Hello mods, vets, members
I think that a sticky would be urgent and very useful for everyone injecting roids.
Abscesses are dangerous.
A sticky telling what to do exactly while an abscess is growing/ what type of medication a juicer can own at home to be safe at the beginnning of an infection/ what to do to avoir to go to the ER or the hospital/ what to do if no insurance health for the hospital....
I ve heard a few medications that can help during the beginning of an infection, i don t know to use them but i post them: levaquin, Biaxin, penecillin, ibuprofen, Flucloxacillin...
We must consider that thread seriously for the safety of all. This is worst than every side-effects that every newbie ask when they arrive on the forum.
Lose a body part or the life because the buddy thought the pain will leave alone with time is regrettable.
I plz the forum steroid.com to do a sticky about abscess.
thanx you