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Here is what it boils down to. In the guide I wrote, I am assuming that you are using insulin as a bodybuilder for the express purpose of refueling your muscles after working them out. The goal is to use insulin once a day, workout days only, for that purpose - muscle glycogen recharge (to pull the muscles out of their potentially catabolic PWO state, and to pump protein and glycogen into them to begin repair/growth).
Furthermore, insulin is our storage hormone ... it instructs the body to store everything that comes in. While it is active in great quantity, nothing gets wasted ... everything we eat gets stored. If we are talking about enough protein and carbs to fill up muscles, this is great. If we are talking about an overabundance of any nutrient ... insulin instructs anything not needed for recharge of tissues to still be stored ... as fat in our fat cells.
All of this is the reasoning behind my suggestions. If you want to use insulin to help build muscle, and you are a bodybuilder trying to stay lean as well, then you will want to do as I have said. Take your insulin once a day, immediately post workout, workout days only, and avoid any excess carbs and ALL fats during the time the insulin is potentially active.
The insulin profile you mentioned spoke of taking a couple of IU's of insulin with each meal ... and having that meal include some fast acting carbs, some slow acting carbs, some essential fats, etc. The reasoning behind that is to have a steady supply of fuel during the active window of the insulin, and the plan of attack is to use insulin in really low doses with a bakers mix of nutrients to avoid the possibility of going hypoglycemic. Adding complex carbs and essential fats slows down the absorption, thus giving you a longer burning fuel source to hedge our bets for avoid hypo.
The downside to that plan of attack is you are certain to store some fat. If you are really skinny, if you are a powerlifter that can afford a couple of extra pounds, or if you are an athlete where a few pounds of fat won't make or break your year then this is an okay plan of attack. For bodybuilders on the other hand, this plan of attack is simply going to add some additional fat pounds that you really shouldn't have to deal with.
Make no mistake ... insulin can make you resemble jabba the hut if you use it improperly over a long enough time. I read thread after thread of people asking to take it multiple times every day, in great quantities, with a ridiculous diet ... all of these are going to add weight alright ... but it will be fat ... not lean tissue desired by bodybuilders. Insulin is tricky to use while still keeping lean.
That is what my cycle guide was designed to help you navigate ... using insulin while not packing on a ton of fat weight. Your daily intake of nutrients should include lean proteins, complex carbs, healthy fats, etc. ... but you certainly don't need (or want) all of those to be present while insulin in supraphysiologic proportions is present in your system ... unless you are wanting to pack on some blubber for insulation for a snow trip.
Hope that clears up the methodology of my post.