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Thread: to redbaron possible diabetes/hgh sticky?

  1. #1

    to redbaron possible diabetes/hgh sticky?

    your info regarding this seems second to none. any chance of a sticky? in the meantime could you give me a working process regarding my case. My mother had a stroke late 50s became/was a diabetic. so im worried )paranoid actually) about any possible heredity thing going on.

    ive used hgh on off over the past 4 years (mostly on 2-3 a day) and been pretty rubbish regarding diet. This has changed. Changed diet and using various supplements that help insulin sensitivity. chrmium magnesium, lots o epa dha, fish salmon low gi bread etc etc my question is i intend to be on hgh for the nexy 2-3 years (with breaks ) can you answer these questions?

    1 A foolproof way of taking a test. i.e time of day fasting etc and best (foolproof and cheapest kit) for testing levels

    2 best supplements that improve or help blood sugar levels while on gh (or off)

    3 Best protocol for using gh over a long period that will stave off diabetes or at least help reduce chances of. (for instance i read on one site that stop using gh for a few days may help ur body to bounce back to normal regards insulin sensivity?

    reason im asking bout question 3 is there seems some idea floating 'round that EOD use of gh is more beneficial regarding your own gh release. if thats the case maybe EOD is better for diabetes problems as well.

    educated (or not? guess) crap spelling i knw but can you give me ur input


    a uk bro

  2. #2

    to red baron

    a test regarding whether your becoming insulin resistant (pre diabetic etc)

    and if poss could you answer the other two question cheers bro (in your own time of course)
    Last edited by brian123; 07-12-2006 at 11:57 AM. Reason: hehehe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Here's a thread I posted with about the same question that was answered in more depth by RedBaron:

    I'll quote my initial quesiton below since it includes another link on the subject:

    " HGH Induces Type 2 Diabetes?
    There's a good discussion about the possibility of HGH use inducing Type 2 (i.e. "adult onset") diabetes at

    The last post is...
    "But anyways, I talked to a doctor...and one who would actually tell me the truth..not one of those doctors who says everything is harmful and AS is the devil. He said that any raise in GH--be it exogenous or endogenous--can lead to diabetes in one pre-disposed. He says it is a common side-effect of GH."

    There's a study at that indicates insulin resistance (the bad guy of Type 2) even at low levels (for HGH replacement). They found insulin resistance persisted months after discontinuing.. "Regardless of this, the untoward effect of GH on glucose metabolism persisted after 6 months."

    So it looks like HGH induced insulin resistance may not reverse even long after discontinuing. Anybody know if there's a final word on the relationship between HGH and the potential for Type 2?"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    My conclusion is (and that's just for me), try it, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly before starting and after, and if your levels start going out of control due to HGH-induced insulin resistance either start using insulin or something like glucophage or go off. Also if you've got any genetic tendency for Type 2 (like I do too) the primary thing seems to be to keep your bodyfat low, which is good advice anyway.

    I'm sure RedBaron will have better indepth advice.
    Last edited by johnsomebody; 07-16-2006 at 07:43 PM.

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