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Thread: Important need sticky about abscesses.

  1. #1

    Important need sticky about abscesses.

    Hello mods, vets, members

    I think that a sticky would be urgent and very useful for everyone injecting roids.

    Abscesses are dangerous.

    A sticky telling what to do exactly while an abscess is growing/ what type of medication a juicer can own at home to be safe at the beginnning of an infection/ what to do to avoir to go to the ER or the hospital/ what to do if no insurance health for the hospital....

    I ve heard a few medications that can help during the beginning of an infection, i don t know to use them but i post them: levaquin, Biaxin, penecillin, ibuprofen, Flucloxacillin...

    We must consider that thread seriously for the safety of all. This is worst than every side-effects that every newbie ask when they arrive on the forum.
    Lose a body part or the life because the buddy thought the pain will leave alone with time is regrettable.

    I plz the forum to do a sticky about abscess.

    thanx you
    Last edited by Xprime; 05-15-2006 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I agree. By the time someone posts a question here, they should already be treating the spreading infection. The real question is: What causes them and what should every member do to prevent them. Aside from tainted gear, there should be no reason for someone to go through that.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Im sure Nark will explain this...........

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Fear you have an abscess?

    Go to the doctor.

    That's my humble opinion.

    The usual course of action for experienced juicers is:

    for mild abscesses: lance; drain; administer anbiotics

    Honestly i think you should go straight to the doc if you think you've developed one.

    I think a 'how-to' abscess care sticky would encourage irresponsible action... with a potentially life-threatening condition


  6. #6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Fear you have an abscess?

    Go to the doctor.

    That's my humble opinion.

    The usual course of action for experienced juicers is:

    for mild abscesses: lance; drain; administer anbiotics

    Honestly i think you should go straight to the doc if you think you've developed one.

    I think a 'how-to' abscess care sticky would encourage irresponsible action... with a potentially life-threatening condition

    I agree, infection is one thing I would not mess with.

  8. #8
    Ok, there is a tons of irresponsible things done anyway, i don t think my idea to do a sticky is a bad idea.

    There is a heaps of newbie doing cycle of steroids without to know what is a PCT. Irresponsibility is everywhere.

    Abscesses must be taken seriously.

    Plz, Narkissos, What do you recommend as medications for a steroids users that do not want to go to the hospital because he doen t have health insurance?

    If i go to the doctor i must pay. If i do not have a abscess i will pay the doctor for nothing, this is why i think medications is directly better for prevention and eventually the healing of an eventual abscess.

    There will be rules in the sticky to take in consideration seriously but anyway their is irresponsible persons that won t listen. As for the pct thing.
    Last edited by Xprime; 05-16-2006 at 04:48 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    This is rediculous. Would you rather pay a few dollars, or lose a limb or potentially die ?

  10. #10
    I would pay if necessary of course but there is medications that can help..

    What experienced users, mods, vets would you advice as medications for people wanting to prevent an abscess or eventually cure the abscess before is maturation?

  11. #11
    Its very very simple. GO TO THE DOCTOR ASAP.

  12. #12
    lol, what about antibiotics?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    Just cal Greg Valentino. He'll lance and drain it for you.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Fear you have an abscess?

    Go to the doctor.

    That's my humble opinion.

    The usual course of action for experienced juicers is:

    for mild abscesses: lance; drain; administer anbiotics

    Honestly i think you should go straight to the doc if you think you've developed one.

    I think a 'how-to' abscess care sticky would encourage irresponsible action... with a potentially life-threatening condition

    Enough said.

  15. #15
    What type of anbiotics?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I'm using "Flucloxacillin" now for a skin infection. My doctor also told me this would be used for an abcess.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Self medication like this is not a very good idea. So many people are becoming AB tolerant and not responding to the meds and this will make the infection worse. I personally think teaching people how to do medical procedures on an open forum with no zero background is irresponsible at best.

    No one wants to go to the doctor when using AAS.. Hell I went and told him what was going on and I had never been before. He looked and told me it was not an abscess but probably an allergic reaction to the oil used. My leg was hot to the touch, itchy and was red and hurt.. He told me to take some Advil and put ice on it several times per day and to stop buying my gear out of someones trunk in the parking lot

    I see too many posts here like this.. "I'm pissing blood, what should I do" come on we are not doctors and should not give out this type of advice.



  18. #18
    ok then i am sorry, i don t have an abscess but i thought a sticky about abscess could have helped people.


    And just before to make my post i used the research button, there was 6 or 7 pages to read about people getting infection(s) and needing advices from bros on the board.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    what are the main signs of an abscess?
    how likely is a novice test enth 2inject /wk 10wker likely to result in an abscess?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    thats a good idea eprime, imo. i have had one doing winny, winny always gave me a lump like i here people getting from prop. the lumps would go away in a week to ten days , so after i waited 10 days, it was to late, so i do think it is a good idea to have information on the first signs of an infection, and what to do even before or after a infection . i didnt think i had one untill it was to late and i am sure there will be others.......... thanks " valcon "

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Xprime
    ok then i am sorry, i don t have an abscess but i thought a sticky about abscess could have helped people.


    And just before to make my post i used the research button, there was 6 or 7 pages to read about people getting infection(s) and needing advices from bros on the board.

    bro no problem at all you are right about being concerned no doubt about it but I think (and this is just my opinion I don't work here) is this.. already there are too many people doing AAS that should not be, using them wrong, not shooting properly and if you start giving medical advise people are going to get themselves into more trouble by lancing and self medicating beyond what they are now. It is a good in general but I think overall people may do more harm than good..

    Just my 2 cents.


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