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Thread: Oil Based Suspension?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Oil Based Suspension?

    Does anyone happen to know if the detection time for oil based suspension is different than that of water-based?

  2. #2
    just trying to generate some buzz, you know get a good word of mouth going

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Alxandrthegreat
    just trying to generate some buzz, you know get a good word of mouth going
    generate a buzz????For what, a dectection time?You think this question has never ben asked on this board before?

    Anyway,to answer your question(buzz-free), the dectection time is the same give or take a few hours.


  4. #4
    HA, actually no just meant tryin to get someone to look at this so it can be answered. Thanks For the Info

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