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Thread: Muscle Aches BAD!

  1. #1

    Muscle Aches BAD!

    I'm on my 4th week of test e...After my fourth shot I went to bed and woke up the next day with bad muscle aches all over...more on my legs. Worked out the upper aches but legs were still sore as hell...Went to bed the next night and was right back were I was the day b4!
    Can anybody help?

    I understand Test e hurts...I felt the sorness in the first three shots...but not all over muscle pains like this!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    sure its not aches from the test flu?

    I usually get them around the 4th week of my cycle.

  3. #3
    That's what I Heard....I don't have flu symtoms though...just the aches...My head is clear, no coughing, sneezing..nothing just clear..

    I'm stressing over it so bad cuz it hurts to get out of bed...feels like all my muscles have been pulled and strained...

    I heard though someone that it might be water retention pains...just sounds to extreme for that...????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Is your gear legit? I find my aches and workout pains are almost non-existent when on cycle. My recovery time is fast. You could have bad gear?

  5. #5
    No, I'm pretty sure it's real...A couple other friends of mine got the same stuff from the same place and are fine....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    When I did Test E I had no "flu aches" or anything like that. The only "muscle aches" were due to training harder.

  7. #7
    Does anyone else have an idea?

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