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Thread: Steroid effectiveness chart...confusing/dated?

  1. #1

    Steroid effectiveness chart...confusing/dated?

    Hey guys,
    i put up a post asking ppl's opinion on a good bulking stack having been successful with deca, sust before.

    i had some great combinations advised...
    test prop/dbol...deca/test....equipose/test e....


    I looked at the effectiveness chart and for instance the test prop/dbol one shows great potential for growth, but awful for retaining gains. im guessing this is aftera successful pct.

    is this chart to be ignored...would a prop/dbol course pack on mass and keep it?

    i want a good size course that will retain mass....thinking (by looking at the chart) as going for equipose and deca....

    what do ppl think...of the chart and long lasting compounds?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    psss. over here! ;)
    The only way to tell what would work for you is experimentation. It doesn't matter what kind of test you take as far as keeping gains. Test is test. Dbol is used best at the beginning of the cycle to kick it off before the long acting esters kick in. EQ did nothing for me but helped my appetite but I also only ran it for 10 weeks. If you are looking into test/EQ then expect to run it a minimum of 14 weeks or soo to get the full effect from the EQ. As far as putting on mass I would go with test/deca and use dbol for the first four weeks if you are impatient and are ready to see gains a.s.a.p. As far as keeping gains that is all due to how you train, diet, and rest after your cycle and how well you run your pct.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMeathead
    It doesn't matter what kind of test you take as far as keeping gains. Test is test.
    what do you mean with regards to keeping gains? test good or bad?
    thinking of doing test e and deca....?

    someone said
    1-12 test e @ 400pw
    1-6 tren @ 200 pw
    6-12 deca @ 200 pw

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMeathead
    It doesn't matter what kind of test you take as far as keeping gains. Test is test. QUOTE]

    what do you mean with regards to keeping gains? test good or bad?
    thinking of doing test e and deca....?

    someone said
    1-12 test e @ 400pw
    1-6 tren @ 200 pw
    6-12 deca @ 200 pw
    Don't stack tren with deca. Test is good. Test enanthate and deca is a great stack. Is this your first cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    sorry to jump ur thread dude.

    but mrmeathead if he was to follow a test E and Deca cycle and drop the tren, what dosages would u then recommend?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by mark_newcastle
    sorry to jump ur thread dude.

    but mrmeathead if he was to follow a test E and Deca cycle and drop the tren, what dosages would u then recommend?
    I would think it would depend all on his past history with tren and what kind of tren he is using. He had 200 mg of tren per week written out as far as tren is going to be ran and that is hard to understand unless he is reffering to tren enanthate.

  7. #7
    4th cycle.
    but without moving too far from the original point....thoughts on the chart?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysLearning
    4th cycle.
    but without moving too far from the original point....thoughts on the chart?
    If it is your fourth cycle then you should know what would work better for you than anyone. To be honest with you I use to go that all that chart b.s. but everyone will react differently soo I find it useless.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Before i even hep you i need your stats bro... your stats are what can help determine whats the best cycle besides from yoru own experience... Age, height, weight, bf.. cycles? ( what it consisted of.. Dsgs) training... ect.... help me out and ill try my best to help you out bro...

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