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Thread: serious cycle help

  1. #1

    serious cycle help

    Hey i've done a soft 5 week sus and deca cycle 2ml a week last year, didn't know much about the field, been reading lots on here since and have decided to start properly. Bought 20ml sus 250 and 20ml deca and plan on taking 1ml of each eod. was going to get sum dbol and take 6 a day of those to aid it but cudnt get hold of any but been told i can get hold of anadrol 50 and take one a day of those instead. wasn't sure so thought i'd post on here and knew you guys would help. i'm 21. 6 foot 1. 15 stone 8. i have a high protein diet. 19% body fat (little inaccurate machine). and i use the max-ot training programme. could i have some advice, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What are your goals for this cycle???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    just go with the sust and decca you'll do great

  4. #4
    erm.. i'm already a decent size and reasonable strength would like to be bigger, more defined and to lose the layer of stubbon fat i have round my mid section. is there any other oral i could try stacking with the deca and sus

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by neilbackmk2
    erm.. i'm already a decent size and reasonable strength would like to be bigger, more defined and to lose the layer of stubbon fat i have round my mid section. is there any other oral i could try stacking with the deca and sus
    You could add Winny the last 6 weeks, BUT nothing is gonna help if your diet is off. Try some cardio too

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If size and strength are your goals then your on track with a long estered test i.,e., enth or cyp along with deca with a good kick start with drol. As far as losing the unwanted BF your best option at 19% would be a rigorous cardio routine preferably first thing in the A.M. on an empty stomach. An OTC thermogenic may be of some benefit as well.

  7. #7
    at the minute i am on a protein diet and i've cut out carbs completely, just tuna and chicken etc. also taking protein shakes, i was under the impression it would be better for me to concentrate on building up before i cut. last few weeks i've been doing weights mon,wed,fri,sun and cardio tue,thur. 45 mins cardio. starting the sus and deca today. from what ive read it sounds worth me gettin some nolva and clomid, the person i get my gear from always says to me i dont need it and its a waste of money but i dont think he knows what he's talking about as he is clearly not on anything. ho wlong should i run my course for, i have 20ml of each wich at eod should last me around 5 weeks. but i go on holiday in 8 and dont fancy taking any with me. shall i run the 8? with orals or without?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by neilbackmk2
    at the minute i am on a protein diet and i've cut out carbs completely, just tuna and chicken etc. also taking protein shakes, i was under the impression it would be better for me to concentrate on building up before i cut. last few weeks i've been doing weights mon,wed,fri,sun and cardio tue,thur. 45 mins cardio. starting the sus and deca today. from what ive read it sounds worth me gettin some nolva and clomid, the person i get my gear from always says to me i dont need it and its a waste of money but i dont think he knows what he's talking about as he is clearly not on anything. ho wlong should i run my course for, i have 20ml of each wich at eod should last me around 5 weeks. but i go on holiday in 8 and dont fancy taking any with me. shall i run the 8? with orals or without?
    Why would you cut out carbs completely? You need carbs!!! The body can not synthesize protein without carbs!!

  9. #9
    the only carbs i have been getting are in my cereal.

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