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Thread: 1st Cycle Question

  1. #1

    Smile 1st Cycle Question

    I recently placed an order for some Dbol. I'm totally new to this, so here is my question. What should I take with this? How much should I take? And what should I take for PCT?

    Seriously guys, I'm a big time hardgainer, been a runner for most of my life. I would be thrilled with just a gain of 8lbs of muscle. What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    stats? age height weight bf...and obviously you know nothing about steroids so id say stay away...prove me wrong if i am...dbol only cycle is awful most of your gains will be water weight anyways what is your diet? anyone with a good diet and lifting routine will gain i know a few hardgainers but its not impossible without steroids

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    well for your first go with aas you need just a test only cycle. forget the dbol for awhile. 400-500mg a week of test enanthate is the most common cycle for beginners. what are your stats??

  4. #4
    Kloter1, congratulations on your arcade award - Simon is a hard game

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by kingtatee
    I recently placed an order for some Dbol. I'm totally new to this, so here is my question. What should I take with this? How much should I take? And what should I take for PCT?

    Seriously guys, I'm a big time hardgainer, been a runner for most of my life. I would be thrilled with just a gain of 8lbs of muscle. What are your thoughts?

    Not flaming you bro, but why would you place an order when you don't even know how to take what your buying? 8 lbs can be done relatively easily naturally, regardless of how much a hardgainer you are.

  6. #6
    step 1-reasearch PCT..check out this thread, Its all you'll ever need to know
    This will make your life easier.

    Step 2-hard gainers need at least 2grms of protein per pound of BW
    & you need complex carbs all day long 40-50 grams per meal and dextrose (60-70grams+40grams of whey) after your work outs will really help.

    Step 3- try getting some test prop if you can and try a short cycle of like 5 weeks , lift and most importantly eat your balls of. This will keep your sides effects low...keep gains and give you an idea of how these products work for you

    step 4 think of it this way...eating is more important than training!!!!! and thats real.
    (most guys don't get big because they don't have the guts to eat 5-7k calories per day!!!!!!)

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