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Thread: new to steroids NEED HELP

  1. #1

    new to steroids NEED HELP

    hello all, my name is sean and i need some info and help for those that can provide it and help me out.

    now i have been working out for about 6 months now and have done pretty good so far.
    ive gained 40lbs and strenght but im still not happy enough, ive come from 120 to 160 now and my goal is a solid 190-200lbs for being a 5'9" guy.

    now here is what ive been looking at stacking.
    -dbol and winni-v toghether along with some liquid hgh in hope to increase my patuitary <<(spelling) gland out put and gain some muscle and possiably a couple extra inchs on to my hight while i still can before i hit 24, im 21 now.
    what do you guys think?? would this be a good stack along with the hgh???

    thanks for who help.

    im sorry this is my first post but id like some experienced info along with my studying.
    thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Welcome to AR

    HGH needs to be run a minimum of 6 months or longer and it will not help you grow a few inches in height

    first cycle I would suggest a single ester Test ONLY, that way you can learn how that works for your body and then add other compounds on future cycles.

    Dbol and winny only , will shut down your HPTA and kill your libido.

    What is your PCT knowledge?

    answer ALL the green questions below and we can help you better

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu

    AT your current training experience, and size, you are not ready for aas.

    That does not mean that you should not continue researching. But you should put afew years of natural training, and build up a better base before thinking about aas.

    Dbol + winstrol is one of the worst cycles you could plan. Definately check out the educational threads, and when you are ready, you should have conducted enough research to plan a proper cycle.

  4. #4
    age: 21 hight: 5'9" wight: (as of right now) 166lbs bf%: 10% i believe (need to get checked training: 4 days a week for every muscle group previous cycle: d-bol (not even a full cycle only like 3 weeks) and pro hormones (x-mass and pharamax) goals: to be a solid (solid) 190-200lbs and pct knowledge: i thought pct was a drug not a roid so i dunno.

    well ive heard that winni-v and d-bol are a great stack. i dunno im still researching. i'd at least like to get back on d-bol and get some big muscle mass and weight going and acctually finish a full cycle, and the hgh thing yeah i read some more on that after i made this thread it doesnt do what i want it to do really.
    ive got minimal knowledge about roids so thats why i ask, like i said above i have done d-bol but i didnt have enough for a full 6-8 week cycle but what i did have it kicked in enough to noticed a pretty decent gain and now currently im on a pro hormone stack (x-mass and pharamax) which ive got some really good gains off of so far and about to finish with this stack and then i want to get back on d-bol after 4 weeks of nothing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by alpinesupra
    ive got minimal knowledge about roids more research

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    hgh is used to treat children that suffer from dwarfism, which at 5'9, you do not suffer from.
    im 6'5, so enjoy the fact that every 10lbs you add will make you look a lot bigger than every ten that i add.
    stop looking at the downside of your height, and do research to develop yourself to your maximum potential. being tall is not a blessing...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by evil pepsi
    hgh is used to treat children that suffer from dwarfism, which at 5'9, you do not suffer from.
    im 6'5, so enjoy the fact that every 10lbs you add will make you look a lot bigger than every ten that i add.
    stop looking at the downside of your height, and do research to develop yourself to your maximum potential. being tall is not a blessing...

    true in many aspects, but id still like to add a couple more inchs to my hight like 5'11" maybe 6' flat would be awsome.
    and yeah im doing some research right now as we speak to learn more and see what would benifit me more and what wouldnt.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    evil pepsi...

    I know what you mean, I am 210 but 6'1" and I feel skinny.

    At least I am not 165 anymore.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendog24
    evil pepsi...

    I know what you mean, I am 210 but 6'1" and I feel skinny.

    At least I am not 165 anymore.
    dude, im 6'5 and 220. granted, im lean as hell, and lacking a couple of inches in my legs thanks to a knee injury, but there are times in which i feel small as hell...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    how do you plan on adding INCHES on to your height

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The Balkans Somewhere...
    Check it out man, I was 4'8" my freshmen year of High School. Myself and my twin brother were part of a trial to treat children of short stature with growth hormone. I was predicted to only make it to 5'0". I took it for 2 years straight, and grew to 5'9" by my senior year of high school.
    However, every 3 months I had to go get a medical exam, one of the things they checked were my growth plates in my wrists. Once your growth plates are closed you cannot grow anymore. Understand? So, you will not gain any height from using Growth Hormone.

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