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Thread: Fine Tune Me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Fine Tune Me

    about to start a cycle of test for 10 wks,2 shots e/w 500mgs/wk also I will start taking armidex 2 wks prior and through the duration at 0.25 e.o.d. After the cycle has finished I will take Tribulus(is it any good?). What I really need advice on is dividing the injection as I plan to put some of it directly into my biceps as these muscles are lagging. Any advice will be appreciated.
    Many Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Spot injection does not work. The reason you inject into muscle is to absorb the injectant into the body. If you inject into a large muscle group such as the gluts the cross sectional area for absorbtion is large thus the better the absorbtion would be vs that of the Biceps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jaja
    about to start a cycle of test for 10 wks,2 shots e/w 500mgs/wk also I will start taking armidex 2 wks prior and through the duration at 0.25 e.o.d. After the cycle has finished I will take Tribulus(is it any good?). What I really need advice on is dividing the injection as I plan to put some of it directly into my biceps as these muscles are lagging. Any advice will be appreciated.
    Many Thanks
    Tribulus is shit try Tongkat Ali but you will need to do a Clomid, Nolvadex PCT as well. And direct muscle injection for localised growth is a complete load of shit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Agree with above. Rotate injection sites to avoid scar tissue. Trib is crap. Run a proper PCT (research at pct forum). ARR (above right banner) stocks some good products for pct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Thanks for the advice so far. I forgot to mention I have some Deca-Durabolin would it be worth including this in my cycle,been reading some bad things about it,unsure what to make of it. I'm going to put an order in for Clomi but don't no how much I will need and is it oral or injectable? Really need for my arms to come on,what about the liquid steriod that seeps through the skin,I read you apply it to the areas that need to grow,or is this more marketing nonsense? And finally what do you guys think about legal steroid alternatives advertised on this site? Once again many thanks.

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