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Thread: IGF-1 ec (MGF – Mechano Growth Factor)

  1. #1

    Post IGF-1 ec (MGF – Mechano Growth Factor)

    Guys there are quite a few recent articles and studies regarding this remarkable compound called MGF. Here is a brief synopsis.

    MGF: a local growth factor or a local tissue repair factor. Combining physiological and molecular biology methods have indicated how a factor expressed by stressed muscle induces local muscle fiber repair and adaptation Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is derived from the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) but its sequence differs from the systemic IGF-I produced by the liver. MGF is expressed by mechanically overloaded muscle and is involved in tissue repair and adaptation. It is expressed as a pulse following muscle damage and is apparently involved in the activation of muscle satellite (stem) cells. These donate nuclei to the muscle fibers that are required for repair and for the hypertrophy processes which may have similar regulatory mechanisms.

    For anyone who has additional knowledge and experience with MGF feel free to add it to this thread! MGF is now available at our store.

    Last edited by RUI-Products; 10-04-2007 at 02:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hey Lion- what dosing would be use with MGF? How long would you cycle, or would you cycle?

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