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Thread: Doc tested me for roids WITHOUT my permission

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina

    Doc tested me for roids WITHOUT my permission

    You guys remember my post about a month ago when I thought my doctor was testing me for roids? Here is my original post:

    "Sup bros,
    My problem: Cyp/EQ giving me bad insomnia, real bad, so went to the doctor for a sleep aid b/c melatonin/tylenol PM ain't cuttin it any more. So, asked for Lunesta or Ambien and the doctor was real skeptical with me. This doctor has also asked me about a year ago if I was on roids b/c I had high blood pressure (no roids, diet issue)... Anyway, she took blood from me, said she wanted to make sure my thyroid and liver values were okay. Something sounds fishy here. They took 3 vials of blood.

    So, can they legally test me for roids and not tell me?

    Can they tell my insurance company?

    Any info would help."

    Well, today I found out the my doctor did just that... I was on my 4th week of Dianabol when the blood was drawn and I knew something was up because I was told it was a thyroid and liver test but they took 3 vials of blood. I found out they also tested for androstenedione which showed up as above normal values. Also, my liver values were elevated a bit from the 17 alk of the D-bol. So, thinking on my feet I said that I had taken 1AD, an andro product, about 2 months ago and discontinued... that I bought it before it was illegal and explained that it was not a steroid but a prohormone. After explaining my stuff, my doctor seemed to understand... I just basically gave a lot of info on how I am responsible on everything that I take and she seemed to understand. I mean, she was even concerned that I was taking 1 caffeine pill a day maybe 2-3 times per week max.

    So, my question is, can or will this be reported to my insurance and make my insurance go up? I got some good advice from a veteran here to not tell your doctor you are using steroids because they can tell your insurance and it can go up.

    This chick is in preventative medicine and its really not a bodybuilders cup of tea if you know what I mean.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Guy let me get this straight your doc tested you for steroids without telling you????Sounds bogus to me.If your bood pressure was high it would seem to me she would look for other things such as your heart or something more related to that.Why would your doc care what you were doing unless it was a doc that worked with your job and tested you not only for roids but for everything.If it were me I'd talk to a lawyer....But to tell you thew truth no offense but it sounds like a bunch of crap.Unless i missed something.

  3. #3
    It may depnd on whether or not she is working for an HMO or a PPO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina
    Last edited by Muscle_4_Hire; 05-02-2006 at 05:06 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog36
    It may depnd on whether or not she is working for an HMO or a PPO
    This is a PPO... Bigmax, if you go into any doctor with any problem like high blood pressure, extreme acne, yellow skin and in my case, insomnia, the #1 question you will be asked while he/she is staring at your bulging biceps is "Are you on steroids?" I've had this question come from 3 diff doctors even back when I was natural.

    So, this is not BS. Your doctor is there to make sure you are healthy so they rationalize something unethical like this because its in your "best interest."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    There is no way she can report that to the insurance. There is such a thing as confidentiality. If she does report it you will not need insurance anymore. Take this from one who is in medical school. Believe me she will not say anything. Hope this eases you. Guns

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle_4_Hire
    You guys remember my post about a month ago when I thought my doctor was testing me for roids? Here is my original post:

    "Sup bros,
    My problem: Cyp/EQ giving me bad insomnia, real bad, so went to the doctor for a sleep aid b/c melatonin/tylenol PM ain't cuttin it any more. So, asked for Lunesta or Ambien and the doctor was real skeptical with me. This doctor has also asked me about a year ago if I was on roids b/c I had high blood pressure (no roids, diet issue)... Anyway, she took blood from me, said she wanted to make sure my thyroid and liver values were okay. Something sounds fishy here. They took 3 vials of blood.

    So, can they legally test me for roids and not tell me?

    Can they tell my insurance company?

    Any info would help."

