Edited to take out link. Sorry.
Edited to take out link. Sorry.
Last edited by steroid-peptides; 09-18-2006 at 05:46 PM.
That is not good news at all. The chemical inside was identified as insulin from an unknown species that's an exact weight of rat insulin? It's unbelieveable to what extent people would go to just to make a few dollars. Obviously it would be wise to stay away from the brand "NUTRAL" in any case.
Thanx for the heads up.
Thanks for that,the scary thing is what about the brands on the market? It really makes you just want to stick with HGH.
We don`t know many things about IGF,like it`s half-life,but people will continue and inject this unknown substance for some fat loss.
and the pumpOriginally Posted by goose4
the strange thing about nutral igf is that the results i did get from it were exact the same as all other igf i tried...
Originally Posted by fred9
That`s a great point,from all the brands the result`s are similar,however,you can assure if you lab tested them you would have Different result`s,I mean if IGF did give you a couple of LBM it would be worth taking these risks,but for a 1% fat loss I`d rarther tweak my diet save the money for HGH and hit cardio hard.
so true...Originally Posted by goose4
Good info, glad I put the IGF thought on the back burner for awhile.![]()
forget lr3..................
he he.
Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
hi goz ..........![]()
So, if it was rat insulin (or some other type of insulin) what harm would it do to a human? I realise that this is in no way a healthy practice, but many of us have taken a lot of IGF and I am sure many people will continue to use it. Would the effects be devestating on the human body? Or would it be nothing?
This is not the first case we have found out IGF is rat insulin,we have a great thread by the turk,it`s very Dangerous Dude,when profit is involved these people will cut corners,they just Purchase it from these places:
Last edited by steroid-peptides; 09-18-2006 at 05:46 PM.
Concerns about the real content of IGF-LR3 (from at least 2 vendors) are popping up around several places on the 'net.
It's kind of old news
Goose, great point. Until more is known about this compound, I'm sitting on the sidelines and sticking with GH.Originally Posted by goose4
Around Xmas I ran a very high dose for 5 weeks,in the mornings I got very heavy sides of hypo,a very strange state,this shows the half-life to be longer than the 6 hours ball we hear.
Great post, bro.
Last edited by steroid-peptides; 09-18-2006 at 05:47 PM.
Maybe its not such a bad idea to shell out the money for something like igtropin since they are already an established hgh making comapny?
Great point, if I was to trust anyone I would trust GenSci. Their rep is great and their HGH is very good from what I know. They actually have the license to make this stuff, so I doubt they would put anything other than IGF in their IGF bottles. The bad part is that I haven't heard many good things about their IGF.Originally Posted by groundandpoundpwr21
Originally Posted by groundandpoundpwr21
Agreed that`s the only brand I would use.
Originally Posted by goose4
I ran Igtropin and spent almost a G to run it for a month at my dose. I'll never ever use that brand again.
I understand the reasoning behind it but the price is just crazy. The person I get my LR3 from now gets it straight from Gropep, the price is about half of Gensci.
Well maybe its time to give polumbos idea a try. The 11mcg a day thing everyone was talkin about. Someone said at that rate you would need 2mg a year. On outlawy some people tried it and say they liked it so its worth a shot, if it works you save some cash.
Fill me in, I haven't heard of anything as such. 11mcg p/day? All year long?Originally Posted by groundandpoundpwr21
Palumbos idea behind it was at the doses most people are using 60-100mcg per day igf1 receptors in the body quickly down regulate rendering the igf1 we are taking useless.Originally Posted by Gear
He recommends longer igf1 cycles, i dont think they where all year long but 12 weeks on and 4 weeks off, with lower doses to avoid igf1 receptors downregulating.
I have always wondered why GH is anabolic for long durations 9 months plus even though it is mainly anabolic through elavating igf1 levels. As we know synthetic GH use will not elevate igf1 levels anywhere near what injecting 60-100mcg of igf1 will, so maybe there is some logic to his theory.
Dave is full of shit,this is a question and answer thing I got.We have many guys on here that do over 2G of test per week.
Dear Dave,
I couldn't believe it when I stumbled onto your column on this "meso" site. It is about time someone did this. I am sick of hearing all the shit about gear that people say. I think it would be cool if you said some of the actual doses you know of GOOD pros taking. People say 6000mg a week, but I have a hard time believing that crap. Wouldn't they get sick? I am a competitive heavyweight in Canada and I see all these guys way smaller than me taking huge doses because "this pro takes this much" They are actually basing their drug intake on bullshit rumours. Do you know of any other sites that have RELIABLE information on them?
What about using insulin? I have friends who use 30+iu a day. I think that is just silly. What about insulin dose while dieting? I have friends who get totally shredded using insulin, but it seems contradictory to me. What are your general thoughts on insulin and the elite bodybuilders?
Thanks for the compliments. And yes, the so-called experts are full of shit! There is noone that I know who uses more than 2000mg of test per week. Anyone who does ues more is an idiot. 1000-1200mg of test per week is the ideal dosage (any more is a waste). As far as insulin dosages are concerned, 10IU once or twice per day is the most that should be used (you are supplementing, not replacing insulin production). You are correct, not everyone needs insulin. People who grow easily and have a hard time dieting probably oversecrete insulin; therefore, they should steer clear of it. If you are a hardgainer (and get ripped easily) you may benefit from using insulin (these are the "friends" that you speak of)
Well all I can say is the people on outlaw who tried it love it. Me I havent got to try it yet, but Ill try 11mcg a day before I try 50-80. My opinion its like when people recamend test start low and work your way up dont just jump into a gram your first time.
what side effects has it got? hgh is better to bulk up and what about sides?
I edited the original post because it links to a board where a competing product to one of steroid.com's own in-house product (Anabolic Steroids: Ultimate Research Guide, Volume 1) is sold.
Sorry, but I didn't want outside links to other sites where competing products are sold, regardless of whether they're Steroid-peptide products or Steroid.com's own products. It's against the rules either way.
Thank you for understanding.
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