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Thread: injury help please!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    injury help please!!

    ok guys, im an electrician and had been on a different job for awhile where all i did was stand or use bucket truck. well i started wiring again in cabins. which met id sit for long durations on a little stool not much bigger than a milk crate. i feel lower back preassure to the point id have to get up and stretch. it was a pain to have to stop what we were doing so i could get comfort, anyways i felt when i was trying to stand up straight i could feel a knot in between my naval and the naval side of my right hip bone. well it finally broke lose and the pain is unreal. went to the doc he said i pulled my side abdominal muscles. this shit hurts on everything. sitting, driving, sleeping. have any of you had this or know what i can do , the doc just gave me muscle relaxers and said it would have to heal on its own. its been a week. tha pain when i went to the doc on a 10 scale was like a 12. a week later its about an 8.5. anyhelp would be great to this. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Try posting this in the injury and rehab forum

    Youll get better help there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i just assume leave it in here cause the other forums are sometimes dead. is there away to send it there or do i have to retype the bastard??? any help would be great

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    A mod could move it try to pm one and just let them know What's up theyll probaly take care of it for you.

    Good luck with your rehab

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