I just took my second jab of prop and there is absolutely no pain. In fact the Test E i've been taking for the past 8 weeks comes with more pain. The site I injected yesterday has no redness or soreness. I know there are some labs that make this type of prop. I'm using Farmadon (Russia). Is that one of the painless props? Hell, why am I even complaining about painless injects?
A little tip. I know alot of you guys don't like to do this because it feels like your wasting your juice but before I inject i like to get a little bit of the oil on the needle. The jab goes in as smoothly as a warm knife through butter, no pain at all! This is important for me cause I seem to have real thick skin. I'm taking 100 mg a day of prop so if I loose alittle to get a more comfortable jab EVERY DAY, then thats cool, i'll still get anywhere between 100-75 mg/day.