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Thread: No chalk?

  1. #1

    No chalk?

    You have got to be fvcking kidding me. I was doing deadlifts tonight and the guy goes "Is that your chalk?" I said yes. He said "We don't allow that here, it is too hard to clean up." Alright seriously..its a weightroom not a beauty parlor. This weightroom sucks ass. The heaviest dumbbells they have are cant "slam" weights, and you can't use chalk. They also don't have a hack squat. I really hate this piece of shit gym. I think the only option is getting a membership somewhere . Who votes I keep using my chalk til they say I can't come back??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    seriously, i havent heard yet of anyone being allergic to chalk, or maybe trippin over chalk n getting hurt.

    It really is sad

  3. #3
    Yeah..I always have people coming up to my like ohh sweet chalk can I borrow some..they dont allow it here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    You have got to be fvcking kidding me. I was doing deadlifts tonight and the guy goes "Is that your chalk?" I said yes. He said "We don't allow that here, it is too hard to clean up." Alright seriously..its a weightroom not a beauty parlor. This weightroom sucks ass. The heaviest dumbbells they have are cant "slam" weights, and you can't use chalk. They also don't have a hack squat. I really hate this piece of shit gym. I think the only option is getting a membership somewhere . Who votes I keep using my chalk til they say I can't come back??
    haha, yeah my school gym goes up to 100 lb db's also, for chest press, shrugs, and rows, i just go heavy on bb first then use db's for 10-15 to burn as a second exercise... its not convenient but it works.

    i also cant slam weights, nor drop them and make a sound, and chalk is out of the question. other then that its the perfect place to lift.

    whats funny is also that today when i was lifting, they starting bringing in fancy new hammer machines and nautilus equipment...instead of investing in heavier db's they bring in pretty machines with fancy colors....owell i got 6 weeks left so im not too worried

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    golds here doesnt allow it either. gay.

  6. #6
    Yeah..I asked if they would ever get bigger dumbbells and theyre like "Probably not" I bet they'll bring it stupid machines too before they ever get bigger dumbbells

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    golds here doesnt allow it either. gay.
    I need to go look for a hardcore gym when i get back to dallas this summer..i guess that puts golds out of question

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    it might be just a rule for this one. id check it out. but ya i need a hard gym too. im sick of hearing kelly clarkson while im benching.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I would use it any way.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    it might be just a rule for this one. id check it out. but ya i need a hard gym too. im sick of hearing kelly clarkson while im benching.
    yeah, my old gym back home plays that shit it pisses me off

    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I would use it any way.
    yeah, i think thatll be my plan. Took me like 5 months to get caught

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Always close to a gym
    I would keep using it and if you can get sticks to sneak in - use those and keep them outta sight.
    Retards - what's next????
    "Errr, Excuse me...excuse me, sir - we don't allow straps in this facility?"
    Channel that frustration brother - I see some gains coming.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    I would keep using it and if you can get sticks to sneak in - use those and keep them outta sight.
    Retards - what's next????
    "Errr, Excuse me...excuse me, sir - we don't allow straps in this facility?"
    Channel that frustration brother - I see some gains coming.
    thats a good idea. Sir..Im sorry but you arent allowed to deadlift over 4 plates'll have to leave. I can see that coming :iconroll:

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    No chalk at my gym either.

    I do like using it when deadlifting. I can't wear gloves.

    I think very few gyms I've been to have chalk, lol.

  14. #14
    Well..for telling me I couldnt use chalk..I just left the 495 on that I ended with

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    I dont ever use chalk, my hands are pretty much made of steel so I dont need it. But if I wanted to use it I would not let some asshole stop me thats for sure. Chest check out the membership agreement you signed or something if you can, see if it actually says anywhere that chalk is prohibitted, it it doesnt say anywhere then you are safe. But either way keep using it.

  16. #16
    Its just the university's gym..not sure where there would be an agreement anywhere..but I'll check

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    most new gyms are like that, my gold is same way but i use it anyway!!!!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Its just the university's gym..not sure where there would be an agreement anywhere..but I'll check
    Oh its a Uni gym I see. Well either way see if you can find out where they have rules etc. They must somewhere.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lake of Fire
    dude i feel your pain

    in my gym: no chalk, no mirrors, and no t-bar rows

    it took me 4 months to get caught with the t-bar's, ive been worn that one more time and i'll get not worried
    the b!tch said that the the v-bar gets damaged with t-bar rows it puts a fvckin mark on it
    oh well, 5 more weeks

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
    dude i feel your pain

    in my gym: no chalk, no mirrors, and no t-bar rows

    it took me 4 months to get caught with the t-bar's, ive been worn that one more time and i'll get not worried
    the b!tch said that the the v-bar gets damaged with t-bar rows it puts a fvckin mark on it
    oh well, 5 more weeks
    Wow..thats awful..they said Im gonna dent the floor doing deadlifts.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    I would keep using it. Since when do you listen to anyone Chest? You should clap it in his face if he comes over again

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Pharmacy
    a lot of gyms say that about chalk, and its not that they want to be d1cks and not let you 'USE' chalk, its that your making a mess with it!!!
    Bring a gym bag, and put your chalk in a large ziplock...stick your hands in the ziplock when you need chalk , rub them in the bag, get excess off, and leave the bag in your gym bag...the only reason someone at the gym is saying something to you, is obviously because your getting chalk all over the place~!. If there was no messy chalk on the floor, they wouldnt care. And if there was no messy chalk on the floor, they wouldnt say 'its too hard to clean up' have to be responsible here too and say 'sorry if i got it on the floor, ill try to keep it cleaner'...i have used chalk for years, and never leave a trail..i see other people use chalk, leave a pile of dust on the floor, put so much on their hands that they have to clap to get it off an leave dust everywhere. I have worked in many gyms, and i know a lot of them dont like people to use chalk because of the mess they make. Just dont make a mess, and you wont have a problem.
    Besides that, if a gym said something to me about it, i would ask to see that in the contract agreement, like said, and if its not there, i would just ask to have my contract terminated and i would find a gym that suits my needs and wants.
    But seriously, just be neat about it ya know. No disrespect intended.

