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Thread: 238 Pounds

  1. #1

    Exclamation 238 Pounds

    Hi Guys,

    I am 238 pounds of pure South African beef (age 26) and would like to cut down. I use to be a super heavy weight kick boxer so did a lot of weight training as well as cardio. From there I became a cyclist. I dropped my weight from +- 229 to 191 when I started spinning and cycling. But have picked all that weight back up - thanks to beers and BBQ's ) I would now like to start training again, but just cut down. I have ordered 3 courses of Winn-50 and would like to know the correct way of using it to obtain max results. Can I take this and then just do cardio or should I still incorporate weight training into my program. Secondly what would the recommended dose be and should the tabs be taken on a daily basis. lastly, what sort of diet should I follow. I am loosing the BEER (it is going to be a really sad time in my life), but I am focused on dropping my weight back down to +-195.

    Your assistance is dearly appreciated!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    just from ur questions ur not ready to do any sort of anything except food and exercise.
    1. of course u have to weght train to see theeffects of anabolic steroids.
    2. what is 3 courses? if u don't know how much to do in the first place then how do u know how much one coarse is?
    3. u don't do winstrol by itself. u won't get gyno but it will still shut u down a little and make u feel like shit.

    ur about a year or so behind on ur research. I don't feel responsible advising u on dosage yet. good luck

  3. #3
    Excellent, thanks for the prompt reply.... three courses I mean 3 containers/bottles of winn tabs. This is the reason why I posted my question. I have never used a “roid”. I have Big arms, sort of defined and broad shoulders. I know that the best why to drop my body fat % would be by following the correct diet and cardio and have sort of answered my question regarding weight training to speed up fat loss. For argument sake, what will happen if I follow the correct diet, weight train, cardio e.g. rowing machine and use winn tabs in conjunction with “Hotrox” or should I use the “Hotrox” initially and forget about the winn tabs.

    Thanks for the help!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    wait until ur at about 18% to do anything and do not do it on its own. run some test with it. use prop and u won't have much water retention and u won't feel like shit. run a mild cycle of maybe 350mg prop/week. if u don't like poking ed then run 100mg eod. thatll get u at 400mg/week along with 50mg/ed of winny.

    it'll look like this

    week 1-10 400mg/week prop
    week 1-4 50mg/ed winny

    if u want u can run 12 weeks with winny in the first and last 4 weeks

    clomid and nolva for pct, 4 weeks. go to the pct forum and research some pct dosages and tecniques. good luck bro

  5. #5
    ok..... you lost me there... what is "prop" & "eod"?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    prop is "test propionate". and EOD is "ever other day" injections that's wut he mean't

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    all you need to knpow about test prop

  8. #8
    WOW how are you guy recommending prop to him...i agree dont do winny by itself but come on.....look at his goals.....clen or an eca stack or preferably HARDWORK....but im not sure what you are recommending what this guy had in mind......
    it sounds to me like you are under the impression that winny helps cut fat.....well it will harden you up and more vascular but thats it...and at a high bf you wont see much of that at all....

    look machine get your diet in order and lots of cardio, do that for 6weeks and let us know how its going

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    i didn't recommend it READ what i said... all you need to KNOW about prop... cause he didn't know what it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    well I actually said he's a year behind were he needs to be and to get down to at least 18% before he does anything. but hey.... great point

  11. #11
    why do you think you need aas to lose weight?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    wow you went from being a kickboxer to a cyclist?? if you want to just cut down, the simplest advice I can give you is to eat less and more often. Insted of having say 3 large meals, have 8 small meals. Your metabolism will get a lot higher, you will feel more energetic, and you will definitely see a difference. I would also cut out any sodas and sugar from your diet

  13. #13
    hahaha recommend this guy drugs. That's the ticket.

    Learn how to eat properly and train, that'd be a great start.

  14. #14
    Excellent thanks guys, Yip from kickboxing to cycling want to do some fung-fu now. I am not shy to train hard, Starting off in Jan - I have decided to end my long standing relationship with Beer. I will train for 6 weeks and let you guys know how I am doing (post some pics) I still have a lot of muscle definition on my shoulders, back and forearms, but the problem now is with my tummy and chest. But will sort it all out.

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