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Thread: Cluster phacked first cycle of Tbol, but still happy

  1. #1

    Cluster phacked first cycle of Tbol, but still happy

    I just finished one hell of a clusterf*cked first cycle of tbol.
    I got it rather quickly when I ordered it, 100 tabs, just to make sure the source was legit. I was happy about that so I ordered 400 more. I waited a few days and started it up at 60mg ed. First few days I felt great! I had more energy, more motivation. Then, being at a university gym, I caught a cold, kept me out of the gym for a week. I got back in the gym, was feelin good, was gaining some good ground. After10 days of ordering the extra 400 tabs I contacted the source wondering what was up, they hadn't sent it yet, they were out of stock. They assured me it would be sent within a few days. A week later, still not sent. I lowered my dosage to 50, then 40, then 30 to stretch out the tbol in hopes my supply would show up, it never happend. Lesson learned, don't start a cycle until you have all your gear there.
    Anyways, not to get on a rant, I want to say, after less than 4 weeks on tbol, being sick, and lowering the dose, I still gained about 7 lbs of good weight! I have always trained naturally, used all kinds of over the counter stuff. This was my first experience with aas, and even with the cycle being messed up, I am EXTREMELY impressed. My avatar pic is probably the best shape I ever got in going naturally and training for months. I exceeded that in 3 weeks with the Tbol.
    Very very good stuff, great cycle, great idea. The source is still promising to send my goods, they are saying they are just out of stock and are having trouble being resupplied. Next cycle I am going to bump up the dosage to 70ed on the tbol and add perhaps 30mg ed of Var for last 4 weeks of the cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    and how is your sex drive ? i bet you run that again and you wont have one. Add some test to your cycle.

  3. #3
    I read that on here, many guys are all about Test and use it with every cycle, no matter what. I read numerous Tbol only cycle threads and var only cycles. Most people are quite happy afterwards, and I have to say I am too. This was my first go at aas so I wanted to pick something mild to see how my body reacted to such substances. I have no issue with sex drive, its pretty much the same as it was. Tbol rocks. Less water retention, great pumps, good weight gain. I didn't experience any bad side effects (though it was short enough of a cycle that perhaps I didn't have the chance to).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    and how is your sex drive ? i bet you run that again and you wont have one. Add some test to your cycle.
    Tbol is known to increase sex drive, due to an increase in free test.

  5. #5
    well, I didn't want to contradict the previous poster, but my libido did go up a bit.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    and how is your sex drive ? i bet you run that again and you wont have one. Add some test to your cycle.

    ill take that bet lol...ive never been shut down from tbols

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