    Well, today I found out the my doctor did just that... I was on my 4th week of Dianabol when the blood was drawn and I knew something was up because I was told it was a thyroid and liver test but they took 3 vials of blood. I found out they also tested for androstenedione which showed up as above normal values. Also, my liver values were elevated a bit from the 17 alk of the D-bol. So, thinking on my feet I said that I had taken 1AD, an andro product, about 2 months ago and discontinued... that I bought it before it was illegal and explained that it was not a steroid but a prohormone. After explaining my stuff, my doctor seemed to understand... I just basically gave a lot of info on how I am responsible on everything that I take and she seemed to understand. I mean, she was even concerned that I was taking 1 caffeine pill a day maybe 2-3 times per week max.

    So, my question is, can or will this be reported to my insurance and make my insurance go up? I got some good advice from a veteran here to not tell your doctor you are using steroids because they can tell your insurance and it can go up.

    This chick is in preventative medicine and its really not a bodybuilders cup of tea if you know what I mean.

    What test is this ? I have never seen this in any blood test ever.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    whatda'ya mean he won't need insurance anymore?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kuad
    whatda'ya mean he won't need insurance anymore?

    He could sue the crap outta the practice and have so much money he could swim in it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oh i get it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Get a new doc that doesn't pull shit like that behind your back.

  12. #12
    Revoke all of your releases of confidential information immediately. Be sure he can not talk to any one about your medical history. Put it in writting. Drop this Doctor ASAP.. This is a breech of trust and professionalism. You Doctor has no right.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    She can't report you to your insurance company. However, it will become part of your personal medical files and this will effect you if ever want life insurance. The life insurance company will base your premium off our medical history. Steroid use will cause your premiums to go way up or for you to be denied the insurance. This may not be a big deal to some, but to me, I want to make sure my family is taken care of if I drop over.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Fort Lauderdale
    i don't think that they can run any kind of test without your consent... if you can still prove that she did that i would consult a lawyer and sue (its pretty much free except for the %33

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I hate to play the devil's advocate, but she can legally run those tests.

    She's got to save her own ass too.

    I highly doubt she was out to get you for steroid use. I'm sure she knows, although it's probabaly vague, that steroids effect certain chemicals and functions.

    So do perscription drugs.

    If she was to perscribe you something that, coupled with some 17aa steroid, caused liver failure, she could be held responsible.

    Just talk with her about it. I don't think any radical behavior that could be conisdered suspicious is what you need right now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    On another note,

    who is that in your avatar? I just got a boner.
    If that's your chick, tell her she better give you a great birthday present.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle_4_Hire
    You guys remember my post about a month ago when I thought my doctor was testing me for roids? Here is my original post:

    "Sup bros,
    My problem: Cyp/EQ giving me bad insomnia, real bad, so went to the doctor for a sleep aid b/c melatonin/tylenol PM ain't cuttin it any more. So, asked for Lunesta or Ambien and the doctor was real skeptical with me. This doctor has also asked me about a year ago if I was on roids b/c I had high blood pressure (no roids, diet issue)... Anyway, she took blood from me, said she wanted to make sure my thyroid and liver values were okay. Something sounds fishy here. They took 3 vials of blood.

    So, can they legally test me for roids and not tell me?

    Can they tell my insurance company?

    Any info would help."

    Well, today I found out the my doctor did just that... I was on my 4th week of Dianabol when the blood was drawn and I knew something was up because I was told it was a thyroid and liver test but they took 3 vials of blood. I found out they also tested for androstenedione which showed up as above normal values. Also, my liver values were elevated a bit from the 17 alk of the D-bol. So, thinking on my feet I said that I had taken 1AD, an andro product, about 2 months ago and discontinued... that I bought it before it was illegal and explained that it was not a steroid but a prohormone. After explaining my stuff, my doctor seemed to understand... I just basically gave a lot of info on how I am responsible on everything that I take and she seemed to understand. I mean, she was even concerned that I was taking 1 caffeine pill a day maybe 2-3 times per week max.

