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Thread: Drawing Juice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Drawing Juice

    I've never really paid that much attention because my previous cycles were once a week injections but I think I need to be a little more precise this cycle because I'm doing ED 50mg Tren A injections. When you measure, do you count whats in the needle or just draw back some air and measure from the first line on the syringe?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    why would you draw back air before drawing the compound? I put air into the vial to create a vaccume to make it easier to draw.

    Just measure to what you need to draw to do the injection. If it's .5ml yuo want to inject then draw to the .5 mark on the syringe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Needles are calibrated as to where the plunger stops. Not the tip (point of the plunger) but the part that touches the side. If you look carefully the tip fits into the base of the needle when its pushed all the way down. You can draw air and take a measurement, but it probably not going to change much. It is impossible to get it exact, youll get more on one shot less on the next, but as long as your being as acurate as possible it wont change much. Your biggest error will be in whats in the pin after you draw. Draw it out (into the body of the syringe), change the needle, get all the air to the top, press the plunger until a drop of oil runs down the needle (for lube).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i do like what mudman said

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