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Thread: Whats the longest hgh can be good for?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Whats the longest hgh can be good for?

    I have norditropin somatropin which is in a pen. Doc put me on too low of a dosage which was 1IU and couldnt finish it in 30 days so now I have to increase the dosage to IU's a day. How long can I run it for before its no longer good anymore?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Yea he didnt really calculate it all out until about the mid of the month when I asked for hcg to go along with my trt according to Dr. Swale's methods. I do have a 10mg pen and was on .3 at first. Doc told me to up the dosage and I needed to finish it within a month so I upped it to .5 and did it everyday opposed to 5/2 and it ended up lasting me 43-44 days which I finally finished today. I do believe that I have been injecting myself the past week with bad hgh because my recovery time is usually good but lately I have been really sore again. Could just be me or I was able to make the pen last longer which I doubt. I have been refrigerating it though.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    The Nordiflex pens are really designed to be used within 3-4 weeks. If you are running beyond 3 weeks, I would certainly make sure you are keeping it in the fridge. I am surprised that your doctor would prescribe the improper size for your 1 IU per day application. The pens come in 5mg, 10mg, or 15mg.

    There are several considerations with running it much beyond that. With just about everything we use in a medical setting ... any injectible product, dilutent, etc. we toss after 30 days. The damage to the product from multiple needle sticks into it over time, the fact that some air has hit it, and the fear of bacteria being present in decent enough quantities to be a concern are all things to consider.

    I would say in your case for maximal use, keep it in the fridge and divide up the content of the pen (15,30, or 45 IU's) into 4 weeks (not sure if you are injecting 5,6, or 7 times a week). Run that much to use your cartridge in that 4 week window. While the HGH just doesn't completely go bad overnight after that, all of the considerations above make it a bad idea to push it past that mark, and even if you are being prescribed the 15mg cartridges and are only injecting 5 days a week, you are still only talking about 2.25 IU's of HGH per injection ... certainly a reasonable amount. Considering the rate of absorption with subQ, you are only talking about an effective dose of ~1.8 IU's ... which is just about a full replacement dose for a middle-aged adult.

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