    So, my question is, can or will this be reported to my insurance and make my insurance go up? I got some good advice from a veteran here to not tell your doctor you are using steroids because they can tell your insurance and it can go up.

    This chick is in preventative medicine and its really not a bodybuilders cup of tea if you know what I mean.

    Are you sure you didnt approve it?
    Every blood test I took I had to sign the paper describing the tests they will do. In many cases I did not understand what the "codes" meant but signed it anyway.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In most cases, she cannot reveal your medical records to an insurance provider. HIPPA laws protect your rights as a patient. They can't reveal these records to anyone (police, dea, etc.). I would never have been able to be insured if this were the case.

    However, I find it odd that she would test you without your knowledge. I would find another doctor. She might be a feminist. They hate bodybuilders.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    How poor of a relatiosnhip must people have with their doc if they feel they need to lie to the doc and make shit up? I would NEVER in 5 million years be with a doctor who I couldnt be honest with, its just pointless if you are gonna keep things from them. When you said you quickly made a lie about taking 1-ad I was like wtf? You must have a terrible relationship with your doc if you cant be honest and have to worry about lying everytime you go for a visit.

    Definitely get a new doctor, one you can be completely honest with or else they will never fully be able to help you, and you wont enjoy going.
    I found a great doc, she is awesome and helps me with my cycles, gives me advice on how to stay safe, gets my blood work done for me whenever I want, its at the point where we are friends now. Try to find something like that.

  20. #20
    So...did you get the Ambien???

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    How poor of a relatiosnhip must people have with their doc if they feel they need to lie to the doc and make shit up? I would NEVER in 5 million years be with a doctor who I couldnt be honest with, its just pointless if you are gonna keep things from them. When you said you quickly made a lie about taking 1-ad I was like wtf? You must have a terrible relationship with your doc if you cant be honest and have to worry about lying everytime you go for a visit.

    Definitely get a new doctor, one you can be completely honest with or else they will never fully be able to help you, and you wont enjoy going.
    I found a great doc, she is awesome and helps me with my cycles, gives me advice on how to stay safe, gets my blood work done for me whenever I want, its at the point where we are friends now. Try to find something like that.
    Exactly. The doctor is there to help. I would have no problem telling my doctor if I'm on anything. What if he were to proscribe something that had a negative effect on something I'm taking.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    How poor of a relatiosnhip must people have with their doc if they feel they need to lie to the doc and make shit up? I would NEVER in 5 million years be with a doctor who I couldnt be honest with, its just pointless if you are gonna keep things from them. When you said you quickly made a lie about taking 1-ad I was like wtf? You must have a terrible relationship with your doc if you cant be honest and have to worry about lying everytime you go for a visit.

    Definitely get a new doctor, one you can be completely honest with or else they will never fully be able to help you, and you wont enjoy going.
    I found a great doc, she is awesome and helps me with my cycles, gives me advice on how to stay safe, gets my blood work done for me whenever I want, its at the point where we are friends now. Try to find something like that.
    C_bino, thats a really good idea, I mean I want to be truthful with my doctor but this is only the third time I saw her. 99% of doctors will scream if you even mention steroids and that is fact. If you could do me a favor, PM me and let me know how you started this relationship. I would be really interested in seeing a sports physiologist or even just a family doctor to give me blood work every month or so and it would be sweet if he/she could help with the cycles.

    Wolar32, she really seems like feminist, saying that she NEVER watches TV, also saying that I seemed aggressive last time I was in for the blood tests and that would explain the andro... I think this has a lot to do with being a doctor, shes showing that women can be above men and her career proves it.

    So, I feel my rights were violated, and they were. I'm just not sure what to do about it. Who would I speak to about this? I mean I want to at least make a report that she did the test without my knowledge and I DO NOT want my new doctor to see that sh--. I'm angry about this but still thinking on appropriate action...

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