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Thread: Bulking Diet...thoughts and comments?

  1. #1

    Bulking Diet...thoughts and comments?

    MEAL 1
    -2 large egg whites
    -1 scoop pro complex

    MEAL 2
    -1 scoop pro complex
    -2oz beef jerky
    -1 PBJ(sugar free)

    MEAL 3
    -chicken breast
    -1/2 cup brown rice

    MEAL 4 (PWO)
    -3 scoops cytogainer

    MEAL 5
    -8oz ground beef sandwich
    -1tbsp olive oil

    MEAL 6
    -1 scoop cytogainer
    -1 bagel
    -4 slices swiss cheese

    -306.5g protein
    -324.5g carbs
    -107.2g fats
    -3505 calories

    ***They only thing that jumped out at me was the carbs being slightly higher than protein, but both being at a good amount, it should be ok right? ****This doesn't include the vitamins and other supps I take****

    Also, Im 5'11'', 170lbs. To maintain my weight, I need about 2900 cals/day. So I shot it up to hit about 3500/day

    Comments/advice/help greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    in bold...just have some questions and comments

    Quote Originally Posted by kyjelly
    MEAL 1 Might go with a whole meal although not necessary JMO

    -2 large egg whites
    -1 scoop pro complex

    MEAL 2 the fewer the shakes the better
    -1 scoop pro complex
    -2oz beef jerky dont forget plenty of water
    -1 PBJ(sugar free) what exactly is that?

    MEAL 3 good
    -chicken breast
    -1/2 cup brown rice

    MEAL 4 (PWO) not sure what all is in there...
    -3 scoops cytogainer

    MEAL 5 not sure I understand what that is...with wheat? combining macros?
    -8oz ground beef sandwich
    -1tbsp olive oil

    MEAL 6 again...fewer shakes
    -1 scoop cytogainer
    -1 bagel
    -4 slices swiss cheese

    -306.5g protein
    -324.5g carbs
    -107.2g fats
    -3505 calories

    ***They only thing that jumped out at me was the carbs being slightly higher than protein, but both being at a good amount, it should be ok right? ****This doesn't include the vitamins and other supps I take****

    Also, Im 5'11'', 170lbs. To maintain my weight, I need about 2900 cals/day. So I shot it up to hit about 3500/day

    Comments/advice/help greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

  3. #3
    Yeah, I drink lots of water. Everytime I piss, its basically clear.

    The sugar free PBJ. Its peanut butter/jelly sandwich, with wheat bread, totalling less than 1g of sugar.

    cytogainer is 4scoops =56g protein and 79g complex carbs.

    the ground beef is lean, and yes, wheat bread with it.

    I know the shakes seem like alot, but really its just 2 shakes total, spreaded out over the entire day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    personally I would not combine macros...and I counted 4 shakes...just saying I would prefer more whole forms in every meal...

  5. #5
    what is the whole macros thing?

    lol its only2 whole shakes, i.e. 2 scoops of pro complex=1 shake. but i just separate them into 2. but I see where you came from on biggie thanks! Do you have any clue as to the bloat by any chance?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Macros are carbs/fats/proteins.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    you dont know about macros and youre taking steroids

    macros are protein/carbs/ should seperate fat and carbs...let me suggest sticking to my suggestions for a few days and see if your bloat goes away... just give it a try

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    He's taking gear???


  9. #9
    ha well, I had a feeling macros were that, but I just didnt wanna feel completely stupid and start talking like I know for sure, and am a little iffy. but anyways..

    So I probably need to rid of the PBJ and the bread part of the beef sandwich huh?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yeah, that would be a good start.


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    a small room
    So I probably need to rid of the PBJ and the bread part of the beef sandwich huh?
    I would...and PLEASE just try to duplicate a whole meal in place of the shakes...for like two days...just TRY

  12. #12
    haha well, since I got plenty of f***ing chicken breast! Say goodbye to some of those shakes! Ill give it a few days...and if I dont see results..theres gonna be hahaha thanks

  13. #13
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    i know shakes should be cut to a mininum and always replaced with food, what is the exact reason for this

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    i know shakes should be cut to a mininum and always replaced with food, what is the exact reason for this
    for me it would be for metabolism and qaulity...not to mention the minerals found in meat

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Kid, aren't shakes more easily digested by the body?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack
    New Kid, aren't shakes more easily digested by the body?
    their best advantage is they are more QUICKLY yes more easily but too many can be taxing...whole food digests slower and youre also getting the raw material so to speak...for example look at what a scoop of whey weighs and compare that to how much protein...whats all that other stuff? (besides the obvious)...but shakes do have their place

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