he thinks this will do for him and I think he is just trying anything at this point.

    Any help would be apricated I feal if I let this go any longer he may never walk again and at this point we are willing to risk anything!

    What do you guys recomend in liquid form ??
    He is 10 and 50lbs what dose ??
    Where can I get it ??
    What signs of problems can I expect or signs to look for??
    Please help me with as much info as possible.

    sorry mate i can not recomend any kind of steroid or PH for a child.

    i'am sorry about your child it must be hard on you. Have you tried to see another doc ???

    i don't think steroid's are the way there is a lot of negative thing's that can happen to someone so young who take's them
    Last edited by stocky121; 03-25-2006 at 11:35 AM.
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  3. #3
    You are risking creating a whole slew of different problems by trying to solve one, you do realize this I hope. Taking any form of AAS at that age is NOT the answer. I recomend seeing another doc, as many as it takes to help find a solution that will allow your son to live a "normal" life.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2006
    I'm pretty new to this myself,but if the doctors don't know what to do I don't think I would go this route.. It might make him worse and you would hate for that to happen. I know how you feel though, you will do anything for your children.I know I would. Let me ask some questions, how is his protein intake? That is all muscle is,I would put as much in him as he could take. I'm know Dr though, also your gonna get a crap load of messages from people wanting to help you find some stuff. Don't trust them they are just scammers if they just openly want to help you. If a mod or vet can they might help you if they think he needs it. Just hang in there and keep us posted.CD

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by curtdawg28
    I'm pretty new to this myself,but if the doctors don't know what to do I don't think I would go this route.. It might make him worse and you would hate for that to happen. I know how you feel though, you will do anything for your children.I know I would. Let me ask some questions, how is his protein intake? That is all muscle is,I would put as much in him as he could take. I'm know Dr though, also your gonna get a crap load of messages from people wanting to help you find some stuff. Don't trust them they are just scammers if they just openly want to help you. If a mod or vet can they might help you if they think he needs it. Just hang in there and keep us posted.CD
    If Doctors can't help, why do you think that any body here can? Steroids and ephedria for a kid. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

  6. #6
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    Hotel California
    Have you checked for heavy metals. He sounds like he is being poisioned.

  7. #7
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    I don't think anybody on here in their right mind wld actually recommend any form of aas for your 10 yr old....and that's a good thing.... U can't play doctor and get a "prescription" on here.... It might be frustrating at times but this type of shit needs to be handled by actual doctors..... good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    are you sure mate???i mean is this flame if it is and i am very sorry to hear this....anything about children tugs the old heartstrings............
    we cannot and would not advise anything for a 10 year old child.....see your doctor and mention steroids to him and see what he says......again sorry but you will not get any help here.........

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your son as a problem go the the doctors and get someone who specializes in that area, i wouldnt advice giving your son anything except the right help by experts.

    This is the wrong place to ask.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I've deleted the flames from this thread as they are uncalled for.

    I believe the original poster's proposed situation may be true... but, as noted by previous posters, we're out of our depth here.

    Years ago i lost a close friend to a progessive muscular dystrophy: the mother of one of my friends.

    At the time they asked me what my opinion was on the matter.. treatment-wise. I thought about steroids... I think the best areas to research would be GH/IGF/and possibly NGF or MGF... namely possible nerve-regeneration.

    There is no 'safe' advice i can give 'cept: Talk to a doctor with a sports and injury-related background... although it isn't a 'sports' problem per se.

    A neurologist may also be able to advise...

    God-Bless man


  11. #11
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    If your son as a problem go the the doctors and get someone who specializes in that area, i wouldnt advice giving your son anything except the right help by experts.

    This is the wrong place to ask.



  12. #12
    Join Date
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    UK, Lancashire
    So sorry to hear about your news. Surely the doctor/surgeons can prescribe him something?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Thats what i was saying more or less and was not thinking a mod or vet would recomend he take AS just thougt they could recomend somethig that might help (diet+supplements) Just worded it wrong i guess...CD

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Get another Doctor...tell him exact. what you tell us....maybe he can understand and help you/him...remember we are here for fun...we are NOT Doctors....and you have a big problem...good luck,God bless you and youre son...!
    Last edited by LatinoPR; 03-25-2006 at 12:16 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    ditto GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    good luck bro i dont know how to help you but i am thinking improving his diet might help him a little bit ,not sure though ..peace

  17. #17
    Just to let you guys know this is for real and we have seen about 10 different doctors all over the country, neuroligsts, muscular dystrophy specialists, and more they are all stumped and our latest specialist is wanting to put him on Ephedra.
    I have asked about steroids and they say they dont like to give them at that age so thats why I thought I would look here. I was not expecting this to be a cut and dry topic but I thought I would seek out the opinions of those that use steroids and maby get some helpfull info. I know none of you are doctors but the doctors are not able to help us either and I cannot give up on him some times doctors are not that smart I am a Biomedical Engineer for a major chain hospital and I work side by side with doctors and it is amazing that some of them accually got a degree!

    Believe me this is the last thing Iwant to do is give my son somthing that could hurt him but I am at a point that I dont know what to do and doing somthing that might be bad for him seems better than doing nothing and never seeing my boy walk again!!!

    And for those of you who think badly of me I dont care try living in my shoes and instead of coming home and seeing all the cool things your kid can do.
    I get to come home and see all the things my kid can no longer do.
    At least I am trying to reasearch this and not just doIing it!!

