Here's my cycle. I haven't cycled for 1.5 years. Previous 2 cycles were mostly fake...Some gains.
1-4 prop 300mg/week
1-10 enanthate 750/week
7-12 oral winnstrol 100mg/ed
Diet is in check and I've been training for 4.5 years.
OK...I just took my third shot tonight...doing mon,wed,fri. I switched up my routine 6 weeks ago and have been training legs hard again after a long lapse...
I've gained 6 lbs already! In the first week. My weight started to increase after many months without significant gains. I climbed two lbs in 1.5 weeks prior to starting my cycle...It can't be the prop already...can it? Are some of these gains natural or is it all water from the prop?
My diet has been great and I've been training even harder than usual.
What do you think?