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Thread: IGF-1 LR3 - injection method

  1. #1

    IGF-1 LR3 - injection method

    I am hoping for some feedback on IGF-1 LR3 injection methods. The literature cited in the FAQs on this site specify Sub-Q daily injections. That would, of course, suggest that Sub-Q is the way to go, and certainly that is the method that generated the results cited. However, those same folks who cite the literature seem to suggest IM injections - even going so far as to suggest a PWO injection into the muscles worked that day.

    So, what injection methods/sites are folks using, and why?

    Anyone tried different methods and have a preference? Why?

    The purported cognitive benefits of the substance aren't from direct cranial drips....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Forget what you read, sub-q bruns like all get out, LR3 does not need to be injected into the worked muscles, but they did get the PWO injection right. Drink a shake with carbs and protein in it too.


  3. #3
    Fired up today - 40mcg into each bicep PWO. Ten minutes prior to the hit (immediately PWO) I took 40g dex, then 10 minutes after a shake. An hour later a chicken breast and whole grain bread.

    The water solution is a lot easier to push IM than oil. Very little sensation (other than the first "bite" - I shoot through a virtual pool of alcohol), even compared to HCG Sub-Q.

    A certain euphoric feeling, some cotton mouth. Like in "Big Trouble in Little China", I kinda feel...invincible...!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Fired up today - 40mcg into each bicep PWO. Ten minutes prior to the hit (immediately PWO) I took 40g dex, then 10 minutes after a shake. An hour later a chicken breast and whole grain bread.

    The water solution is a lot easier to push IM than oil. Very little sensation (other than the first "bite" - I shoot through a virtual pool of alcohol), even compared to HCG Sub-Q.

    A certain euphoric feeling, some cotton mouth. Like in "Big Trouble in Little China", I kinda feel...invincible...!
    Euphoric feeling and cotton mouth? That is the first time I heard that. I didn't get any of that while on lr3.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Euphoric feeling and cotton mouth? That is the first time I heard that. I didn't get any of that while on lr3.

    perhaps he is stacking it with crack

    Joke of course

  6. #6
    Of course I am - isn't that the preferred method for cutting?

    My guess is that this has to do with sugar effects - at this point my diet tends to be so tight that if I have a piece of cake at my kid's birthday I get a buzz.

  7. #7
    Day 2 - off day, 40mcg into each trap about 15 minutes after a bowl of oatmeal. Having a shake after. Since the literature (and suggestions) are all over the place, and recognizing that the general opinion is that LR3 does not require bilateral hits, I am taking it to the extreme of bilaterals at 40mcg each for now. Probably hit either tris or pecs tomorrow PWO.

    My initial dosage (80mcg/day) is based on the general suggestion of effective dosages being between 60-120mcg/day, plus reading other threads. Any suggestions as to how best to dial in the dosage?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Any suggestions as to how best to dial in the dosage?
    After 1 1/2-2 weeks see how you've reacted, pumps, gains, BF%, etc... If you've made positive changes then stick it out.

    Let us know how the sides go too. Not too many people experience sides as far as what I've seen but they're possible.

    Typically 80mcg is a great dosage for many, works great for me.

    JB gave some solid advice, scrap what you've heard and lay it out as he's recommended. Best of luck brotha!!

  9. #9
    Day 3 - so far so good. Decided on the delts. I will be out of town tomorrow, so will probably skip a day. I think the euphoria/lightheadedness day 1 may have been placebo, as I have not really felt anything on the subsequent days. Well, maybe a slight pump - the jury is out there.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  10. #10
    Day 5 (or Day 6, 5th injection). PWO, 40mcg into each bicep. I did 40 into each tri yesterday as an off day. Protocols as before. Very good pump - I don't know if "insane" or other adjectives used elsewhere fit, but I was surprised to realize that I had only done my first set of tris based on the pump I felt. I did not really feel any different, but did more reps sort of without realizing it, so I'd say my stamina is up. The sort of thing if I was supposed to hit 10 I would just fly on by for 12 or 15 kind of without realizing what I was doing. I went to failure on some sets when I really wasn't expecting to - just ran over the set goals until I hit the wall.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    perhaps he is stacking it with crack

    Joke of course

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