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Thread: can someone advise a newbie?

  1. #1

    can someone advise a newbie?

    hi all, i am starting a cycle of winstrol tablets, i want to cut up and i have a very high protein diet

    can u tell me a few things?

    how long does it take to see good results?
    and also, will it help form the roundness and cut of the muscle, like chest and biceps?
    can you drink alcohol whilst using the tabs?

    thanks guys

    apologise for my naivety!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    stay the hell away from steroids kid.

    seriously you are so far from being ready its a joke

  3. #3
    i can tell you not to drink alcohol...winstrol is harsh on the liver! and yes...winstrol is primarily a cutting AS, but will not build much. In my opinion then, you shoudl already have built the muscle b4 you try and cut it. So, yes if you have properly developed the muslces, they will look very round! I believe results occur rather quickly, but make sure you have a proper diet or you would be wasitng your money! Also, prepare a PCT

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Man you got research to do. Do you know PCT is? What are your stats: age height weight bodyfat% years training cycle experience? Winstrol only is gonna shut you down. That means you won't be able to get an erection. Results vary and depend on the individual and your diet. And NO you can't drink while on any type of AAS!!! Do some reading.

  5. #5
    and btw...i also agree you need more research b4 beginning the vets say, "knowledge is power"

  6. #6
    the website steroid profiles all say the same things though, i know anadrol is the most dangerous, winstrol seems to be the safest oral as i am no way touching a needle, what u recommend?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    the website steroid profiles all say the same things though, i know anadrol is the most dangerous, winstrol seems to be the safest oral as i am no way touching a needle, what u recommend?
    LEAVE THE GEAR ALONE. You are obviously not ready

  8. #8
    well how do u know when u r ready? everyone has to start somewhere dont they?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    STATS!!!! WHAT ARE YOUR STATS!!!! And no you are not ready. You basically just told us all of the steroids are the same......

  10. #10
    In addition to what others have said before, if your not ready for needles you are not ready for steriods period end stop. orals have many more negative consequences then injectables.

    If you were familiar with the steriod profiles you would know that winny is far from the safest for your liver or your hdl/ldl values, in fact it is one of the worse in those regards.

  11. #11
    would a 4-6 week cycle hurt? the muscle gains are easy to maintain afterwards? i wanna see more definition with my physique. i am 15stone, 5'9, 22 yrs of age, body fat % 16

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    What is your training and diet like? Do you know what PCT is? The muscle gains all depend on your diet and training. How much you keep also depends on how hard you work to keep it.

  13. #13
    how many calories do you consume in a day?
    What % of the calories come from protien?
    What % of the calories come from complex carbs?
    What % of the calories come from simple carbs?
    What % of the calories come from polyunsaturated fats?
    What % of the calories come from monounsaturated fats?
    What % of the calories come from saturated fats?
    how many meals do you eat a day?
    what is your cardio schedule like?
    what is your weight training schedule like?
    Are you an active person and participate in physical activity outside of the gym on a regular basis?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Never mind the damm booze. why in the hell would you wana fog your radar.

  15. #15
    u lads are tearing me to pieces, but u know best at the end of the day. i want to learn from u guys.

    mr getbig, i dont know what pct is, have to hold my hands up to that.

    jagdpanther, i am eating 300g of protein, 250 complex carbs, 6 meals a day, cardio is three times a week for about 20-30mins, my physical activity is solely gym

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGetBig13
    Man you got research to do. Do you know PCT is? What are your stats: age height weight bodyfat% years training cycle experience? Winstrol only is gonna shut you down. That means you won't be able to get an erection. Results vary and depend on the individual and your diet. And NO you can't drink while on any type of AAS!!! Do some reading.
    Seriously what are you talking about? Not get an erection from winny? And why is that?

    I agree about drinking and Winny. But cant drink on any aas? why is that? Again everyone is different and there are different levels of drinking. But i hate people who just repeat shit.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Seriously what are you talking about? Not get an erection from winny? And why is that?