  23. #23
    Damn good post. gym doesnt allow gym bags because they think you'll steal weights or something. They dont allow bags of any cant even bring a backpack in. I have my chalk in a large ziplock and put the chalk on top and then reapply after my heavy worksets. The excess gets on top of the ziplock..and then when I put it back in and zip it up..all that chalk spills on the floor. I guess I'll try putting the chalk on with my hands in the bag too..

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Pharmacy
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Damn good post. gym doesnt allow gym bags because they think you'll steal weights or something. They dont allow bags of any cant even bring a backpack in. I have my chalk in a large ziplock and put the chalk on top and then reapply after my heavy worksets. The excess gets on top of the ziplock..and then when I put it back in and zip it up..all that chalk spills on the floor. I guess I'll try putting the chalk on with my hands in the bag too..
    yea, my training partner went through this back when i used to train w/ him at World Gym...funny thing is he was the resident bodybuilder there and one of the new kids that cleaned up the weights said something to him! lol...but he's such a nice guy, and does respect the club, so he started just applying his chalk over the garbage can by the DB rack whenever he needed it ...but before that he was one of those guys that would make a mess.
    Its not that the gyms are against chalk, but they have to make every effort to keep the gym as clean as possible. I always just say 'work with them, they will work with you'

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Pharmacy
    Oh, and thats ****ed up that they dont allow gym bags, they should atleast allow those small string type of bags. I mean i'd get bothered by that, i carry my belt for deads, dip belt, wrist wraps, lifting straps, bottle of water, PWO Shake, extra set of lifting straps, knee wraps for heavy squats, cell phone, wallet, keys, Ipod, who the hell knows what else is in my hate to carry that shit around...but i do know i have a lot of crap
    ....What do they want you to put your stuff in those lockers?? The ones that always say "We arent responsible for stolen items"...WTF! Either let me carry my shit, or take responsibility! LOL, i'd say, fine, if you dont want me to carry my bag, let me lock it up in your office

  26. #26
    Exactly! My friend had some stuff stolen awhile ago. They dont even have fvckin lockers..they have like little cubby holes outside the weightroom. On backday I carry so much shit in. Belt, gloves, straps, chalk..and keys & id card if i dont have pockets that day

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    At my gym we have a giant bucket of chalk and when we use it we clap our hands and it goes everywhere. We only play hard core rap and old school metal, NO ONE uses the squat rack for curls. We also feel free to take off our shirts or drop our shorts to see how contest prep is comming and no one thinks twice about it. sometimes someone will grunt loud or yell when needed, and no one cares about dropping weights, The place is always dirty, the bathroom smells horrid, we have 24 hour access and the best part is that it dosent cost me a dime.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lake of Fire
    they make a chalk bag for rock climbers that works great in the weight can find it anywhere climbing equipment is sold...they're usually around $20

    i had mine stolen within the first 3 weeks of school, you've got to keep an eye on it if you get it

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I think if you use a chalk bag they won’t say anything... It sucks cuz all of the Gold's are like that now... But if you’re a regular the will surely not say anything with a chalk bag... they will however bitch if you have a chunk of chalk in a box.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    no chalk at world gym where i go either

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Tell them LOOK if i make a mess JUST ONCE.. i will quit using it but till them THE CHALK STAYS!

    (and i was ever told i couldnt use chak i would kill sumwun

  32. #32
    Man Im jealous MFT..I need to join a gym like that. I hope I won't have to join a gym before summer.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    Tell them LOOK if i make a mess JUST ONCE.. i will quit using it but till them THE CHALK STAYS!

    (and i was ever told i couldnt use chak i would kill sumwun
    gotta be clean now

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    were not allowed to but we used it anyway nobody really says anything to us just hide it and dont leave it out

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    last week this chick said something to us about it..... it was hilarious she was like "hey you guys cant be using that FLOUR in here'' hahaha i was bitch I aint cookin

  36. #36
    HAHAHAHA flour...I aint cookin hahaha damn that was fvckin funny

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Great White North
    Gyms are becoming more and more restrictive in everything that you can, or in most cases, can't do. Pretty soon they won't want you to sweat on the equipment.

  38. #38
    Yeah I know..they try to make me put pussy pads under the weights when I deadlift

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Great White North
    New owners took over my gym. They brought in a bunch of new plate load machines and got rid of a bunch of the benches. There is now only one bench press, no more military press and they got rid of the leg press for some retarded ergonomic press machine.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Yeah..I always have people coming up to my like ohh sweet chalk can I borrow some..they dont allow it here
    How do you borrow chalk????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????/

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