Ok, I have been doing alot of research and am STARTING to understand IGF and MGF. There are alot of different views and few concrete facts on the best way to use it.
I am ordering some and will soon have 3mg of LR3 IGF-1 and 30mg. of MGF.
Here are my questions
1. What is the RIGHT way to reconstitute these peptides. I have heard AA and I have heard Sodium Chloride. I know to add the water second in the syringe, but why do you need to add bwater?........to lessen the injection site pain?
2. If I am taking IGF and MGF together.........do I take them on the same days? Do I take equal amounts of each? I have decided to take 80mcg of the IGF, so should I take the same amount of MGF. I read that a low dose of MGF is 250mcg. E3D.
3. Are there potential sides to IGF/MGF? Are the potential sides similiar to the sides of insulin use? I wonder because IGF is "insulin-like". Basically what precautions should I take?
Thanks guys, and please leave any input. This HGH/IGF forum doesn't get alot of traffic, so I would like alot of replies in reference to my "views".
Thanks again!