    I agree about drinking and Winny. But cant drink on any aas? why is that? Again everyone is different and there are different levels of drinking. But i hate people who just repeat shit.

    its entirely possible to be suppressed by winny enough to suffer libido issues, possible but not entirely likely. either way winny by itself is not a good idea.

  18. #18
    i dint mean to cause any friction or argument on the board, i have been a member for about an hour, but i have joined for advice. i can read, and what i have read clearly indicates that winstrol is by far the best oral to take, no risk of gyno, doesnt convert to estrogen, rare acne and water retention due to no estrogen build up. dianabol and anadrol sound pretty bad, the latter being the worst. so is winstrol a good one to go for bearing that in mind?

  19. #19
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    its entirely possible to be suppressed by winny enough to suffer libido issues, possible but not entirely likely. either way winny by itself is not a good idea.
    I agree that its not a good cycle. And a lot of things are possible, but erection problems are probably one of the smallest possibilities.

    I just hate people who spew out scare tactics. No different then what the media does about aas to the public

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I agree that its not a good cycle. And a lot of things are possible, but erection problems are probably one of the smallest possibilities.

    I just hate people who spew out scare tactics. No different then what the media does about aas to the public
    sound m8, since i joined this site i havent been told whats what, just being given the scare tactics. its my very first go at roids, i want to take my physique to a better place, i have 8 weeks before i go on holiday to make some noticable gains

  21. #21
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    i dint mean to cause any friction or argument on the board, i have been a member for about an hour, but i have joined for advice. i can read, and what i have read clearly indicates that winstrol is by far the best oral to take, no risk of gyno, doesnt convert to estrogen, rare acne and water retention due to no estrogen build up. dianabol and anadrol sound pretty bad, the latter being the worst. so is winstrol a good one to go for bearing that in mind?
    deff. not the "best" oral to take....everyone reacts up on anavar and t-bol, both have less sides....if you want to run winstrol, at least run the injectable which is more potent, because of one pass through the liver instead of two....once again, you got alot of researching to do...use the search button and you will find all your answers.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    i dint mean to cause any friction or argument on the board, i have been a member for about an hour, but i have joined for advice. i can read, and what i have read clearly indicates that winstrol is by far the best oral to take, no risk of gyno, doesnt convert to estrogen, rare acne and water retention due to no estrogen build up. dianabol and anadrol sound pretty bad, the latter being the worst. so is winstrol a good one to go for bearing that in mind?
    Ok since you're stuck on doing an oral cycle trust me winny alone isnt the best idea.

    Dbol side effects aren't all that bad, I just ran it for 6 weeks, gained 20+ pounds with no side effects (shut up parrots I know i havent had bloodwork yet).

    if ur gonna do an oral only cycle for your first I'd stick with dbol personally, but keep to 6 weeks, 25mg a day. You should gain some decent size, but make sure you run a PCT of Nolva/Aromasin or something similar. go over to the PCT forum and read up on PCT.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    bro needles arent that bad just start out with a simple test cycle winstrol is terrible on the joints and just isnt a good choice for ur first cycle

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Ok since you're stuck on doing an oral cycle trust me winny alone isnt the best idea.

    Dbol side effects aren't all that bad, I just ran it for 6 weeks, gained 20+ pounds with no side effects (shut up parrots I know i havent had bloodwork yet).

    if ur gonna do an oral only cycle for your first I'd stick with dbol personally, but keep to 6 weeks, 25mg a day. You should gain some decent size, but make sure you run a PCT of Nolva/Aromasin or something similar. go over to the PCT forum and read up on PCT.
    believe me, i have been considering the breakfast of champions, but u lose all the mass u have gained, plus i dont like the idea of having to take anti-estrogens. if i was going to inject i would use deca, but i am terrified about growing tits, i cant have that lol! not bothered about a bit of acne!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I took winny by itself. The joint pain absolutely sucked! Gained some weight remained cut but my strength suffered I was in pain just bending over. As far as losing your erection not likely. After several weeks you will probably see a decreased sex drive. After my cycle I had blood test done my liver enzymes were elevated significantly. I would not do winny without testosterone! It will take care of the joint pain side effects. I could not get a hold of it at the time running winny by itself was stupid. Get the proper PCT products before you cycle and don't drink while doing steroids it's very stupid, especially with winny the stuff is harsh on your liver. Read the steroid profiles!!!!!!

