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Thread: sustanon no pain is this normal

  1. #1

    Question sustanon no pain is this normal

    I just did a form of sust super test450 satchets had no pain at all, but was expecting some from the prop in it. IS PAIN A MUST in all cases of sust injection,are is it also normal not to have no pain at all,plus how long does this stuff take to kick in,I;ve only done cyp in the past.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I dont know what super test 450 is but
    Sust 250 takes about 6 weeks for me to start seeing any gains.
    The sachets are pretty new let us know if you get A lab test on it how it comes back.
    As far as pain goes I think it depends on the person and if they have youse'd
    prop before.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Phoenix, AZ


    Weird thing when I shot sus in my thighs I limped for days, glute injects of sus give me little or no pain.

    Such a difference that I wondered if I was injecting properly but telltale lump/knot was there in muscle. So its my personal experience that Sustanon does not have to hurt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands
    Same here.
    Sust in my leg will make me limp for a week, and in the glute, no issue al all!
    But I never have heard from 450 sust. did you get it tested?

  5. #5
    no i just got it its that stuff in the satchets great way to ship it if its real,Its kind of like andropin 275 but its 450. Ishot in the glute no more pain than cyp

  6. #6
    Post results.No pain doesnt mean its bad, it could in fact mean good human grade prop.

  7. #7
    oh, you mean the juice that's in the ketchup packets?? tell us how that stuff works out for you. if the lab name rhymes with health-then we're talkin about the same shit. dirt cheap, hope it's real

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