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Thread: Is synergy overrated ?

  1. #1

    Is synergy overrated ?

    I'd like to know if any of you had similar experiences as mine.

    I cycle for 15 years,going up to 2 grams per week,weigh 305 and powerlift.
    Until now the cycles escalated to being 2-3 injectables (eq,deca,test for example) and 2-3 orals (winstrol,drol,var) all in small dosages (500mg each for injectables and 20 mg for orals).The results were good,but often not as good as expected.Upping dosages is not something i like but even then,results were not always as expected.

    Right now i'm on 1500mg/ew EQ-75mg winstrol and loving it.It's been 2 weeks now.The bloat is less,the strength is more,the results more gradual and i feel i can control things much more easily.Not only in terms of results but also in terms of side effects.Is synergy of substances overrated,what do you think ?

    Is this why many pros are said to stay the whole offseason on just a couple of grams of test and gh and grow without needing all those ancillaries for estrogen,prostate,liver,hair etc ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    If you are a powerlifter then why are you worrying about size? Strength and explosion and being injury free is the name of the game. It sounds like you may not have as many receptors available versus some other athlete. Also, try to work on your sleep, diet and training protocol. Tons of guys blame slow progress on juice when it is almost always due to one of those three...if not all.

  3. #3
    Although i didn't mention anything about worrying about size, i know that when training with low reps and increase my size,strength will surely come in case it hasn't already.Progress has come, i total 2200+ in my weight class,so i'm no novice.
    All other factors are taken care of in a very good way and didn't differ between the cycle i'm in now and the previous ones consisting of 5-6 substances.The only difference is the number of different substances taken.
    And when i say "results" i do mean strength,power and explosiveness and also recovery both muscular and neural.

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