    I agree with snrfmaster if you have to do a oral only cycle dbol is the way to go.

    If your asking for advice quit whining, ever since I joined this site 2 weeks ago and after 8 posts your not telling me what I want to hear. Whan.
    Last edited by knownutz; 03-19-2007 at 05:03 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    First things first. Bodybuilding is hard work and you need to know the basics of nutrition and excersize. Next, you learn about yourself: Are you cut out to eat six meals a day every day? Are you cut out to put in hours of painful work in the gym? Do you have the time, resources, and desire to do bodybuilding? Do you have the genetics? Do you have atleast 3 years of training under your belt. Have you put on atleast fifteen pounds of muscle?

    You're way ahead of yourself by taking steroids. Winstrol is terrible for the joints and it's not liver friendly. Stay clear bro!

    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    hi all, i am starting a cycle of winstrol tablets, i want to cut up and i have a very high protein diet

    can u tell me a few things?

    how long does it take to see good results?
    and also, will it help form the roundness and cut of the muscle, like chest and biceps?
    can you drink alcohol whilst using the tabs?

    thanks guys

    apologise for my naivety!

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by knownutz
    I took winny by itself. The joint pain absolutely sucked! Gained some weight remained cut but my strength suffered I was in pain just bending over. As far as losing your erection not likely. After several weeks you will probably see a decreased sex drive. After my cycle I had blood test done my liver enzymes were elevated significantly. I would not do winny without testosterone! It will take care of the joint pain side effects. I could not get a hold of it at the time running winny by itself was stupid. Get the proper PCT products before you cycle and don't drink while doing steroids it's very stupid, especially with winny the stuff is harsh on your liver. Read the steroid profiles!!!!!!

    if i was to do a cycle for about 4 weeks, surely my liver would be able to repair itself without permanent damage and restore the enzymes to normal???

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    believe me, i have been considering the breakfast of champions, but u lose all the mass u have gained, plus i dont like the idea of having to take anti-estrogens. if i was going to inject i would use deca, but i am terrified about growing tits, i cant have that lol! not bothered about a bit of acne!

    You asked how one knows when they are ready to use steroids. your above statements shows you are NOT.

    This isn't something you do as a hobby.

    and YES drinking alcohol while using steroids is a bad and stupid idea as you are already stressing your liver, possibly raising your blood pressure, and other levels , so it would be foolish to add to that stress on the body by adding alcohol.
    If you are NOT committed enough to doing this correctly then its NOT for you

    Thats how you know when you are ready. When the commitment to doing it correctly outweighs the desire to be "doing roids"

  29. #29
    again, all this is you guys just being negative, no one seems to share anything, just keep warning me off it. i dont wanna inject, i dont want to risk growing tits, and i want to reduce water retention and acne, so stromba is the best??? can someone confirm this to me thats all i wanna know! all steroids are dangerous to liver, but the liver repairs itself doesnt it?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    believe me, i have been considering the breakfast of champions, but u lose all the mass u have gained, plus i dont like the idea of having to take anti-estrogens. if i was going to inject i would use deca, but i am terrified about growing tits, i cant have that lol! not bothered about a bit of acne!
    You don't lose what you gain. If you dont take and anti-e while taking dbol you will hold some water. So when you stop you lose the water that you were holding.

