Sayed Hassan Nasurallah has declared that Hezbollah Mujahideen have brought down an Israeli worship and possibly killed tens of
Israeli sailors; Al-Jazeera reporters along with Al-Arabiya reporters have witnessed ‘bright and strong fire balls’ hit the
Israeli warship right off the coast of Lebanon. Currently; rescue helicopters have been spouted trying to rescue the survivors;
the Israeli military has confirmed that their warships are currently under attack but has not admitted to the destruction of a
Israeli warship.
Sayed Hasan Nasurallah has declared an open war on Israel and has promised to take the war to the next step, and that is
‘attacking beyond Haifa’ – He has also declared in his speech which was given over the phone live on Al-manar television (which I
have listened to): “Rest assured that not only our homes be destroyed and our children be killed; but also your children and
houses that will bear the calamity of war”
Rak_Ani/AIZ whos hiding now from the attacks? me or you? ready or not the missiles will come keep hiding , I dont know if your
heard your intelligence saying that hezbollah own long range 150km missiles!