  18. #18
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    Wld never fault u or judge u bro..... I can only imagine how tough it must be for u.... I hope things some how work out for u.........
    Thoughts and prayers

  19. #19
    Wow, sorry to hear your son is having problems. I would reccomend seeing a endrocrinologist if you think lack of hormones may be the problem. Thats all anyone of us can realyl say is go see more specialists. Do not try and self medicate your son it will do more harm then it will help at his age.

    My aunt had MS which ultimately lead to her death i highly doubt anyone that age could have that but what do i know, anythings possible. Have you got him tested for AIDS this stunts a childs growth dramatically? Its impossible that he has it unless you or your wife have it. consider getting your son tested for parasites as this will stop him from growing as well. Im not saying your son has any of of those things im named, they are remote possibilitys. I know what its like to be desperate for a medical problem that seems undiagnosable, so many tests with very little answers.

    Goodluck with you son i hope and pray he will get better.
    Last edited by moregunsthanroses; 03-26-2006 at 02:45 AM.

  20. #20
    No neither of us have AIDS his mother has two other boys with a different dad and at 6 and 2 they appear to be fine. But we did not start to see signs in my son till 3-4.

    I have researched a few of the things you guys suggested and I will be contacting a few universitys on monday. Believe it or not you guys may not be doctors but sum of your sugestions appear that they might be more helpfull!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I've deleted the flames from this thread as they are uncalled for.

    I believe the original poster's proposed situation may be true... but, as noted by previous posters, we're out of our depth here.

    Years ago i lost a close friend to a progessive muscular dystrophy: the mother of one of my friends.

    At the time they asked me what my opinion was on the matter.. treatment-wise. I thought about steroids... I think the best areas to research would be GH/IGF/and possibly NGF or MGF... namely possible nerve-regeneration.

    There is no 'safe' advice i can give 'cept: Talk to a doctor with a sports and injury-related background... although it isn't a 'sports' problem per se.

    A neurologist may also be able to advise...

    God-Bless man


    Nark great post.

    My sons name is Adam and if it were him I would be asking the same questions. I would try to go to the ends of the earth to find some help for him.

    Some good solid answers from people who dont know exactly what to do with your son. If it were me I would seek the best medical answers I could get. Ephedra might possibly help. It has an anti-catabolic effect. After all the medical advice I would say why not try it?

    I have to say I am also not an expert in what exactly to do with your son. Good luck and god bless your family.
    Last edited by RA; 03-26-2006 at 01:07 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Best of luck to your son. I can't fathom how hard it must be for you. I pray someone with the right knowledge in the medical field will find the right answer for you.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Man I lost my daughter to a Brain Tumor when she was just 3 and a half so believe me, I know the anguish and worry you are feeling. You cannot get an answer here. Nobody here is qaulified to suggest anything. How many opinions have you had on this. I presume you have tried a few different Doctors ? I sure hope so ? Get onto some muscular distophy web pages and ask people if they have heard of this problem, I know its not that disease but they may have come across people with similar symptoms. Good luck man, I am feeling for you !!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by shaddowhunt
    Just to let you guys know this is for real and we have seen about 10 different doctors all over the country, neuroligsts, muscular dystrophy specialists, and more they are all stumped and our latest specialist is wanting to put him on Ephedra.
    I have asked about steroids and they say they dont like to give them at that age so thats why I thought I would look here. I was not expecting this to be a cut and dry topic but I thought I would seek out the opinions of those that use steroids and maby get some helpfull info. I know none of you are doctors but the doctors are not able to help us either and I cannot give up on him some times doctors are not that smart I am a Biomedical Engineer for a major chain hospital and I work side by side with doctors and it is amazing that some of them accually got a degree!

    Believe me this is the last thing Iwant to do is give my son somthing that could hurt him but I am at a point that I dont know what to do and doing somthing that might be bad for him seems better than doing nothing and never seeing my boy walk again!!!

    And for those of you who think badly of me I dont care try living in my shoes and instead of coming home and seeing all the cool things your kid can do.
    I get to come home and see all the things my kid can no longer do.
    At least I am trying to reasearch this and not just doIing it!!
    no one is bashing you mate and if they did they would get dealt with.................we would all no doubt do the same as you in this situation............i would follow the line Nark has given and see what comes of it.........................again mate thoughts go out to you and your son....................................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Sorry to hear about your son. Personally, I'm currently undergoing medical testing for a digestive dis-order. I've had it since I was six. Numerous years later, and countless doctors and tests... I'm still waiting to find out what's happening.

    But... the point that I want to make is that even though all that is happening in the background. I try and live a normal life. Over the past two years, because of a change in diet and suppliments, I have regained 50lbs since I was hospitalized.

    This is what helped me:
    Different multi-vitamin (had allergies to old one)
    counted callories, and forced myself to meet a certain number each day.
    watched what I ate to make sure that my daily protien level was fine
    and increased the amount of fun in my day. Laugher really helped.

    How is your son's thyroid tables? I was in the hospital with woman with a over active thyroid, who had similar problems as your son. I assume he has been tested for allergies? If possible, I would have him tested for allergies of household objects ie: cotton, paper, No2, hydro-carbons, laundry detergent, flour, sugar, glutin, ect. Things that may not have been tested before. I had found that I was allergic to my old multi-vitamins because of that test.

    I'm not a doctor, I'm just speaking from experience.

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