    You aren't going to see much of a difference from a winny only cycle. I wouldn't waste my time either. I know your reading the profiles. They are kinda basic. Trust some guys who have some experience at this

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    You don't lose what you gain. If you dont take and anti-e while taking dbol you will hold some water. So when you stop you lose the water that you were holding.

    You aren't going to see much of a difference from a winny only cycle. I wouldn't waste my time either. I know your reading the profiles. They are kinda basic. Trust some guys who have some experience at this

    atleast someone seems to wanna help, and dont just tell me all the negatives, thats all u hear on the tv and news, we are supposed to be a community! lol

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Snapperhead. I took winny for 6 weeks. I had to stop, I was in a lot of pain. Quit whining you asked for advice you're getting it. You're getting it from people who have been there. It's just not what you want to hear. Take the time to thoroughly read the profiles!
    Last edited by knownutz; 03-19-2007 at 05:15 PM.

  33. #33
    what pain was you in?

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    armour_king i made a very helpful post already. I told you winny was a bad idea, you don't wanna listen and you repeat yourself

    you remind me of columbus, and that aint a good thing!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    again, all this is you guys just being negative, no one seems to share anything, just keep warning me off it. i dont wanna inject, i dont want to risk growing tits, and i want to reduce water retention and acne, so stromba is the best??? can someone confirm this to me thats all i wanna know! all steroids are dangerous to liver, but the liver repairs itself doesnt it?
    Look you have been getting good advice. you are just not hearing what YOU want to hear so ......

    Steroid use comes with risks!! There are ways to reduce the have to be willing to do this 100% not 95....

    You need to know exactly what you are sticking into your body and what it can do to you both good and bad.

    Winny by itself is NOT smart to take
    People have done it, some regret it some don't, some wont' tell us they regret it

    Winny for less than 6 weeks is probably a waste
    Winny when your bodyfat is over 10% isn't gonna get you the results you are looking for
    Winny does NOT cut DRIES you out..... pain in joints
    should only be used for short periods of time
    You are risking your libido if you do not use exogenous Testosterone while using winny

    What else do you want to know?

    Deca by itself is even worse than winny as Deca is guaranteed to shut down your HPTA from the very first shot

  36. #36
    ok fellas, what is the best oral to take then, which will cut me to shreds? dbol? whats the best anti estrogen to go for?

    i am a complete novice, i appreciate what u are all saying

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by armour_king
    ok fellas, what is the best oral to take then, which will cut me to shreds? dbol? whats the best anti estrogen to go for?

    i am a complete novice, i appreciate what u are all saying

    There is NOT any AAS that will cut you to shreds !!! Sorry, it is 95% diet and training that will do that.
    AAS will AID only

    Dbol to get shredded.....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL OMG are you serious....??????

    I understand you are a novice, BUT dear GOD at least do some research and show that you are concerned about your body and not just wanting to TAKE something..........

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Read the anavar profile. Do a lot more research. All steroids come with side effects. Some are pretty nasty. Personally I shouldn't be touching them but maybe I'm not all that bright. Learn from other peoples mistake. You have a hell of a lot more info. available to you than I did 20 years ago.
    Last edited by knownutz; 03-19-2007 at 05:19 PM.

  39. #39
    i want my chest and torso to be well shaped up, thats the only reason why i am contemplating using, i really dont know what to do. i want to have the bodybuilding look of having big and round muscles without having to flex

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    There is NOT any AAS that will cut you to shreds !!! Sorry, it is 95% diet and training that will do that.
    AAS will AID only

    Dbol to get shredded.....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL OMG are you serious....??????

    I understand you are a novice, BUT dear GOD at least do some research and show that you are concerned about your body and not just wanting to TAKE something..........

    theres no need to make me feel stupid, i am asking advice, whats the best for getting good gains, i am 15 stone, i dont want to get heavier, i want the shape and excess fat gone. i have been working hard for 5 1/2 years since the age of 16-17

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