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Thread: 1st week in...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    1st week in...

    whats up one week into my first cycle..winny doin 50mg/eod...up to side effects at all (knock on wood lol)...its funny im always hearing winny alone doesnt do shit all..well..just goes to show u that u cant always listen to people..because every single person is gonna react differently to im not ripped to shit..but yah i actually have gotten some gains..surprisingly..i have some strength gain..and my muscles are alot harder then previous...yah its not much..but after a week..thats not bad...anyway..what i wanted to do is increase my dosage from 50mg to 100mg/eod....i was told to start at 75-100mg...but i wanted to start at 50 to see for any kind of side effect..but now everything seems good...any thoughts on increasing to 100mg/eod?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Not to be an ass but it sounds like you decided to run this cycle your own way and evedintly did not take the advice given out so its hard to help you.
    In my opinion you should do some reaserch on winny and you can answer your own qeastion and maybe see why the cycle your running is not beiging done properly.

  3. #3
    winny should be run at 50mg every day, or so I am told, it has a very short half-life. do some more research

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