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Thread: Igf-1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Whats the deal with this stuff and how effective is it? I just got done watching a show on the science channel, and researchers are trying to make "the incredible hulk".
    They used this stuff on rats, and its muscle increased by 40% the average rat, and it stayed strong its whole life, even at age 90(compared to humans)
    They said to inject it in the desired muscle and it should grow supernormally.
    Anywho, it was pretty interesting show, they believe in 75-100 years, they can start making people 10ft 700lbs of lean muscle...

    they even talked about regeneration, like what a lizard does with its tail....
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 03-07-2007 at 03:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    they mentioned IGF? i think i remember seeing this show a while back but cant remember them mentioning igf. very intresting. how effective is it? it is an integral part of my PCT as i dont waste muscle much if at all during post cycle. keeps me lean and my muscles pump nicely during and long after i train. its effects are subtle though you need to really be in touch w/ your body to understand what it is doing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2
    how effective is it? it is an integral part of my PCT as i dont waste muscle much if at all during post cycle. keeps me lean and my muscles pump nicely during and long after i train. its effects are subtle though you need to really be in touch w/ your body to understand what it is doing.

  4. #4
    what exactly is it doing?

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