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Thread: quick question...

  1. #1

    quick question...

    i kno a few people wsill call me name and say ever so horrible things about me butttt...i only have street knowledge of steroids until couple days ago i found this website...never knew of pct,and the basic make up of certain steroids...this week monday to be exact i did 200 mgs of deca...then i find this site and i see people talking about running test with decca (one concern of mine is ofcoarse "deca dick" and overall i am trying to bulk up)...anyways test e or prop i can get tomorrow just wondering which one,how much to run if i plan on running just 200mgs of test weekly? ALSO one more Q should i just have nolva on hand while running these 2 are should it be a part of my cycle itsself(scared of getting gyno)...i plan on running it and clomid in my ptc...thanx for any advice...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I'd go w/ the enan

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Dont worrie we wont say horrible things about your butttt...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i believe deca needs to be shot twice a week and you should use test e with it. shoot the test e twice a week as well. you can shoot the 2 together in the same shoot. run a higher dose of test than deca and run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca. for example 500/600mg of test with 400mg of deca. run test for 12 weeks and deca for 10. test e would have been enough in itself for you as a first cycle. but you have already started soo a little late for that. im not sure as the nolva for gyno. i think when running deca you need something like aromasin for gyno. but dont take my word for it, im not totally sure. many other people on here will know what you need better than myself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Test e or test cip for first cycle. Some people have real problems with prop some don't why chance it for now?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by crisco0119
    i kno a few people wsill call me name and say ever so horrible things about me butttt...i only have street knowledge of steroids until couple days ago i found this website...never knew of pct,and the basic make up of certain steroids...this week monday to be exact i did 200 mgs of deca...then i find this site and i see people talking about running test with decca (one concern of mine is ofcoarse "deca dick" and overall i am trying to bulk up)...anyways test e or prop i can get tomorrow just wondering which one,how much to run if i plan on running just 200mgs of test weekly? ALSO one more Q should i just have nolva on hand while running these 2 are should it be a part of my cycle itsself(scared of getting gyno)...i plan on running it and clomid in my ptc...thanx for any advice...
    OK so let me get this straight, you have had one shot of Deca so far ? What are you age , stats and workout experince. Also I presume this is your first cycle ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I would go with the test E but prop will work fine to it just has to be shot ed

    But if I were you I would take a step back and revaluate.

    If you have only done one shot why dont you just stop

    Then get everything you need pct included

    And start your cycle the right way

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    OK so let me get this straight, you have had one shot of Deca so far ? What are you age , stats and workout experince. Also I presume this is your first cycle ?

    You need to run test at least 100 mg higher than deca dose. You really should do some research here - all the info is free and accurate. Safety first before putting potentially life altering chemicals into your body.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    I would go with the test E but prop will work fine to it just has to be shot ed

    But if I were you I would take a step back and revaluate.

    If you have only done one shot why dont you just stop

    Then get everything you need pct included

    And start your cycle the right way

    Agreed - never start a cycle without all the pieces being in place - that includes PCT and syringes/ needles etc

  10. #10
    ok so how should i run the nolva then...r does it even work for decca related gyno...i've been researching on this site since i found it and i find all the answers piece by piece on different posts and what not...and i forget half the stuff i read and where i read it and so i figured i should just start my own thread and get all my Q answered...i am gonna go ahead and stop and reevaluate...i pretty much got everything except when to run the nolva...soo basically i need to kno what and when to run nolva and i need to get a pct together

    also i've ran a prop e cycle and a prop/tren cycle before...but to tell u how dumb i am to the world of steroids i ran the prop at around 300mg a week and the tren every other day.
    Last edited by crisco0119; 07-26-2006 at 09:14 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by crisco0119
    ok so how should i run the nolva then...r does it even work for decca related gyno...i've been researching on this site since i found it and i find all the answers piece by piece on different posts and what not...and i forget half the stuff i read and where i read it and so i figured i should just start my own thread and get all my Q answered...i am gonna go ahead and stop and reevaluate...i pretty much got everything except when to run the nolva and...soo basically i need to kno what and when to run nolva and i need to get a pct together
    So answer my question What are you age , stats and workout experince. Also I presume this is your first cycle ?

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