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Thread: Seek advice for "older" lifter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Seek advice for "older" lifter

    Now that I am close to turning 40, I am not looking to bulk up per se or work towards a lot of mass. I started working out seriously again about 6 months ago and have made some good progress on burnign some fat. 4 day a week split routine at 45 mins......dont want to over train.

    My question was if one is looking to get a little more mass while really focusing on geting cut and lean, would a var or primo be the safe route? Not looking for tests or any heavy andorgens at this stage in my life.

    I finnished a clem cycle and it really did the trick on a fat burn but now I need to focus on getting some mass and more importantly, lean and cut.

    Any thoughts woudl be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by gritt
    My question was if one is looking to get a little more mass while really focusing on geting cut and lean, would a var or primo be the safe route? Not looking for tests or any heavy andorgens at this stage in my life.

    I finnished a clem cycle and it really did the trick on a fat burn but now I need to focus on getting some mass and more importantly, lean and cut.

    Either will be fine to run by themselves.As far as mass goes...hmmm..not much if any at all.Will help while you lean out though.You did happen to pick the 2 weakest anabolics a man can use.So you are safe anyway.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i was thinking var as soon as i started reading your situation. its mild and will help you out.. just like pinnacle said..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I would throw in winny as an option as well.
    A short cycle in moderate dosages of proprionate could do the trick as well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I was avoiding the injectibles in that funny enough.....I have low test levels as it is so I get 200mcgs every two weeks of Test from my doctor to get me back up over 130. Not a lot from a gainers stand point but I dont want to mess with my test levels. Amazed I can get any gains at all!!

    The feedback is much appreciated. I will say that the clen did wonders for ripping and strength so i am goign to try Lion's now to save on the wallet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by gritt
    I was avoiding the injectibles in that funny enough.....I have low test levels as it is so I get 200mcgs every two weeks of Test from my doctor to get me back up over 130. Not a lot from a gainers stand point but I dont want to mess with my test levels. Amazed I can get any gains at all!!

    The feedback is much appreciated. I will say that the clen did wonders for ripping and strength so i am goign to try Lion's now to save on the wallet.
    I'm sure you mean 200mgs, not mcgs of test? Is your doc giving you test enanthate for HRT?

    You about the same age as me and Pinn. Have you looked into HGH? GH and test do wonders for us old guys.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    You are right....mgs....not mcgs. I am taking for HRT. Had nto considered HGH. I might have to pursue that. Have you had any personal results with it?

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