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Thread: The right amount of hgh for the results you want

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Long Island

    The right amount of hgh for the results you want

    it seems to be the concensus the 2iu for basic maintenance and well being, i got this right from the gen-sci website:
    Result of well being, some lipolysis,improved skin appearance: 2iu daily
    Moderate lipolysis, better sleep, more energy: 3iu daily
    Begin to see fullness in the muscle,advanced lipolysis: 4iu daily
    Muscular hypertrophy, feeling like a king, full as hell: 5iu daily

    i know it will vary from person to person, as weight and fitness will play a role. would it be better to work up to a high amount, say 4 or 5 iu then when you get to where you want back down? what does anyone that has experience with hgh think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yes, you can work your way up. Once you were trying to eventually stop I would personally do it fewer days out of the week...i.e. instead of 5 days out of the week, do it 4 days out of the week to allow those 3 days to be completely off of GH which will help you gain homestasis easier.

  3. #3
    HGH is dosed according to body weight and often titrated by IGF levels in the blood. Unless you are a midget, there is no evidence in the literature that so low a dose will have much if any effect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I disagree that 2 iu won't do anything. Considering that 1.5 i.u. is the high-end for a person to produce naturally, 2 i.u. will definitely help especially if you are over 30...which is when GH substantially lowers each year. By the time you are in your 60's the IGF secretion (which comes from GH) is 1/20th of what it was in your 20' keep that in mind. I have known many people that cannot tolerate anything above 3-4 i.u.' keep that in mind. I would build-up slowly over a good amount of time to determine your body's tolerance and the effect that GH has on it. I think 3-4 i.u.'s is a very liberal dose for most people. It also depends on your genetics as far as how well your body appropriates the effects of it...I start seeing good results at 2 i.u.'s a day and I build-up to about 4 i.u.'s a day...anything higher than that I have to wait several months to be able to tolerate that. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    I disagree that 2 iu won't do anything. Considering that 1.5 i.u. is the high-end for a person to produce naturally, 2 i.u. will definitely help especially if you are over 30...which is when GH substantially lowers each year. By the time you are in your 60's the IGF secretion (which comes from GH) is 1/20th of what it was in your 20' keep that in mind. I have known many people that cannot tolerate anything above 3-4 i.u.' keep that in mind. I would build-up slowly over a good amount of time to determine your body's tolerance and the effect that GH has on it. I think 3-4 i.u.'s is a very liberal dose for most people. It also depends on your genetics as far as how well your body appropriates the effects of it...I start seeing good results at 2 i.u.'s a day and I build-up to about 4 i.u.'s a day...anything higher than that I have to wait several months to be able to tolerate that. Good luck.
    Sorry, no. Differences of opinion are one thing, but the above is just factually wrong.

    First off, any discussion of HGH must be in terms of body weight. That is how it is dosed, and that is how it works.

    Second, starting with Rudman, the minimum HGH required to achieve "youthful" IGF levels was .03mg/kg - 3X/week, which translates into 0.234IU/KG a week - 23.4IU/week for our hypothetical 100KG (220 pound) subject, which is 3.3IU/day at daily or 4.7IU on 5/2 schedule.

    Let me repeat: To achieve youthful IGF levels a 200 pound subject required a minimum of 4.7IU at a 5/2 schedule.

    Many required more.

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