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Thread: PGF2a...what guage pin? INPUT??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    PGF2a...what guage pin? INPUT??

    My PGF2a is on the way. I have 90% 10% DMSO/water gel right now and 30ml at 5mg/ml PGF on the way. HOWEVER, I should probably pin it for best results. Al Rea suggests 2mg 3-4x a day.

    Any experience? What guage? I ordered some 28g 1/2" slin pins...I'm thinking that should suffice for delts/bis/tris/forearms. YES I said forearms...will go shallow but this is an area I'd like to improve.

    Also, can I mix this with syntheselen? (water based vitamin complex with B-12 and pure ATP)? I've heard the injects hurt like a mofo so I wanted to cut it with something. OR should I use something oil based so it will stay in the site longer for more benefit?

  2. #2
    i think tlr has pgf2a in an oil base, for longer effect. some threads on avant- about it i think.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Cool...that's where I got mine from! Sweeeet. Avant? I'll check out their boards. Thanks.

    Anyone else have info/exp?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    What is pgf2a?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    never mind, I looked it up. Guys don't stray too far from the crapper.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    don't use it in the stomach area bro?you will be on the crapper every 10sec.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dream warrior
    don't use it in the stomach area bro?you will be on the crapper every 10sec.
    I'm not 100% sure this stuff isn't fake b/c it doesn't hurt too bad..only aching at the admin site. However I'm using .75mg/site per app so maybe that's why? Tell me what you details are below. All other sides sound correct.

    Craps? yeah I know. Haha...I've been using it in medial delts 4x a day at .75mg/delt (total 6mg/day). This is the beginning of day 3. 20 min after admin, I have to sit on the toilet...sometimes I go...sometimes I don't. It's not explosive...I just have the urge to go. Sometimes I have intense chills...sometimes I don't. Other than that, I feel lightheaded and foggy minded 20min after admin...and it drops my blood sugar A LOT (checked) I have to eat some carbs.

    I just did a carb load (staged from Body Opus) and after 600g high GI carbs in a 10 hour period, 1 admin of this stuff put my blood sugar to 68 AND I was BACK in ketosis! I was amazed. MID RANGE ketosis. It takes me 3 days low carb to hit this normally...and last time after this amount of carb intake same time same day a week blood sugar was 132 without the pgf2a. Also...I'm vascular, lean, full subQ water at all this time. Think this stuff is legit or is it something like Insulin or Amoril?

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