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I disagree that 2 iu won't do anything. Considering that 1.5 i.u. is the high-end for a person to produce naturally, 2 i.u. will definitely help especially if you are over 30...which is when GH substantially lowers each year. By the time you are in your 60's the IGF secretion (which comes from GH) is 1/20th of what it was in your 20's...so keep that in mind. I have known many people that cannot tolerate anything above 3-4 i.u.'s...so keep that in mind. I would build-up slowly over a good amount of time to determine your body's tolerance and the effect that GH has on it. I think 3-4 i.u.'s is a very liberal dose for most people. It also depends on your genetics as far as how well your body appropriates the effects of it...I start seeing good results at 2 i.u.'s a day and I build-up to about 4 i.u.'s a day...anything higher than that I have to wait several months to be able to tolerate that. Good luck.