I am not sure I fully understand this question? Could you try to rewrie it?
I can't remember what I was asking exactly. i think it was something along the lines of, thether system outside of the reactor core were powered by the reactor or a different source of power.
Helium, nitrogen or carbon dioxide is what is used in the pebbel beds. When it comes to the chemistry of those gases I have to confess my complete ignorance.
Helium and nitrogen I believe are both noble gases. I would hazard a guess that the carbon dioxide acts as something of fire blanket. It is heavier than air and should accumulate at the base of the reactor, where the rods are. The same gas is used in fire extuingishers. Not sure if the same principals apply in this case. that is my guess though
I think I will explain this a bit further anyway since its a very nice effect.
In a pebble bed reactor uranium is contained within pebbles of pyrolytic graphite. The pyrolytic graphite is the neutron moderator(i.e it slows down the neutrons so that they can be captured by the u-235 and create fission, without moderation the chanse of neutron capture becomes dramaticly small).
How does this work. Does uranium occur in crystalized structers with it self ,similar to carbon in diamonds. Can't exactly visualise how a single molecule could be contained within each pebbel.
My head hurts hehe
In essence each of these sphere is a mini nuclear reactor. If you pile enough of them togheter the reaction starts.
Normaly neutrons released by u-
235 fission is to high to react with u-
235 and to low to react with
u-238. If the fuel heats up though the energy range of the fission neutrons will be "smeared" out to allow the neutrons to react with u-238. Since a neutron captured by u-238 doesnt produce any fission it means less neutrons are aviable to induce fission in the u-235. This means that if the heat goes up the number of neutron drops and lowers the reaction rate which in turns lowers the temperature.
So like I said this works completley independant of any safety system. A very elegant solution.
I don't really understand it, but okay.
They basicly just pulled out the control rods(the control rods work by capturing neutrons and lowering the number of neutrons that can react with u-235) and shut down all coolant to the reactor. They basicly ran a worst case scenario as a experiment. All that happened was that the reactor slowed down to its idle state.
That was a serious oversight on their part indeed. Someone there must have like playing nad scientist.
Yes, those containment buildings are incredibly sturdy.
Maybe an example no need to go as far as blue prints of a design or anything. that would just confuse me more.
Chernobyl is a quite interesting case. I havent read any in depth about the chernobyl accident but I have seen a few documentaries and the stupidity of the guy running that dangerous test was just baffling. What is ironic is that he is just about the only one that survived the accident aswell. If there is a god he sure has a sense of dark humor.
The remaining reactors of chernobyl type have been improved alot so another chernobyl is unlikely even in those. But I would feel more comftertable if they shut all of them down completely. We have a couple of those old rusty bastards close to our northern border.
Okay that is a very reasonable point. Nice to see someone who can be so objective.
The biggest safety measure is that no human can shut down any safety system. Before three miles island and chernobyl the attitude was that humans know best and should have full controll. But after those accidents its no longer possible for any human to shut down any safety system under any circumstance.
(How long did it take to put these structures in place and can we be sure than counties say in the middle east are complying with these standards.
The second biggest safety measure is the controll rods. There are systems in place that can fully insert the control rods in a matter of seconds. The control rods can shut down the reaction almost completely in no time.
what happened at chernobyl was that the controll rods where such that for a split moment they increased the reaction rate before they shut it down since they had graphite tips and graphite moderates the neutrons.
Sorry if this sound dumb put why the hell did they put control rod in there with graphite tips. Didn't they know graphite moderates the nuetrons.
So when they engaged the emergency lowering of the control rods they made the whole thing go out of controll. No western plant has anything like that in the controll rods.
I hope not.
What safety measures they have in a total loss of coolant accident I dont know to be honest. The control rods would maby be enough but there would be alot of heat and the possibility of a steam explosion in the preasurised and boiling water reactors.
Lets hope that doesn't happen eh.
The most important safety measure is the containment building. Nothing can get out of it. You could stand right outside the containment building during a complete meltdown and you would suffer less radiation than if you are inside a apartment(because of the radon in concrete) or if you take a plane ride(thinner atmosphere high up in the air allows more cosmic and solar radiation).
So your saying less backgroung radiation outside the containment building, than would ordinarily be found in the envioroment.
The fact that the radiation drops with a factor of thousand in just 10 years would mean cleanup could be done fairly quickly. I have to take some time someday and read up on the cleanup of three miles island to know how they did it and how long they waited.
(Would like to here about it. Keep in touch.
No transmutation is when you put the waste products into special reactors that transmutes those isotopes into less radiactive ones. It isnt a complete process and as of now its just in research stage. But In a not so distante future Im sure we will have plenty of those to take care of waste.
That is one thing that I don't like personal. We have all of this waste. We can't do anything with it yet. But we will learn to discharge it safely sometime.
The containment building is what would stop both a chernobyl the second and a terrorist attack.
A meltdown like in chernobyl cant happen in the next generation reactors and are horribly unlikely in the present reactors and like I said earlier even if a complete meltdown where to happen the containment building would contain all waste.
lets say a worst case scenario is that terrorist manages to get into a plant. When they are in there there is realy nothing they can do. They can not do any security override or anything of that sort because none of the safety systems can be overridden.
I dont know what kind of damage they could to physicaly to the reactor itself. But even for that to have any effect they have to make sure the containment building is breached and that requires some very heavy firepower. I wouldnt say its impossible. But Im gonna say its very very very unlikely they could pull something like that off. It would be ALOT harder to do than it was to pull of 9/11.